This book tells the story of one of the six alloy-bodied XK 120s that were prepared by Jaguar in 1950 for racing and rallying. This one, known as JWK 651 because of the registration number it has carried since new, was owned by Leslie Johnson and raced by him in some of the most prestigious events of the time, including the Le Mans 24 Hours, the Mille Miglia (twice) and the Tourist Trophy at
Das 24h-Rennen in Le Mans ist das größte und wichtigste Langstreckenrennen der Welt. Im Juni 2023 feiert der Klassiker sein 100-jähriges Bestehen, was bereits für sich genommen ein Sonderheft wert wäre. Doch es kommt noch besser: 2023 markiert den Beginn einer neuen Ära in der Topklasse: Binnen der nächsten 15 Monate bauen neun Hersteller Fahrzeuge nach dem neuen Reglement, dabei sind zwei
Unikátní fotografie Roberta Barbata z let 1971 a 1974, věnované závodům 1000km v Monze. Většina fotografií nebyla nikdy předtím publikována. Anglické popisky s názvem modelu, týmu a výčtem jezdců.
An exceptional iconography at the service of the most prestigious F1 Grand Prix of the season, three Formula Junior races finally revealed thanks to unpublished documents, the presence of Clark, Brabham, Gurney, McLaren, G. Hill, P. Hill, Surtees, Bandini, Siffert and Trintignant at the wheel of the mythical Ferraris, Coopers, Lotuses, Porsches, BRMs and Lolas; the participation of the iconic
Podrobný katalog nových aut na trhu pro rok 1964 s fotografiemi a technickými specifikacemi, zahrnující nejen západoevropskou produkci, ale též východní Evropu, USA, Japonsko a Austrálii, doplněné o celostránkové dobové reklamy. Každý ročník je doplněn o zvláštní sekce, v tomto případě: The big and exclusive Ford Story Formula 1 1963 Le Mans G.T. 1964 Balance of Power World Rally Road Tests: ALFA
Podrobný katalog nových aut na trhu pro rok 1967 s fotografiemi a technickými specifikacemi, zahrnující nejen západoevropskou produkci, ale též východní Evropu, USA, Japonsko a Austrálii, doplněné o celostránkové dobové reklamy. Každý ročník je doplněn o zvláštní sekce, v tomto případě: Chrysler Corporation Story Pininfarina Formula 1 1966 Le Mans G.T. Manufacturers Championship Rally 1966 Road
Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: 50 let BMW, rychlostní rekordy, novinky modelového ročníku 1968, technické specifikace modelů všech značek, Formule 1, Daytona 24-Hours, Targa Florio, Le Mans, Rallye, výsledkové listiny + mnoho dobových barevných reklam na
Podrobný katalog nových aut na trhu pro rok 1968 s fotografiemi a technickými specifikacemi, zahrnující nejen západoevropskou produkci, ale též východní Evropu, USA, Japonsko a Austrálii, doplněné o celostránkové dobové reklamy. Každý ročník je doplněn o zvláštní sekce, v tomto případě: Formula I 1967 Formula 2 1967 Formula 3 1967 GT Prototypes Le Mans Rally 1967 History of the Lancia Firm Power
July 1968 – The French Grand Prix succeeds the ACF Grand Prix on the famous circuit of Rouen-Les Essarts. The program is ambitious of R8 Gordini, Formula France, F3 and F1. Unpublished documents, testimonies, never released photos shed a new light on this race weekend mixed with joy and tears. Hear the roar of the V12s and the blaze of the V8s, meet Rindt, Stewart, Hill, Brabham, Ickx, Rodriguez,
Podrobný katalog nových aut na trhu pro rok 1971 s fotografiemi a technickými specifikacemi, zahrnující nejen západoevropskou produkci, ale též východní Evropu, USA, Japonsko a Austrálii, doplněné o celostránkové dobové reklamy. Každý ročník je doplněn o zvláštní sekce, v tomto případě: International Racing Car Show Formula 1 1968 Racing cars and engines Le Mans 1968 Rally scene 1968 Professor
Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: 1952-1972 great moments in Motor racing, technické novinky v produkčních vozech, auta roku, design a konstrukce GT aut, rychlostní rekordy, Formule 1, Emmerson Fittipaldi, Daytona 24-Hours, Can-Am, Targa Florio, Le Mans,
Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: 1973 - velké pohyby v automobilovém světě, technické novinky v produkčních vozech, auta roku, aerodynamika soutěžních aut, technická avoluce v motorsportu, rychlostní rekordy, Formule 1, Jackie Stewart, Henri Pescarolo, Gerard
Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: The Automotive industry in 1984, F1 Championship, Mille Miglia, Endurance World Championship, Le Mans 24 Hours, World Rally Championship, Season in the USA, European F2 Championship, European F3 Championship, European Touring
