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Naše cena 270,00 KČ (10,78 EUR)
Naše cena 1 245,00 KČ (49,69 EUR)
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,90 EUR)


Naše cena 30 000,00 KČ (1 197,36 EUR)
Naše cena 514,00 KČ (20,51 EUR)

Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Motocykly / BSA

skladem novinka v akci
1000 motocyklů - Dějiny, klasika, technika
Nejznámější motocykly z celého světa
Málokterý dopravní prostředek vzbuzuje tolik emocí jako motocykl. Tato obsáhlá publikace je víc než jen encyklopedie a to v každém směru. Tým odborných autorů provádí čtenáře v zevrubném úvodu s nadšením i technickou znalostí historií vývoje kultovního objektu motocykl, a to od parního stroje pod sedlem řidiče až po superbiky dneška. V hlavní části se čtenář z doprovodných textů doví od Aprilie až
Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,91 EUR)

1000 motocyklů - Dějiny, klasika, technika

Anglický moto klatalog prezentující modelový rok 1983 v Evropě dostupných motocyklů. Fotografie je doplněna podrobnými technickými specifikacemi.
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,89 EUR)

1983 - World Motorcycles No.1

Jedinečné fotografie doprovázené podrobnými informativními texty představují to nejzajímavější z dějin motocyklů, a to od parního stroje pod sedlem řidiče po dnešní superbiky. Publikace zachycuje nejslavnější výrobce i modely, ale i polozapomenuté stroje zaniklých značek. Vhodný dárek pro každého milovníka motocyklů. Motocykly víc než kterýkoli jiný dopravní prostředek symbolizují svobodu a
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,92 EUR)

333 Motocyklů - Nejznámější motocykly z celého světa

Encyklopedie britských motocyklů od třicátých do sedmdesátých let. U každé značky je nejen popsáno pozadí výrobce, ale především všechny důležité modely, vč. specifikací.
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,92 EUR)

A-Z Guide to British Motorcycles from the 1930s to the 1970s

In the 1950s and ’60s the British motorcycle industry was at its postwar peak, with its large-capacity high-performance bikes in strong demand all over the world. AJS/Matchless, BSA, Norton, Royal Enfield and Triumph were all making 100mph-plus big twins, with the king of them all, at least into the 1950s, being the mighty 1000cc Vincents, while among the ton-up singles were the BSA Gold Star and
Naše cena 853,00 KČ (34,04 EUR)

Big British Bikes of the 50s and 60s

Features • Café’d Brit bikes are way cool, and it shows• The first, all-out British café racer book, and a celebration of all things British• Provides a ‘caféd’ window into British motorcycle history• Fills a gap in motorcycle literature• A gem for British bike fans, as well as to the lover of café racers• All bikes powered by British motorcycle engines• From an author involved with motorcycles
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,85 EUR)

British Café Racers

British Custom Motorcycles
The Brit Chop - choppers, cruisers, bobbers & trikes
Features • The first all-out British-only customs bike book • Celebrates the imagination of custom bike builders • Stunning images of fantastic machines • Includes Royal Enfield customs built in India • Japanese-built custom British bikes • All featured customs powered by British motorcycle engines • Essential for Brit-bike fans, as well as lovers of custom bikes • Examples from spend a little to
Naše cena 712,00 KČ (28,42 EUR)

British Custom Motorcycles

British Motorcycle Directory
Over 1,100 Marques From 1888
Roy Bacon and Ken Hallworth have been involved in the old bike hobby for decades and have been collecting information on every British marque over all that time. This book is the culmination of their efforts, and it is the most comprehensive directory of British motorcycle manufacturers and their products ever compiled. Each entry contains a summary history of the manufacturer and its most
Naše cena 955,00 KČ (38,12 EUR)

British Motorcycle Directory

British Motorcycles 1945-1965
From Aberdale to Wooler
From the forgotten Aberdale, of Llwynypia, Wales, to the ingeniously eccentric Wooler, of north-west London, here is alphabetical coverage – in no less than 600 pages – of British motorcycle makes of the period 1945-1965, among them great names such as AJS, BSA, Matchless, Norton, Royal Enfield, Triumph and Vincent. The two decades covered by this book represent the final flowering of the
Naše cena 1 699,00 KČ (67,81 EUR)

