Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Chevrolet » Automatic Transmission Diagnosis and Repair
Vazba: | Brožovaná | ||
Počet stran: | 375 | ||
Rozměry v mm: | 210 x 280 | ||
Počet obrázků: | 1000 | ||
Rok vydání: | 1998 |
Manuál obsahuje identifikaci automatických převodovek, teorii funkce a historii, opravy a údržbu ve voze, profesionální tipy a triky systémem krok za krokem.
This innovative series offers complete information on the repair, maintenance and service procedures of vehicles and automotive-related systems. Each unique do-it-yourself title delivers the most current, concise instructions available.Each title deals with an individual system or service as it pertains to todayAEs complex vehicles. *User-friendly format brings even the most complex system servicing into perspective for do-it-yourselfers of all levels. *Comprehensive, step-by-step procedures and hundreds of detailed specifications, exploded views and photographs walk the do-it-yourselfer through the job from start to finish. *Easy-to-use self-diagnostics take the mystery out of troubleshooting and repairing simple and complex mechanical problems.Covers theory, maintenance, diagnosis and repair of all automatic transmissions and transaxles.(Keywords: Total Service Series)"