Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»_Automobilová technika»_Software » Hemmings Book of Dodges
The Hemmings Book of Dodges offers an in-depth view of the cars that have become a common fixture on the American landscape. You’ll get detailed drive reports spanning the straight-eight-powered models of the early ‘30s, the post-war designs of the Wayfarer and Meadowbrook series, to those stylish Sixties models with Lancers, Chargers, Coronets, and much more. Comparison reports, specifications, illustrations, and hundreds of photographs, plus club and specialists listings, annual production and engine specification charts, and a vibrant 8-page color gallery make this a must-have book. 13 driveReports, 1930-1972,Comparison with Mercury, Oldsmobile, and Dual-Ghia.