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Naše cena 450,00 KČ (17,93 EUR)
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,81 EUR)
Naše cena 386,00 KČ (15,38 EUR)


Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,81 EUR)
Naše cena 349,00 KČ (13,91 EUR)
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,66 EUR)

Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / Bedford

skladem novinka v akci
Naprosto kompletní data modelů dostupných na bristkém trhu modelových letech 1971 a 1972 v rozsahu od motoru, přes převodovku, šasi, elektriku až po karosérii a objemy kapalin. A.C. / FORD / (G.B.) / OPEL / A.E.C. / FORD (Germany) / PERKINS / ALFA ROMEO / HILLMAN / PEUGEOT / ASTON MARTIN / HONDA / PORSCHE / AUDI / HUMBER / RELIANT / AUSTIN / JAGUAR / RENAULT / AUSTIN-MORRIS / JENSEN / ROVER /
Naše cena 745,00 KČ (29,69 EUR)

1971-1972 - Technical Service Data - Private cars, comm. vans, trucks & tractors

This is the largest and most detailed encyclopedic study every produced of all models of cars produced by British manufacturers in the period. Just over 700 individual models are covered in text entries totaling more than 250,000 words. Full specifications and performance figures are given, along with production numbers and dates. All the entries are illustrated with contemporary photographs from
Naše cena 955,00 KČ (38,06 EUR)

A-Z British Cars: 1945-1980

A-Z of cars of the 1920s
The Automobile
In the Vintage period, 1919-30, a staggering total of 380 firms in Britain launched new models, and all these makers are listed here. Their background is filled in, and representative models are described, with specifications, production numbers, dates, prices, and accompanying illustrations. A unique reference work for Vintage enthusiasts. Firmly established as the most comprehensive illustrated
Naše cena 2 708,00 KČ (107,91 EUR)

A-Z of cars of the 1920s

A-Z of Cars of the 1930s
Classic and Sports Car
Begun by the late Michael Sedgwick and continued after his death in 1983 by Mark Gillies, this outstanding reference book provides encyclopaedic coverage of every make and model of British, European and American car sold in Britain in the period. Some 1000 models are dealt with in individual entries giving production and specification information and a description. Every model is illustrated.
Naše cena 444,00 KČ (17,69 EUR)

A-Z of Cars of the 1930s

A-Z of Cars of the 1970s
Classic and Sports Car
From AC to Zagato, this A-Z offers the enthusiast and invaluable guide to all 1970s models sold in Britain, and Graham Robson's text also makes fascinating reading. An increasing number of Japanese cars came on the scene and as in any period there was the usual complement of doomed enterprises, now forgotten. More than 700 models are dealt with, and all are illustrated. Firmly established as the
Naše cena 777,00 KČ (30,96 EUR)

A-Z of Cars of the 1970s

Autodata - Technical data (Cars from 1970 to 1980)
Tune-up and Service Specifications for Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles
Technical data “Tune up and Service specifications” for all popular cars and light commercial vehicles between 1970 an 1980 Engine - Ignition system - Ignition coil - Distributor - Ignition Timing - Centrifugal Advance - Vacuum check - Spark plugs - Battery - Starter Motor - Voltage regulator (Alternator) - Carburettor Adjustment - Fuel pump delivery pressure - Filling capacities - Tyres - Wheel
Naše cena 1 393,00 KČ (55,51 EUR)

Autodata - Technical data (Cars from 1970 to 1980)

Bedford CF (69-87)
Haynes Repair Manual
Modely: Bedford Série CF & CF2 chassis cab / chassic cowl / van ve výrobě od 1969 do 1987 se zážehovými motory: 1,6 (1599ccm) 1,8 (1759ccm) 2,0 (1975ccm) 2,0 (1979ccm) 2,3 (2279ccm)
Naše cena 902,00 KČ (35,94 EUR)

Bedford CF (69-87)

At the beginning of our period, directly after the Second World War, most light commercials were derived from passenger cars, usually small and of very limited carrying capacity. Typical of these was the Morris Eight van, which would struggle to cope with more than five hundredweight of potatoes or to reach 50mph. By comparison, the Ford Transit of 1965 would carry three times that amount, drove
Naše cena 1 183,00 KČ (47,14 EUR)