British Motorcycles 1945-1965

Motocykly, konstruktéři a jezdci, kteří proslavili největší britské značky. Špičkové osobnosti a motocykly při odpočinku i při závodech na barevných fotografiích i archivních momentkách. Zachyceny jsou značky: AJS 7R, Manx Norton, Matchless G45 a G50, BSA, Rocket 3, Triumph Trident, Royal Enfield GP5, Vincent HRD a další.
Naše cena 709,00 KČ (28,30 EUR)

British Racing Motorcycles

British Trials Motorcycles
The men and Their Machines
Přes 220 archivních fotografií  z padesátých a šedesátých let, kdy se legendární značky a jezdci proháněli po britských terénních tratích.
Naše cena 1 899,00 KČ (75,79 EUR)

British Trials Motorcycles

Illustrated Buyers Guide
Tato spíše uživatelsky zaměřená publikace je určitým průvodcem motocyklů BSA a jejich celé modelové řady. Obsahuje podrobné informace o odlišnostech jednotlivých provedení, jejich přednostech a nedostatcích. Dosti bohatý text je doprovázen množstvím černobílých fotografií a tabulkami základních technických dat.
Naše cena 1 899,00 KČ (75,79 EUR)


Forty international articles cover the British bikes with a triple engine. This is a book of contemporary road, comparison & race tests, history, performance & technical data, engine analysis & rebuild. Models covered: BSA Rocket 3, Trident, T150, T160 & Hurricane.
Naše cena 921,00 KČ (36,76 EUR)

BSA & Triumph Triples 1968-1976

BSA was once the world's most successful motorcycle company, manufacturing more machines than any other in the world by the mid-1950s. And yet, after winning the Queens Award to Industry for exports in 1967 and 1968, it collapsed into bankruptcy in 1973. This is an epic story of rise and fall, even by the precarious standards of the British motorcycle industry. With over 170 illustrations, this
Naše cena 739,00 KČ (29,49 EUR)

BSA - The Complete Story

Chronicles the story of BSA, its competition history and all the models it produced, including the household names, such as the Roundtank, Sloper, Empire Star, Gold Star, Bantam and Golden Flash.
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,83 EUR)

BSA - The Complete Story

BSA / Norton / Triumph (48-60)
Les Archives des Collectionneur
Modely: Dílenská příručka pro uvedené typy anglických motocyklů s jedno a dvouválcovými motory: BSA B31/ B32/ B32 GS (348ccm) BSA B33/ B34/ B34 GS (499ccm) BSA A7 (497ccm) BSA A10 (646ccm) Norton 88 (490ccm) Norton 99 (596ccm) Triumph 5T/ T100/ T100R (498ccm) Triumph 6T/ T110 (649ccm)
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,78 EUR)

BSA / Norton / Triumph (48-60)

BSA 350, 441 & 500 Singles 1958 to 1973
The Essential Buyer's Guide
Features • A no-nonsense, straightforward guide to buying a unit single BSA • Includes guide prices for spare parts • Lists each model’s relative value • Detailed guide to purchasing, with points to look for • Advice on buying by auction • Should you restore, or pay more to start with? • Shows problems caused by lack of use • BSA 350 & 500 singles facts & figures • Useful contacts,
Naše cena 397,00 KČ (15,85 EUR)

BSA 350, 441 & 500 Singles 1958 to 1973

Sometimes living under the shadow of the flashier, high profile Triumph Twins, the equivalent BSAs were just as numerous, and were exported to the USA and all over the world. BSA was often seen as a less glamourous marque than Triumph or Norton, associated more with commuting and sidecars than coffee bar cowboys, but that doesnt detract from its collectibility today, as the bikes have become
Naše cena 397,00 KČ (15,85 EUR)

