Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»_Automobilová technika»Interiéry a čalounění » Mercedes AMG 1983-1999
It all began in 1967 when two enthusiasts went into business with the aim of improving the performance of Mercedes-Benz cars and to make them more exciting to drive. In 1983 their first customer car, the Mercedes-Benz 190 3.2 AMG was introuced and AMG revisions totally transformed it. Today Mercedes-Benz clients can select an AMG version of almost any model in the vast lineup.
Included are new car intros, road & comparison tests and so much more. Models covered: 190 & E, 280, 300 CE & TE, 500 SE, SEL, SEC & SL, 560 SEC & E, AMG Hammer, SL60, C180, C36, C43, C55, E36, E50, E55, E60, S55 & CLK-GTR. A total of 160 pages, with 48 in full colour. SB.