Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Holden » BMW Custom Motorcycles
* Gain entry to the wonderful world of BMW custom motorcycles
* The first book on this subject
* Fills a gap in BMW motorcycle literature
* Aimed at BMW aficionados, as well as lovers of custom bikes
* Custom bikes arent normally associated with the BMW brand
* The author has been a motorcyclist for 35 years
* BMW singles, twins and four-cylinder models are covered
* Right up to date with current trends
* Also a window into the Ural, Dnepr and Chang Jiang custom scene
Customising BMWs - does it work? This book, the first of its kind solely devoted to the BMW custom bike scene, proves it does! Features stunning images of customised BMW singles, twins and fours from contributors around the globe, many complemented by owners stories and technical descriptions.
Many books have been published about BMW motorcycles, but no-one has focussed solely on the BMW chopper, bobber, trike and quad bike custom scene - until now.
Although not normally associated with the brand, there are some fantastic BMW customs out there, old and new; this book showcases them in all their innovative glory. Features stunning images of customised BMW singles, twins and fours from contributors around the globe, many complemented by owners stories and technical descriptions. Certain to be of interest to marque fans as well as the custom bike scene in general. See the other side of BMW ...