BSA 500 & 650 Twins - A7, A10, A50 & A65 1946 to 1973

BSA A50 & A65 Twins (62-73)
Haynes Motorcycle Manual
Modely: A50 Star Twin/499 ccm (61-65), A50C Cyclone/499 ccm (64-65), A501R Royal Star/499 ccm (65-70), A50W Wasp/499 ccm (69-71), A65 Star Twin/654 ccm (61-65), A651T Thunderbold/654 ccm (65-72), A652H Hornet/654 ccm (65-66), A65FB Firebird/654 ccm (69-71), A65L Lightning/654 ccm (64-73), A65R Rocket/654 ccm (63-65), A652S Spitfire/654 ccm (65-68).
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,89 EUR)

BSA A50 & A65 Twins (62-73)

BSA A7 & A10 Twins (47-62)
Haynes Motorcycle Manual
Modely: BSA A7 & A10 s dvouválcovými motory A7/497 ccm (47-54) Star Twin/497 ccm (47-57) Shooting Star/497 ccm (54-62) Golden Flash/646 ccm (49-62) Super Flash (USA)/646 ccm (1954) Road Rocket/646 ccm (56-57) Super Rocket/646 ccm (59-63) Rocket Gold Star/646 ccm (61-63)
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,89 EUR)

BSA A7 & A10 Twins (47-62)

The diminutive BSA Bantam is one of the icons of British motoring in the twentieth century. It was not fast, or glamorous, or particularly well built; but it was cheap, easy to ride and reasonably reliable. It was an introduction to motoring for thousands of men and women in the fifties and sixties, and it still holds an important place in the memory of many. This book charts the huge success of
Naše cena 545,00 KČ (21,75 EUR)

BSA Bantam

BSA Bantam (48-71)
Haynes Motorcycle Manual
Modely: Bantam D1/123 ccm (48-62), Bantam D3/148 ccm (53-57), Bantam D5/174 ccm (57-58), Bantam D7/174 ccm (58-66), Bantam D10/174 ccm (66-67), Bantam D14-4/174 ccm (67-68), Bantam de Luxe/174 ccm (64-66), Bantam Sports/174 ccm (66-67), Bantam Supreme/174 ccm (66-67), Bantam Trials/123 ccm (49-55), Bushman/174 ccm (66-68), Silver Bantam/174 ccm (65-67), Bantam D175/174 ccm (69-71).
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,89 EUR)

BSA Bantam (48-71)

A collection of examples from the BSA range of motorcycles. The author, a motorcycling writer and photographer, is a great enthusiast of this classic marque and several BSAs from his own collection appear in this photographic record.
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,92 EUR)

BSA Classic Motorcycles

• All 1971/1972 BSA and Triumph models described and pictured • Detailed study of the 350cc DOHC Fury and Bandit twins • Tells of fascinating prototype and development work, including the X-75 Hurricane • Over 200 photos, 125 colour, and 50 previously unpublished • BSA’s impressive 1971 competition successes fully documented • A comprehensive look at the 50cc Ariel 3 trike • Small Heath and
Naše cena 1 555,00 KČ (62,06 EUR)

BSA Motorcycles - the final evolution

BSA Pre-Unit Singles (54-61)
Haynes Motorcycle Manual
Modely: BSA s jednoválcovými motory ve výrobě od 1954 do 1961 BSA B31 (348 ccm, 54-59) BSA B32 Competition (348 ccm, 55-57) BSA CB/DB32 Gold Star (348 ccm, 54-57) BSA M20 (496 ccm, 54-55) BSA B33 (499 ccm, 54-60) BSA B34 Competition (499 ccm, 55-57) BSA CB/DB/DBD34 Gold Star (499 ccm, 54-61) BSA M33 (499 ccm, 54-57) BSA M21 (591 ccm, 54-61) Nový, nikdy nepoužitý manuál, se stopou po přeložení
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,90 EUR)

BSA Pre-Unit Singles (54-61)

