Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»BMW»řada Z » How to Convert Volkswagen (T3/T25 & T4) Bus or Van to Camper
Step-by-step manual to converting a Transporter Van to a Camper.
Incredibly detailed, step-by-step instructions and over 800 colour illustrations.
Choosing the best van for your needs and preparing it.
Guide to planning the layout and choosing fittings.
Hot to fit a high-top, step-by-step.
How to fit an elevating roof, step-by-step.
How to cut panels and fit side windows.
Building and fitting-out the interior furniture.
Planning and fitting gas, water and electric components - with Safety notes.
Produced with conversion kit manufacturers and VW-approved converters, Leisuredrive.
Have a great time converting your VW van to a Camper - and save a fortune! With 800 colour illustrations, this manual guides you every step of the way.
Convert your own VW panel van to a Camper, and you've got the best of all worlds, as Lindsay porter's manual shows.
There are still plenty of rear-engine VW vans (1980-on) and front-engine vans (1991-on) to choose from. They're cheap to buy, great to own and you'll save a fortune compared with the cost of buying a ready-converted Camper.
Follow the detailed, highly illustrated instructions in this manual and you can't go wrong! Over 800 illustrations show you how to chose the right panel van for your needs, how to fit the roof, the windows and furniture, plus step-by-step guides to fitting cookers, water supply, wash-stands, heaters and more.