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Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily nákladní a tahače / Diamond

skladem novinka v akci
American Semi Trucks
A Photo History from 1943-1979
Prepare for a photo-packed look at trucks in action! Ron Adams has combed his huge archive of vintage truck photos to assemble this collection of over 300 black-and-white and color photos of postwar trucks. Prior to deregulation in the 1980s, distinctly branded trucks from hundreds of independent trucking firms worked America’s roads. Organized by decade, American Semi Trucks 1943-1979 features
Naše cena 989,00 KČ (39,40 EUR)

American Semi Trucks

Over 400 pages big and packed with more than 2,900 fascinating illustrations. With this wonderful reference volume you can easily traces the development of your favorite truck or bus make; all the way back to 1920. This enormous work pictures the creations of more than 190 truck and bus manufactures.
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,64 EUR)

American Truck and Bus Spotters' Guide 1920-1985

A highly visual study examining the important role of trucks and trucking in the growth of North America in the 1950s. 120 images and evocative writing encapsulates the histories of the major, minor, obscure, but nonetheless historically significant truck manufacturers. Detailed captions and supportive text complement contemporary brochures, period literature, factory photos and over fifty new,
Naše cena 459,00 KČ (18,29 EUR)

American Trucks of the 1950s (Classic Reprint Series)

A highly visual study examining the important role of trucks and trucking in the growth of North America in the 1950s. 120 images and evocative writing encapsulates the histories of the major, minor, obscure, but nonetheless historically significant truck manufacturers. Detailed captions and supportive text complement contemporary brochures, period literature, factory photos and over fifty new,
Naše cena 1 000,00 KČ (39,84 EUR)

American Trucks of the 1950s (originál)

Encyklopedie amerických nákladních vozů a tahačů z předválečných třicátých let. Řazení po jednotlivých modelech dává dokonalý přehled o nabídce na severoamerickém trhu napříč všemi značkami. Doplněno u každého modelu o čb fotografie, popis ročníkových změn a technické parametry.  Autocar, Brockway, Chevrolet, Condor, Diamond T, Desoto, Dodge, Fargo, Federal, Ford, FWD, GMC, Hug, Indiana,
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,83 EUR)

American Trucks of the Late Thirties 1935-1939

American Trucks of the Seventies
Warne's transport library
Encyklopedie amerických nákladních vozů a tahačů ze sedmdesátých let. Řazení po jednotlivých modelech dává dokonalý přehled o nabídce na severoamerickém trhu napříč všemi značkami. Doplněno u každého modelu o čb fotografie, popis ročníkových změn a technické parametry.  Airstream, American General, American Hoist, American La France, Autocar, Bantam, Blue Bird, Brockway, Caterpillar, CCC,
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,80 EUR)

American Trucks of the Seventies

Naše cena 329,00 KČ (13,11 EUR)

Amerikas Trucks und ihre Fahrer - Highway-Romantik

Marching like mastodons over America's nearly endless system of interstates and two-lane highways. transporting everything from timber to automobiles to giant earthmoving equipment, the American semi truck is the undisputed king of the road. No other machine symbolizes the honest, tough, independent spirit of America like a big-rig truck. Large and powerful, semi trucks naturally attract
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,64 EUR)

Classic American Semi Trucks

Commercial Trucks
Working Trucks, Mobile Billboards & Productmobiles, Chevrolet, Ford, Mack, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Dodge & More, Pickups, Light-, Medium- & Heavy-Duty Trucks from 1900-On
Commercial Trucks are working trucks of all kinds, from mobile billboards to productmobiles like the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile. Here are signpainted "spiels on wheels," display trucks, delivery vehicles, sales vans, and more. Commercial Trucks is a fantastic collection of more than 450 photographs of commercial trucks from 1900 to the 1990s! Included are trucks from all makes: Chevrolet, Ford,
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,77 EUR)

Commercial Trucks

The most detailed history you will find on Dodge Heavy-duty Trucks is finally available. From Dodges earliest three-ton models in 1928 to the 1975 models that never happened because Chryslers management pulled the plug on the heavy-duty truck business, this informative reference guide chronologically walks the reader right through time. With this easy-to-follow format, find a specific model year
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,83 EUR)

Dodge Heavy-Duty Trucks 1928-1975

Founded in 1923, Kenworth has since become one of the most recognized names in American truck manufacturing. This book highlights the golden era of trucking in crisp period photographs that present a variety of trucking companies and their Kenworth trucks in action. Kenworth trucks are featured at work in a variety of settings and jobs, from logging to hauling all types of commodities, including
Naše cena 1 299,00 KČ (51,75 EUR)

Kenworth Trucks 1950-1979

For Kenworth, the 1950s were some of its most exciting years. A financial windfall started out the decade, with a special truck built for ARAMCO that proved so successful that it quickly became a standard at oil sites around the world. In the mid 1950s Kenworth began building trucks in Canada for the fast growing Canadian market and a new design with the cab beside the engine was wildly successful
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,80 EUR)

Kenworth Trucks of the 1950s

American trucks and the men who drive them are the subjects of this eye-opening book. Like explorers discovering a strange land, the author and photographer of THE LONG HAUL give fresh and exci-ting views of the worid of the long-distance trucker. Breathtaking pho-tos of magnificent machines domi-nate the book : rainbow-painted, chrome-plated 500-horsepower monsters with stereo, CB, luxurious
Naše cena 975,00 KČ (38,84 EUR)

Kings of the Road: A Pictorial History of Trucks

Since the last edition of The Observer's Book of Commercial Vehicles in 1974 the main changes in the industry have been the spread of nationalization and the advent of larger and more powerful vehicles. Several more vehicle makers have disappeared or lost their separate identity, so in this edition the author has found room to include many more of the small specialist makers of buses, coaches,
Naše cena 299,00 KČ (11,91 EUR)

