Úvod »Automobily osobní a dodávky»Mazda » Uphill Racers: The History of British Speed Hill Climbing
Description taken from the dust jacket: Uphill Racers tells the complete story of British automobile speed hill climbing - describing the personalities, the cars, the places, and much background detail. from tentative efforts at the dawn of motoring to the phenomenal performances of today's high-technology racing cars, the essential ingredients of the sport have remained astonishingly unchanged and refreshingly unspoilt. Uphill Racers is the definitive record of a uniquely successful branch of motor sport.
Použitá publikace ze soukromé sbírky, ve výborném stavu, signovaná nejúspěšnějším závodníkem - Royem Lanem. Pouze lehce opotřebovaná obálka manipulací.