Now in its 46th year of publication, Automobile Year covers the year''s main motoring events, from Formula One to the latest styling studies and concept cars.' If you like cars, and want only one book a year,that's it!In 280 pages and over 450 photos, AY46 tells the story of a year full of incident, from close-fought battles over racing titles to equally-acrimonious struggles over the future of
The fifty-second edition of Automobile Year, published in December, will continue the format and high standards that the annual has established over half a century. As usual, the 2004/5 edition includes reports on all the world's major motor sports championships and expert analysis of activity in the world's major automobile manufacturing areas. There's a rundown of new cars introduced during the
The 56th edition of this leading motoring annual from innovative new publisher Christian Philippsen will continue the same format and high standards of production and content that have been established over half a century. As before, the book will be clearly divided into three sections: firstly, Industry and Markets, which focuses on concept cars, design, new models, economy and markets. Next
La Porsche 917 est plus qu'une voiture de course ; c'est un mythe. Née dans l'imagination d'ingénieurs visionnaires et engagée par un patron de course déterminé, elle a, d'emblée, dominé la concurrence, fasciné ses pilotes et subjugué le public. En cette année 1970, le championnat du monde d'endurance lui était destiné, sans conteste. Mais être "Weltmeister" ne suffit pas tant que l'on n'a pas
3 bohatě ilustrované svazky, každý o 512 stranách, celkem 1536 stran 4000 fotografií a ilustrací pouze 3000 exemplářů knihy pro celý svět The Aim Of This Book Is To Show A Photograph Of Every Car That Has Taken Part In The Greatest Endurance Race In The World - From The Most Prestigious To The Least-known As Well As All The Legendary Champions And Lesser-known And Even Totally-unknown Drivers.
Oficiální program závodu 24 Heures du Le Mans 15-16 Juin 1974 všech kategorií. Obsahuje články s představením historie, ale i aktuálně nasazených vozů do závodu.
Oficiální přehled všech účastníků závodu 24 Heures du Le Mans 17-18 Juin 2017 všech kategorií. Obsahuje popis všech vozidel, včetně technických parametrů, úspěchů v předchozích ročnících, majitelů a základního popisu stáje, sponzorů, pilotů s jejich biografií a fotografiemi.
Oficiální výsledková listina závodu Le Mans 24 Heures 2017. Obsahuje popis nejen celkové výsledky, dělené i podle kategorií, ale rovněž výsledky po každé hodině, startovní listinu, různé statistiky okruhu, závodních týmů, jednotlivých vozů.
Oficiální přehled program a startovní listina závodu 24 Heures du Le Mans 11-12 Juin 2022 všech kategorií. This year, it will consist of two booklets: - The official programme of the 24 Hours of Le Mans in magazine format Technical issues - A practical guide (timetables, maps, events,...) where you will also find the list of participants the list of participants in pocket format (photos of the
Each year the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans attract several hundred photojournalists. Six of them decided to leave the over-beaten tracks of conventional press photography. Breaking away from the stock photos of the magazine assignment to explore a new, very persona, approach, they have given a new dimension to this mythical event. On the track or in the pits, they went in search of the very
Award-winning writer Richard Williams tells the remarkable story of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, one of the world's most iconic motorsports events, which celebrates its centenary in 2023. The event was created by a group of Frenchmen in 1923 and remains uniquely compelling to spectators, to the major motor manufacturers who continue to see it as an opportunity for priceless publicity, as well as to
Le Mans 1970 from a different angle: Porsche in person, behind the scenes - and in black and white. This exquisitely illustrated book of photographs shows many previously unpublished pictures before and after a triumph that has shaped the history of the company to this day. For 14 days around the 24 hours and the legendary triple victory, photographer Klaus Reichert accompanied the Porsche and
Le Mans, for its afficionados, exists as especially strong memories of places and scenes, of figures and destinies. Throughout its centuryof existence, these moments have been captured in countless photographs. From black & white to colour, these particularly vivid images bring to life a whole world: that of the cars, naturally, but also of the many human players – drivers, engineers,