Observer's Book of Commercial Vehicles

Andere Länder, andere Laster: Wer hierzulande mit einem 38-Tonner über die Autobahn brettert, darf sich als »King of the road« fühlen. In Australien oder in den USA dagegen kann man mit einem solchen Gefährt keinem Trucker mehr imponieren. Doch Größe ist nicht alles. Auf den Straßen der Welt sind Frontlenker und Haubenschnauzer unterwegs, Zwei- und Viertakter, Diesel- und Elektromotoren. Wie sie
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,64 EUR)

Oldtimer Nutzfahrzeug Lexikon: Geschichte - Marken - Technik

Down-home and dirty or dressed up and restored, the pickup is quintessentially American: informal, individualistic, busy, hardworking, and democratic; urban, suburban, or country; equally at home in New England and West Texas; something anyone can drive anywhere, in jeans or black tie, as a youngster of eighteen or eighty. Here are the classics, from a time when the pickup was turned out in
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,82 EUR)

Pickups - Classic American Trucks

Semi Trucks of the American West
A Showcase of Regional Trucking 1900-1975
Prior to the 1970s, when length laws were written to allow longer configurations to run on the national interstate highway system, you would only see a lot of these trucks west of the Mississippi. Configurations such as the Rocky Mountain Double were not allowed in many states. Semi Trucks of the American West is the first book to showcase the unique truck/trailer combos and companies that worked
Naše cena 1 099,00 KČ (43,79 EUR)

Semi Trucks of the American West

This is the Heavyweight among light truck books, a vast encyclopedia covering twenty-six makes in over 500 pages and more than 700 photos. Within is the development history, specifications and option details on all American and Canadian light trucks - pickups, vans, jeeps, sedan deliveries and commercial cars - from the collector's golden era 1939-1966. Also included is the first restoration guide
Naše cena 1 599,00 KČ (63,71 EUR)

The Heavyweight Book of American Light Trucks 1939-1966

This is the Heavyweight among light truck books, a vast encyclopedia covering twenty-six makes in over 500 pages and more than 700 photos. Within is the development history, specifications and option details on all American and Canadian light trucks - pickups, vans, jeeps, sedan deliveries and commercial cars - from the collector's golden era 1939-1966. Also included is the first restoration guide
Naše cena 1 799,00 KČ (71,67 EUR)

The Heavyweight Book of American Light Trucks 1939-1966

American trucks and the men who drive them are the subjects of this eye-opening book. Like explorers discovering a strange land, the author and photographer of THE LONG HAUL give fresh and exci-ting views of the worid of the long-distance trucker. Breathtaking pho-tos of magnificent machines domi-nate the book : rainbow-painted, chrome-plated 500-horsepower monsters with stereo, CB, luxurious
Naše cena 2 475,00 KČ (98,61 EUR)

The Long Haul - Trucking in America

Trucking in America: Moving the Goods
A Nostalgic Reflection on the Rigs That Rolled the Roads of America in the Glory Years of Truck History
See the highway haulers of yesteryear in action through hundreds of rare illustrations from the Old Cars Collction. Trucks of all sizes doing their jobs, helping America achieve greatness. Classic marques and models at work in the cities and in the country. Book traces the development from turn-+of-the-century makes to the rigs of the modern times. Autocar, Mack, Diamond T, Studebaker, White, FWD,
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,80 EUR)

Trucking in America: Moving the Goods

Trucking in America: Moving the Goods
A Nostalgic Reflection on the Rigs That Rolled the Roads of America in the Glory Years of Truck History
See the highway haulers of yesteryear in action through hundreds of rare illustrations from the Old Cars Collction. Trucks of all sizes doing their jobs, helping America achieve greatness. Classic marques and models at work in the cities and in the country. Book traces the development from turn-of-the-century makes to the rigs of the modern times. Autocar, Mack, Diamond T, Studebaker, White, FWD,
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,82 EUR)

Trucking in America: Moving the Goods

Von Cugnots Fardier bis zum Actros, der Zugmaschine neuester Generation von Mercedes-Benz mit Telligent-Getriebe, war die Geschichte der Industriefahrzeuge sehr reich an Ereignissen. Dieses Buch zeichnet nicht nur die sagenhafte Geschichte der großen Nutzfahrzeugkonstrukteure nach, sondern stellt die LKWs auch an Ort und Stelle vor: am anderen Ende der Welt etwa, wo Road Trains die Könige der
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,88 EUR)

Trucks - 1000 Fotos

Lastwagen und Trucks faszinieren durch ihre enorme Größe und Leistung und gehören zu den beliebtesten Nutzfahrzeugen. Fachkundig und fesselnd präsentiert dieser prachtvolle Bildband mit mehr als 500 brillanten Abbildungen die Entwicklung in der Lkw-Herstellung von den Anfängen des 20. Jahrhunderts bis heute. Von den ersten Dampflastwagen bis zum modernen Hightech-Truck werden alle bedeutenden
Naše cena 455,00 KČ (18,13 EUR)

Trucks - Maschinen, Mythen, Männerträume

Dieses faszinierende Buch präsentiert die bekanntesten Lastwagen, die in den vergangenen 230 Jahren weltweit gebaut werden. Über 400 farbfotos und illustrationen zeigen LKWs aus verschiedenen Blickwinkelnund Schnittbilder der Mechanik. Cugnot, London Steam Carriage, Dudgeon, Marie-Anne, Peugeot, Leyland Steam Van, Daimler, Stills, White, Foden, Fiat, Scania, Saurer, Mack, SAF, Autocar,
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,90 EUR)

Trucks - Modelle aus der ganzen Welt