Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Chevrolet » Citroen DS & ID 1955-1975
In the 20 years of production there were innumerable combinations of the saloon, estate and Drophead with a wide choice of engine, gearbox and finish. 1966 brought the cessation of the CKD production at Slough, later cars being imported direct from France. A major body change occurred in 1967 when the headlights were faired in with plastic covers, and in 1969 the fuel injected DS21 was launched. In Britain the end of the D came officially in April 1975. Models covered: DS19, ID19, ID19 de Luxe, Connaught ID, Wagon, Safari, GT, DW, DSM, ID Super, Pallas M, DS21 Pallas, ID20 Berline Confort, D19 Special & DS23 Pallas Efi.