Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Allard » Cars of the Fantastic 50s
Fascinace padesátými léty níkdy nekončí. Kniha přináší 45 příkladů nekonečné invence a technologického náskoku amerického autoprůmyslu.
Take a nostalgic trip back to the days of big bumpers, huge tail fins and chrome in this superb pictorial reference! Fifty of the best Ford, Chrysler, Chevy and independently manufactured cars are covered in technical and stunning photographic detail in this must-have resource.More than 250 spectacular color photos highlight vintage models including Cadillac, Bel-Air, Thunderbird and more, while summaries about each model help create a reference enthusiasts will love to show off. Collectors, dealers and Baby Boomers alike will enjoy this picturesque journey back to big engines, bold colors and one-of-a-kind production cars. 250+ vibrant color photos help create a picturesque keepsake, 50 vintage models are showcased.