Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»_Automobilová technika»_Software » Cavallino Number 204 (December/January 2015)
Počet stran: | 96 | ||
Rozměry v mm: | 210 x 297 | ||
Rok vydání: | 2015 |
Every issue of Cavallino magazine contains superb photography, writing, and research, beautifully laid out and printed. We use the best photographers to shoot the current Ferraris, and we have an unrivalled archive of historical Ferrari photos. And our articles and stories on old and new Ferraris are thoroughly researched, written by acknowledged experts. Cavallino is the recognized Ferrari authority because all facts are checked and verified for accuracy. But don’t just take our word for it – see for yourself by viewing the sample pages below.
Na přání dodáme i starší čísla, některá zpětně až do roku 2001. Máte-li o ně zájem, uveďte to v poznámce k objednávce.