Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»KdF » Porsche Cayman
What do a sports car and an alligator have in common? Quite a lot, in this particular case. Porsche´s Cayman not only shares its name with a species of reptile, but has many of the beast´s most remarkable qualities: maneuverability, strength, endurance and a certain degree of agression are terms that apply equally well to Porsche´s new mid-engined coupé as they do to its reptilian namesake. That familiar hunting instinct soon befell our authors and photographers. Armed with notepad, pencil and camera, they followed the trail laid by the new sports car, uncovered the features that make it so special and enjoyed a fascinating tour of dicovery in thr process. Their conclusion: Although the cayman is of course related to the Boxster model line, Porsche´s engineers have suceeded in developing a car with a character all its own, with a muscular, athletic look that suggests ist abundant power. The more our investigative team found out about its performance, technical features, suspensions, lightweight construction and intelligent use of space, they more convinced they were: the Cayman is a true Porsche.