Úvod »Motocykly»Rudge-Whitworth » Dodge 1949-1959
Kolekce testů, popisů modelů, jízdních dojmů. Ke každému typu jsou připojeny komentáře, specifikace, výkonostní tabulky a další informace.
Dependable Dodge this is how the post-war range of cars was described when announced with all models being tailored to a certain segment of the buying public. Major changes were made in 1953 to both body styling and engine. Along with all other manufacturers Dodge introduced a V8, the 140hp Red Ram. With the introduction of the D-500A sporting car was put into the range and was widely acclaimed. Models covered: Coronet Diplomat, V8 Sedan, Royal V8, Custom Royal, V8 Custom, Convertible, Station Wagon, Royal Lancer & D-500. 92 pages, 250 illus