Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Hanomag » Hemmings Book of Postwar American Independents
Some of the best-loved cars won't be forgotten thanks to the histories, road tests and receiws in this look at the postwar "orphans." Featured are in-depth drive reports, histories, competitor comparisons and hundreds of photos showing all the special derails of each model. Includes an 8-page color section, annual production totals, engine specifications listing and clubs and specialist listings.
Allstate, AMX 390, Crosley Super Station Wagon, Frazer Manhattan, Henry J., Maverick, Hudson Commodore, Kaiser-Darrin DKF-161, Checker Marathon, Nash Metropolitan, Packard Pacific, Rambler Classic V-8, Studebaker Avanti, Tucker, Jeepster, Nash Rambler, Willys Aero, Hudson Jet.