Die 24 Stunden von Le Mans - das ist nicht nur seit 1923 das wohl legendärste Automobilrennen der Welt sondern auch gelebte Automobilgeschichte. Schon seit den Pioniertagen im 19. Jahrhundert ist die Stadt mitten in der nordwestfranzösischen Provinz Dreh- und Angelpunkt des Automobilrennsports. Lesen und erleben Sie alle Siege und Niederlagen, alle Triumphe und Tragödien, die dieses
Senior engineer Norbert Singer has retired from Porsche's race department at Weissach after a career spanning 37 years. In that time he has been involved in all of Porsche's 16 wins at Le Mans, starting with improved cooling of the gearbox on the 917 model that won in 1970, to being principal designer of the 956 and 962 Group C cars that achieved six consecutive Le Mans victories in the 1980s, and
This lavish book tells the story of Stéphane Ratel’s journey from passionate young car enthusiast to architect of modern GT racing world-wide. Explained in his own words, and through those who have worked and raced with him, this extraordinary 25-year tale reveals the ups and downs behind the rise of GT racing to today’s world-wide phenomenon of great cars and great racing organised by the SRO
Motorsport has always been a means for Audi to develop forward-thinking and efficient technologies which are relevant to customers as well. For 30 years, Audi Sport has been making history in the world of motorsport. Now a fascinating book presents this history to readers: “30 Years of Audi Sport – 30 Years of quattro” will be available from mid-April in German and English. It is no coincidence
This lavish book tells the story of Stéphane Ratel’s journey from passionate young car enthusiast to architect of modern GT racing world-wide. Explained in his own words, and through those who have worked and raced with him, this extraordinary 30-year tale reveals the ups and downs behind the rise of GT racing to today’s world-wide phenomenon of great cars and great racing organised by the SRO
Seit 75 Jahren ist Porsche ein Synonym für Sportwagenbau auf höchstem Niveau. Kaum ein anderer Sportwagenhersteller erreichte solch einen Erfolg wie Porsche - und zwar sowohl im Showroom als auch auf den Rennstrecken dieser Welt. Automobilhistoriker, Fotograf und Porsche-Experte Randy Leffingwell richtet seine Aufmerksamkeit auf die Schlüsselmomente und Modelle, die die Porsche-Legende
90 Jahre Nürburgring sind ein Grund zum Feiern - und Anlass genug für eine aktualisierte Neuauflage unseres Erfolgstitels von 2007. Für dieses prachtvolle und preisgünstige Buch über die Grüne Hölle haben die beiden Nürburgring-Kenner Michael Behrndt und Jörg Thomas Födisch, die bereits mehrere veritable Motorsport-Buch-Klassiker veröffentlicht haben, die besten Bilder und die aufregendsten
Bentley Publishers announces the publication and availability of ex-racer and acclaimed motor sports photographer and author Michael Keyser's "A French Kiss with Steve McQueen and the Making of The Man, The Race, The Cars, The Movie." This exciting new hardcover book from Bentley is part celebrity biography, part motor sports and part movie making. This spine-tingling title and the "King of
Bentley Publishers announces the publication and availability of ex-racer and acclaimed motor sports photographer and author Michael Keyser's "A French Kiss with Steve McQueen and the Making of The Man, The Race, The Cars, The Movie." This exciting new hardcover book from Bentley is part celebrity biography, part motor sports and part movie making. This spine-tingling title and the "King of
Ferrari’s triumph at the 2023 24 Hours of Le Mans, the centenary event, is one of the greatest surprises and most glorious exploits in the history of motor racing. Winning the most beautiful, important and hotly contested marathon race in the world with a Hypercar created only a year earlier and with a team making its debut in the higher category represents an achievement that smacks of legend and
When the brand was one of the greatest expressions in motor sport, there was a humorous joke going around that while not exactly making you laugh out loud, did penetrate the spirit: “Do you know what a hare is? It's an Abarth rabbit!” For decades, the Turin-based company, founded in Bologna on March 31st 1949 by Karl Abarth with Hapsburg rigour and a typical Italian spirit, made enthusiasts dream
C’è stato un tempo in cui le Abarth, le vetture con lo Scorpione impresso sulla carrozzeria, hanno sfidato, nelle grandi corse di durata o nelle classiche dei diversi Campionati della Montagna, Case automobilistiche ben più potenti e blasonate, quali Porsche e Ferrari.In quel tempo, fra l’alba degli anni Cinquanta e l’inizio dei Settanta, le Abarth hanno scritto pagine memorabili di agonismo anche