British Vans and Pick Ups: 1945-1965

Katalog domácích bristkých a importovaných modelů do Velké Británie v letech 1954 až 1959. Všechny modely s fotografiemi, popisem a specifikacemi rok za rokem. Doplněno o dobové reklamy. Výprodej soukromé sbírky - použitá publikace ve velmi dobrém stavu s minimálně opotřebovanou obálkou.
Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,87 EUR)

Cars of the 40's and 50's - British And Imported Models

The best book ever for '70s American car enthusiasts. Arranged year by year and then make by make, this large-format book has about 2,000 photos - nearly all in colour - plus a wealth of information on technical and design features, weights, options, prices, background history and much more. An inexhaustible reference work which will delight all US car fans.
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,66 EUR)

Cars of the 70s

G. N. Georgano v knize popisuje, co se vše přihodilo ve dvou dekádách důležitého na poli výroby automobilů. Bezmála 400 obrázků, převážně v barvě, dokonale ilustruje designové trendy, ztvárnění křivek, ale vybrané skicy a průhledy i vývoj v konstrukcích automobilů té doby. Kniha navazuje na tituly popisující třicátá a čtyřicátá léta a rovněž tak padesátá a šedesátá od M. Sedgwicka.
Naše cena 721,00 KČ (28,73 EUR)

Cars of the Seventies and Eighties

Amerikanische Vans sind in ihrem Heimatland bei-nahe so alt wie die dortige Automobilindustrie selbst. Hersteller wie Chevrolet, Ford oder Dodge erkannten schon früh die Bedeutung des gewerblichen Kfz-Marktes und boten zahlreiche Lieferwagen-Versionen ihrer Pkw und Lkw an. Die Bedürfnisse kommerzieller Nutzer bestimmten bis in die fünfziger Jahre die Entwicklung des US-Vans. In den Swingin'
Naše cena 1 449,00 KČ (57,74 EUR)

Das Grosse Buch den US Vans

This book provides full color photos and descriptions of every single automobile released by General Motors during its first 75 years of production. It also includes a comprehensive look at the history of automobile products and a year-to-year production chart. From the 1927 La Salle to the 1956 Chevrolet, the 1936 Buick to the 1980 Pontiac Trans Am this book has the information and pictures any
Naše cena 949,00 KČ (37,82 EUR)

General Motors: The first 75 years of transportation products

Royal Cars
Shire Album
Zajímavá cesta napříč moderní historií vozů nejen britské královské rodiny. Popisuje Daimlery, Lanchestery, Jaguary a Rolls-Royce Anglické královny a různých vévodů, ale i Darracq belgického krále Alberta, Delaunay-Belleville cara Nikolaje II, Mercedesy španělského krále Alfonse, švédského prince Wilhelma nebo císaře Wlhelma II. Z pozdějších let nechybí přehlídkové Rollsy, Aston prince Charlese
Naše cena 249,00 KČ (9,92 EUR)

Royal Cars

Suzuki Supercarry (86-10/94)
Haynes Repair Manual
Modely: Bedford/Vauxhall Rascal Van/Pick-up (86-93); Suzuki SuperCarry (SK410) Van/Pick-up (86-10/94) zážehovými motory 970 ccm.
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,85 EUR)

Suzuki Supercarry (86-10/94)

The History Of British Motoring
A Chronicle Of Classic Cars And Bikes
The History of British Motoring covers the first century of the British car and motorcycle industry and features the best-loved machines which have helped to shape the last 100 years. Both cars and bikes are profiled chronologically in four sections each, taking us on a journey from the pioneering and veteran era of motoring up to the modern-day classics. These profiles show, in words and
Naše cena 586,00 KČ (23,35 EUR)

The History Of British Motoring

Obrazově zajímavá publikace věnovaná kultuře amerických Vanů - původně dodávek určených pro přepravu nejen zboží, ale i cestujících anebo sloužících jako campery. Vany značek Chevrolet, GMC, Ford, Dodge nebo Plymouth jsou zde prezentovány v nějrůznějších úpravách, designových studiích i sériových verzích.  Zajímavé jsou i pohledy dovnitř, do krásně polstrovaných a vybavených kabin. Menší sekce se
Naše cena 1 449,00 KČ (57,74 EUR)

VAN: Traum-Mobile in Farbe