Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Chevrolet » Hemmings Book of Buicks
Spanning the history of Buick from the Straight-Eights of the 30s to the finned wonders of the 50s and the muscle of the 60s, The Hemmings Book of Buicks will provide untold hours of entertainment. Ride along and find out what its like on the road, with drive reports on the 1932 604, 41 Phaeton, 57 Special, 62 Wildcat, 70 GSX, and many others. Comparison reports, specifications, illustrations, and hundreds of photographs, plus club and specialist listings, annual production and engine specification charts, and a vibrant, 8-page color gallery make this a must-have book.
Compiled from the pages of Special Interest Autos by the magazines editors.