BSA Pre-Unit Singles (54-61)
Haynes Motorcycle Manual
Modely: BSA s jednoválcovými motory ve výrobě od 1954 do 1961 BSA B31 (348 ccm, 54-59) BSA B32 Competition (348 ccm, 55-57) BSA CB/DB32 Gold Star (348 ccm, 54-57) BSA M20 (496 ccm, 54-55) BSA B33 (499 ccm, 54-60) BSA B34 Competition (499 ccm, 55-57) BSA CB/DB/DBD34 Gold Star (499 ccm, 54-61) BSA M33 (499 ccm, 54-57) BSA M21 (591 ccm, 54-61)
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,89 EUR)

BSA Pre-Unit Singles (54-61)

BSA was once the largest - and most successful - motorcycle company in the world. Many of the most famous 'Beezas' were powered by twin-cylinder engines, in both vee and parallel configurations. During the interwar years BSA built a series of side-valve and overhead valve v-twins in 500, 750 and 1000cc. After the Second World War, BSA built a family of vertical twins in 500cc [A7] and 650cc [A10]
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,85 EUR)

BSA Pre-unit Twins - The Complete Story

BSA Singles 1945-1963
Gold Portfolio
Forty international articles cover the British bikes with a triple engine. This is a book of contemporary road, comparison & race tests, history, performance & technical data, engine analysis & rebuild. Models covered: BSA Rocket 3, Trident, T150, T160 & Hurricane.
Naše cena 1 080,00 KČ (43,10 EUR)

BSA Singles 1945-1963

Covers the Postwar A7/A10, A50/65 and Rocket. This book takes the A7 of 1946 development story through many successful motorcycles - Golden Flash, Road Rocket, Rocket Gold Star, Spitfire, Shooting Star and Firebird. Includes information for the potential purchaser, the restorer or the enthusiast. There are detailed specifications and many black-and-white illustrations.
Naše cena 745,00 KČ (29,73 EUR)

BSA Twins & Triples - The Postwar A7/A10, A50/65 and Rocket III

BSA Unit Singles (58-72)
Haynes Motorcycle Manual
Modely: C15/247 ccm (58-67), B25/247 ccm (66-68), C25/247 ccm (68-71), Barracuda/247 ccm (66-68), Gold Star 250/247 ccm (70-71), Starfire/247 ccm (68-70), Victor 250/247 ccm (68-71), B40/343 ccm (60-65), B44/441 ccm (65-70), B50/499 ccm (70-71), Victor 500/441 ccm (64-71), Gold Star 500/499 ccm (70-72).
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,89 EUR)

BSA Unit Singles (58-72)

The BSA range of unit construction singles was in production for fifteen years, and spanned the time of BSA's greatest success, to the eventual failure of the company. In that time, the range provided BSA with their basic 'bread and butter' machines, gave thousands of learners an introduction to motorcycling, provided BSA with many national and world championship wins in the off road arena,
Naše cena 5 450,00 KČ (217,52 EUR)

BSA Unit Singles, including the Triumph Derivates

The BSA Unit Twin range was launched in the early 1960s, and remained in production until the demise of BSA in 1973. They never attracted quite the plaudits heaped on their Triumph equivalents, but they were robust, popular machines, beloved of tourers, racers and off-roaders alike. Powered by parallel-twin engines of 500 and 650cc, they were, until the arrival of the three- cylinder Rocket, BSAs
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,78 EUR)

BSA Unit-Construction Twins - The Complete Story

Cafe Racers of the 1960s
Mick Walker on Motorcycles, vol. 1
This is a pictorial history of motorcycles - and the riders - who created the cafe racer craze. The author looks at the BSA Gold Star, the Triumph/Norton hybrid and others and recalls the leather-jacketed "rockers" who indulged in burn-ups on Britain's roads, and gained nationwide notoriety through their seafront battles with the archrivals, the "Mods". He explains the origins of the movement,
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,90 EUR)

Cafe Racers of the 1960s

Ende der Fünfziger entwickelte sich das „Ace Cafe“ in der Nähe von London zu dem Motorradfahrer-Treffpunkt. Die Jukebox spielte – im Gegensatz zu den meisten Radiostationen – Rock’n’Roll, die jungen Wilden hingen ab, redeten Benzin und lieferten sich auf der Heimfahrt illegale Rennen. Natürlich wollte jeder mal gewinnen. Die Motorräder wurden also mit Rennsportteilen frisiert, Höckersitzbänke und
Naše cena 1 187,00 KČ (47,38 EUR)

