Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Hanomag » Weber/Zenith Stromberg/SU Carburetor Manual
Covers all popular Weber carburetor types: DAF, DCD, DFA, DFV, DFD, DFE, DFM, DFT, DGV, DIF, IDA, IDF, IDS, IDT, DCNF, DCOE, DFAV, DFTA, DGAS, DGAV, IDAP and IDTP. Part three covers the complete line of Zenith Stromberg CD 'constant depression' carburetors from the 1960s to 1970s: CD, CDS, CDS-2, CDSE, CD-2E, CDST and CDSET. Part four includes SU Type H, HD, HS and HIF (including electronic) carburetors and auxiliary starting devices through 1988. Includes theory and operation, maintenance and tune-up, detailed overhaul procedures, application and reference tables, converting to Weber carburetors, how to install a Weber dual carburetor kit on an air-cooled VW engine.