Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Lexus » Official Formula 1 Season Review 2008 (Oficiální přehled ročníku 2008 závodů F1)
Now firmly established in its fifth year of publication, The Official Formula 1 Season Review 2008 - in the shops just three weeks after the last Grand Prix - is a must-have Christmas purchase for every fan of Formula 1. Here is the full, in-depth story of the 2008 Formula 1 World Championship, told by the drivers and team personnel involved. Superb feature content allows the sport's personalities to throw new light on many of the season's headlines and incidents, and the clearly presented statistics provide a comprehensive reference source for the future. This is an unrivalled insight into the on-track action and behind-the-scenes details of the 2008 Formula 1 season.