Cafe Racers: Speed, Style und Stories

The Pioneers 1900-1920 Humber Trike, Matchless 12, Triumph 3hp, P&M, Singer, Norton 3 1/2hp, Wilkinson TMC, Ariel 3 1/2hp, Zenith Gradua, Rudge Multi, Triumph 3 1/2hp, Lea-Francis, Royal Enfield V-twin, Scott 3 1/2hp Two Speed, Clyno, Douglas 2 1/2hp, Wooler Vintage Days 49 1920-1940 ABC, Levis Popular, Norton 16H, Velocette Two-stroke, Triumph Ricardo, BSA Round Tank, James V-twin, Brough
Naše cena 555,00 KČ (22,15 EUR)

Classic British Bikes

The most momentous events and machinery of much of the first six decades of the 20th century. AJS, Ariel, Brough, BSA, Douglas, Excelsior, Francis-Barnett, Greeves, Hesketh, HRD, James, Matchless, New Imperial, Norton, OEC, OK Supreme, P&M, Rex, Rickman Interceptor, Royal Enfield, Rudge, Scott, Sunbeam, Triupmh, Velocette, Vincent
Naše cena 329,00 KČ (13,13 EUR)

Classic British Bikes

The Pioneers 1900-1920 Humber Trike, Matchless 12, Triumph 3hp, P&M, Singer, Norton 3 1/2hp, Wilkinson TMC, Ariel 3 1/2hp, Zenith Gradua, Rudge Multi, Triumph 3 1/2hp, Lea-Francis, Royal Enfield V-twin, Scott 3 1/2hp Two Speed, Clyno, Douglas 2 1/2hp, Wooler Vintage Days 49 1920-1940 ABC, Levis Popular, Norton 16H, Velocette Two-stroke, Triumph Ricardo, BSA Round Tank, James V-twin, Brough
Naše cena 485,00 KČ (19,36 EUR)

Classic British Bikes

Classic British Motor Cycles: Final Years
National Motorcycle Museum Edition
The collection of British motor cycles under the roof of the National Motorcycle Museum is unsurpassed — most were classics of their times and many are rare one-offs, specials or prototypes; all have been lovingly restored to 'showroom' condition, in full running order. In Classic British Motor Cycles: The Final Years, twenty-five bikes have been selected from the collection to show the diversity
Naše cena 450,00 KČ (17,96 EUR)

Classic British Motor Cycles: Final Years

Motocykly, konstruktéři a jezdci, kteří proslavili největší britské značky. Špičkové osobnosti a motocykly při odpočinku i při závodech na barevných fotografiích i archivních momentkách. Zachyceny jsou značky: AJS 7R, Manx Norton, Matchless G45 a G50, BSA, Rocket 3, Triumph Trident, Royal Enfield GP5, Vincent HRD a další. AJS 7R—the boy racer, Gold Star café racer supreme, Manx Norton the
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,89 EUR)

Classic British Racing Motor Cycles

In essence the growth of the British two-stroke trials bike industry was due to a tax dodge which enabled manufacturers to sell their products in kit form and therefore 'Duty Free: The industry grew at an alarming pace, particularly when World Champion road racer Bill Lomas, who kindly wrote the foreword, changed the overall thinking with the first-ever lightweight win in a British Championship
Naše cena 2 990,00 KČ (119,34 EUR)

Classic British Two-Stroke Trials Bikes

Dvacet okruhových testů poválečných závodních klasických strojů. Kniha obsahuje testy: 350 Manx Norton, AJS 7R, Matchless G50, 500 Paton, Ducati DOHC single a desmo twin, MZ RE125, Derbi 125 a 250, Garelli 125, Benelli 250 Four, Honda 250 RC166, Kobas 250, John Player Norton, BSA-3, Yamaha TZ750, Honda RS750 Interceptor a RS850R, ELF E, Suzuki XR69, RGB Weslake 925, Harley-Davidson XR1000R, Ducati
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,78 EUR)


