Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Chevrolet » Quarter Mile: Drag Racing Book for Spectators and Competitors
Steven Myatt was educated at the Manchester Grammar School, the Stockport College of Art and the Manchester Polytechnic - where he was awarded an honours degree in Film and Television Studies. He has been writing for eight years and was Features Editor of Custom Car magazine for two-anda-half years. Now 30, he lives in Cheshire and writes regularly for several magazines and papers, including The Biker, SuperBike and Street Machine. He was a founder member of the Rainy City Cruisers and has worked on every Rod and Custom Show since their creation. He has been involved in drag raCing since early in 1977 and is a me.mber of the Press Gang drag race team. He is 'currently working on what will be his seventh book.
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