Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Austin » Airbus A300
Chapters in this book cover:
1. Background and EvolutionDetails of Airbus Industrie's complicated European background, the market requirements they eventually defined, the American competition and manufacturing partners.2. Design and ProductionThe plans, concepts and parameters which led to the A300. Details of A300 production, including production partners and by-air delivery to Toulouse for final assembly. The prototypes and flight-testing.3. Technical SpecificationFull technical breakdown of the A300, including details of the innovative cockpit, engines, seating plans, flight systems, wings, refuelling and resupply, power systems and safety.
4. In ServiceDetails of the service life of the A300 from its entry into the service on 23 May 1974 with Air France between Paris and London, to the present. Details of the A300 variants, including the cargo versions, the most modern version A300-600 and the Airbus A300-600ST Beluga; with the largest cross-section and volume of any cargo aircraft flying can carry a complete wing for the Airbus A340.5. Airline OperatorsPhotographs and details of the A300 in service.6. Accidents and IncidentsDetails of the 16 A300s written-off in accidents, including the Iran Air A300B2-200 hit by two missiles fired by the USS Vincennes; the crash of the Garuda Indonesia A300-600R in September 1997 in dense smoke from Indonesian forest fires, and the crash of a China Airlines A300-600R at Taipei's Chiang Kai Shek International Airport on the evening of 16 Febuary 1998.
7. Production HistoryAn aircraft-by-aircraft comprehensive tabular listing of constructor's number, series details, first commercial operator, first registration, first flight and delivery details of all 481 A300s.8. ChronologyTabular listing of the key dates associated with the A300.