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Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / Turbo a přeplňování

skladem novinka v akci
The new Bosch Automotive Handbook, now in its 9th English edition, has been completely revised and enhanced to include the most recent developments in automotive technology. About 200 specialist authors contributed to this new version of very engineer's must-have reference. The book's format has been revised: it is now 20 percent longer and wider, as this allows for a larger font size. This makes
Naše cena 1 366,00 KČ (54,44 EUR)

Bosch Automotive Handbook

The new Bosch Automotive Handbook, now in its 10th English edition, has been completely revised and enhanced to include the most recent developments in automotive technology. About 200 specialist authors contributed to this new version of very engineer's must-have reference. The book's format has been revised: it is now 20 percent longer and wider, as this allows for a larger font size. This makes
Naše cena 2 450,00 KČ (97,65 EUR)

Bosch Automotive Handbook

Forced Induction Performance Tuning
A practical guide to supercharging and turbocharging
Founded on the author's many years of experience in building, tuning and modifying high-performance engines, this comprehensive work sets out in accessible language the principles involved in forced induction, supported by tables and numerous illustrations. From basic theory through to building a rugged engine, all the important aspects are explained and analysed. An essential workshop tool for
Naše cena 727,00 KČ (28,98 EUR)

Forced Induction Performance Tuning

The use of nitrous oxide as a chemical supercharger has been extremely popular since the 80s, and technology advancements have been making it easier and safer to work with it ever since. Author Bob McClurg reviews the latest and greatest advancements in engineering and readily available equipment for adding liquid power to any engine. He discusses the often-mystical subject of nitrous oxide
Naše cena 511,00 KČ (20,37 EUR)

How to Install and Tune Nitrous Oxide Systems

Průvodce všemi aspekty projektování, koupě, stavby a ladění rychlého sportovního vozu. Vysvětluje, jak se rozhodovat, jaké modifikace a komponenty pro ně zvolit a proč, jak plánovat úpravy a realizovat je co nejefektivněji, bez zbytečného útrácení vyšších částek. Modifications that work for road cars Introduces and explains the 4 aspects of performance Guides you through alternatives, to enable
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,79 EUR)

How to Plan & Build a Fast Road Car

Technická publikace, popisující výběr vhodných typů turbodmychadel, jejich seřizování a zabudování k motorům. Maximum Boost is the definitive book on Turbocharging. This hands-on book gives you the most detailed information available on understanding designing, setting up, testing and modifying your car with a turbocharging system. Find out what really works and what doesn't, what turbo is right
Naše cena 803,00 KČ (32,01 EUR)

Maximum Boost: Designing, Testing & Installing Turbocharger Systems

Once the limits of a naturally aspirated engine are achieved in terms of horsepower and reliability, there's only one more way to maximize horsepower potential: forced induction. There are two options for realistic forced induction, a turbocharger or a supercharger. While there is considerable debate over which is better, both offer exponential gains over any standard modification on a normally
Naše cena 993,00 KČ (39,58 EUR)

Street Supercharging

Corky Bell, the author of the best selling Maximum Boost, has done it again with the publication of Supercharged! Design, Testing and Installation of Supercharger Systems. Superchargers have become one of the most popular performance bolt-on products for all engine sizes—from the diminutive, but powerful, Honda and other import four cylinder engines, to Porsche and BMW engines, and Detroit's V6s
Naše cena 954,00 KČ (38,02 EUR)


Zvyšování výkonu automobilů za pomoci přeplňování a soustav pro pohon tzv. rajským plynem, je jednou z cest úprav motorů ladičskými firmami i specialisty z řad úpravců pracujících svépomocí. Kompletní, ilustrovaný průvodce touto problematikou nabízí pomoc při výběru vhodného systému, přípravě motoru na instalaci zařízení, výběru potřebného nářadí, instalačních procedurách a vyhledávání zdrojů
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,86 EUR)

Supercharging, Turbocharging and Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook

Zvyšování výkonu automobilů za pomoci přeplňování a soustav pro pohon tzv. rajským plynem, je jednou z cest úprav motorů ladičskými firmami i specialisty z řad úpravců pracujících svépomocí. Kompletní, ilustrovaný průvodce touto problematikou nabízí pomoc při výběru vhodného systému, přípravě motoru na instalaci zařízení, výběru potřebného nářadí, instalačních procedurách a vyhledávání zdrojů
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,86 EUR)

Supercharging, Turbocharging and Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook (SLEVA)

Turbochargers are incredibly appealing to performance enthusiasts because of their ability to add free horsepower and lots of it, to almost any engine or vehicle. Today, it seems easier than ever for the average gearhead to harness the incredible power-building capability of turbochargers. Those who want to increase the performance of their existing turbo system, or those who want to add a turbo
Naše cena 649,00 KČ (25,87 EUR)

Turbo: Real World High-Performance Turbocharger Systems

Turbocharging is the time-proven way to get more power out of an engine, especially smaller ones. With fuel prices increasing, its something more and more tuners need to know about. This is the book to turn to. The definitive resource on turbocharging--from ignition to intercooler, exhaust to EMS--this book tells you all you need to know, whether youre planning a scratch-built turbo engine,
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,86 EUR)

Turbocharging Performance Handbook
