Úvod »Motocykly»Rudge-Whitworth » Hemmings Book of Plymouths
Plymouth pride comes to the fore with detailed histories, road tests and reviews of all the great models, from the prewar PAs and PDs to the Belvederes, Furys and muscle cars. Features in-depth drive reports, histories, competitor comparisons, and hundreds of photos showing all the special details of each model. Includes an 8-page color section, annual production totals, engine specifications listing and clubs and specialists listings. Featured Vehicles: 1929 Plymouth,Blueprints: 1933 Plymouth,1935 Plymouth,1939 Plymouth,1949 Plymouth Suburban,1950 Plymouth, P-19 Fastback,1954 Plymouth Belvedere Suburban, 1956 Plymouth Belvedere,1956 Plymouth Fury,1959 Chevrolet, Ford and Plymouth,1960 Plymouth Valiant,1963 Plymouth Savoy 426 Super Stock Savoir Faire,1964 Canadian Valiant,1965 Plymouth Barracuda, Plymouth Pride, Plymouth Model Year Production 1928-1978, Plymouth Engines 1928-1971, Plymouth Clubs & Specialists.