A complete workshop guide to restoring and maintaining your classic British motorcycle. Covering the principles of restoration and maintenance, and therefore applicable across all post-war classic British marques such as BSA, Matchless, Triumph, Norton, AJS and Royal Enfield, this new book covers everything from general maintenance procedures to full engine strips and rebuilds. With step-by-step
Naše cena 952,00 KČ (38,00 EUR)

Classic Motorcycle Restoration and Maintenance

The modern motor cycle, extrovert and often extravagant symbol of power, masculinity and individuality, is the latest link in a chain of inspiration and painstaking development reaching back over decades. Many of the famous machines of the past have firm places in motor cycle lore, many of them were the direct forerunners of types still marketed, many introduced revolutionary features which are
Naše cena 902,00 KČ (36,00 EUR)

Classic Motorcycles

Classic Motorcycles (SLEVA)
The Complete Book of Motorcycles and their Riders
The ultimate book for every motorcycle enthusiast. With over 600 photographs, this book contains both detailed contemporary Illustrations of motorcycles and their riders, and fascinating archive material, showing motorcycles in their social and historical context. The World of Motorcycling: A history of the motorcycle, including special features on sport and racing, touring, custom motorcycles,
Naše cena 541,00 KČ (21,59 EUR)

Classic Motorcycles (SLEVA)

The book is the fruit of hands-on experience gained in the workshop as well as knowledge gleaned over years of consulting books, manufacturers' manuals and specialist magazines by one of the leading technical journalists in the sector, Massimo Clarke. It is intended as an easy-to-read guide with clear, precise contents regarding the restoration of classic bikes, with attention being focussed not
Naše cena 1 149,00 KČ (45,86 EUR)

Classic Motorcycles Restoration Guide

Ein Engländer in der Werkstatt
Motorräder der 30er bis 40er Jahre fachgerecht restaurieren. Ein Ratgeber nicht nur für Norton-Einzylinder
Naše cena 641,00 KČ (25,58 EUR)

Ein Engländer in der Werkstatt

Encyklopedie Motocyklů
Historie motocyklů z celého světa, úplný přehled značek, konstruktérů a výrobců
Využijte příležitost seznámit se s nejslavnějšími, nejkrásnějšími, nejstaršími, nejdražšími i nejnovějšími motocykly z celého světa. Kniha poskytuje úplný encyklopedický přehled značek, konstruktérů a výrobců jednostopých strojů, a to v abecedním pořadí. Text doplňují stovky archivních i speciálně pořízených fotografií. Komisní prodej
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,92 EUR)

Encyklopedie Motocyklů

Encyklopedie Motocyklů
Historie motocyklů z celého světa, úplný přehled značek, konstruktérů a výrobců
Využijte příležitost seznámit se s nejslavnějšími, nejkrásnějšími, nejstaršími, nejdražšími i nejnovějšími motocykly z celého světa. Kniha poskytuje úplný encyklopedický přehled značek, konstruktérů a výrobců jednostopých strojů, a to v abecedním pořadí. Text doplňují stovky archivních i speciálně pořízených fotografií. Komisní prodej
Naše cena 449,00 KČ (17,92 EUR)

Encyklopedie Motocyklů

Publikace nabízí fascinující příběhy společností, které svou konstruktérskou vynalézavostí či odvahou na závodních tratích posunovali vývoj motocyklů vpřed. Na stránkách této publikace naleznou experti i laičtí milovníci motocyklů nejznámější i méně známé výrobce motocyklů a popisy jednotlivých strojů.
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,92 EUR)

Encyklopedie Motocykly

Publikace nabízí fascinující příběhy společností, které svou konstruktérskou vynalézavostí či odvahou na závodních tratích posunovali vývoj motocyklů vpřed. Na stránkách této publikace naleznou experti i laičtí milovníci motocyklů nejznámější i méně známé výrobce motocyklů a popisy jednotlivých strojů.
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,92 EUR)

Encyklopedie Motocykly