Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»_Automobilová technika»Elektrika/Audio-Video » Original MG T-Series
Obrazová publikace/ monografie o modelech série T -TA, TB, TC, TD a TF, včetně modelů TA/TB Tickford Drophead Coupé a Arnolt-MG. Knihy vydávané v edici "Original" jsou pro své vysoce kvalitní barevné detailní fotografie vhodné jako návod při opravách a renovacích.
As their buoyant values suggest, all the T Series cars have long been highly prized by classic car enthusiasts. So many examples have been rejuvenated by professional restorers and mechanically minded owners that T Series models must today rank among the most cherished of all classics. But how many of them boast the completely original and authentic specification which the most discerning enthusiasts now demand? The evidence for how a restored car should look and which parts it should contain can be hard to find, but now help is at hand for all owners, restorers and enthusiasts in Original MG T Series.
Drawing from factory records, manuals, catalogues and parts lists, and the combined knowledge of a panel of MG experts, this book provides the evidence of what constitutes an authentic T Series MG. More than 150 colour photographs show every inch of our carefully selected cars. All five models – from TA to TF – and their derivatives are illustrated in superb detail, supported by an authoritative text.
The definitive originality guide to one of Britain's most popular sports cars, Original MG T Series is indispensable for all owners, restorers, buyers and enthusiasts.
Clausager gives precise details of every component and fitting ...superb colour photography, with extensive detail shots ...required reading. - Classic & Sports Car