The Ford P68 sports car is famous not because it enjoyed great success - indeed rather the opposite - but because it was a beautiful car and because it was powered by Ford’s legendary Cosworth DFV engine. When at the end of 1967 the FIA changed its regulations for the Sports Car World Championship, Ford was left without a major title contender. Their successful seven-litre Ford GTs were no longer
This book celebrates the extraordinary sporting legacy behind the name Alfa Romeo, and is a unique record of every model of Alfa Romeo associated with official and, at times, not so official Alfa sporting achievements from 1945 to the present day. A photographic journey, featuring many rare period photographs. This book celebrates the extraordinary sporting legacy behind the name Alfa Romeo, and
Almost from the beginning, the qualities which have characterized the Alfa Romeo marque and made it successful have been due above all to its splendid engines. This book tells the story of how they were developed to produce one of motoring's greatest names, both on the road and race track. The book covers competition and road cars and recalls how Alfa Romeo have repeatedly overcome difficulties to
After the first five volumes dedicated to the Porsche 911, Lancia Stratos, Alfa Romeo GTA/GTV, Alpine A110 and Lancia Fulvia at the Targa Florio - a series that will be further enriched in the months to come - the sixth volume, again edited by the indefatigable Roberto Barbato, celebrates the Alfa Romeo 33 competing in the legendary Sicilian race. Like the others, this precious photo book contains
Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ Dokumentation und Register von Martin Übelher und Patrick Dasse. Vor 60 Jahren, im November 1963, feierte die Giulia TZ von Alfa Romeo ihr Wettbewerbsdebut bei der Tour de Corse. Die "Tubolare Zagato" – ein Hinweis auf den Gitterrohrrahmen sowie den Designer der Karosserie – sollte zu einem der erfolgreichsten Fahrzeugtypen in der ohnehin langen Liste der Siegerwagen von Alfa
The Alfa Romeo T33/TT/3 was produced by Alfa&;s Autodelta racing department, under the guidance of Carlo Chiti, to compete in the 1972 World Championship for Makes. Hopes were high, as the previously dominant Group 5 racers (including the Porsche 917s and Ferrari 512s) had been outlawed in favour of 3-litre Group 6 cars, such as the Alfa. However, the Alfas struggled to take the fight to the
Features • First book on these important sports cars of 60s & 70s. • Complete history of all the events, never appeared in print • Details of all the drivers of Alfa T33 • History of each model including development • Chassis histories-list of all chassis where known • Interviews with key period personalities • Significant proportion of previously unseen photographs • Live track tests of
Features • First book on these important sports cars of 60s & 70s. • Complete history of all the events, never appeared in print • Details of all the drivers of Alfa T33 • History of each model including development • Chassis histories-list of all chassis where known • Interviews with key period personalities • Significant proportion of previously unseen photographs • Live track tests of
This book focuses exclusively on the development of the Tipo 33 and the motorsport activities of the car during 1967. It was a long held belief that there was only scarce documentation available concerning Autodelta, the motorsport company. With the help of Dr. Marco Fazio we were able to unearth various diverse records from the Alfa Romeo archives which contained detailed reports of the race
Having left motor racing in the early 1950s - at least officially - Alfa Romeo returned to the sport once again at the start of the following decade due to the commitment and enthusiasm of Autodelta. This Alfa offshoot distinguished itself by preparing and racing about 30 of the manufacturer's different cars that really did make history. Among them, the Giulia TZ holds a place at the head of the
All the romance, all the thrills and all the excitement of racing cars is vividly told in over 100 color pictures from the earliest unpredictable models driven by dedicated amateurs down to today's highly specialized cars, demanding the greatest skills of their glamorous, professional racing personalities.
Kniha v angličtině a francouzštině popisuje každou jízdu vozů značky Alpine v šampionátu Le Mans mezi roku 1963 až 1995. Doplněno o černobílé a barevné dobové fotografie.