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Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,79 EUR)
Naše cena 459,00 KČ (18,23 EUR)
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,71 EUR)


Naše cena 810,00 KČ (32,17 EUR)
Naše cena 909,00 KČ (36,11 EUR)
Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,79 EUR)

Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / Duesenberg

skladem novinka v akci
100 Years of American Cars
Top Cars of 1893-1993
Think of it as the "Dream Team" with wheels...a gathering of American superstars from the roster of great automobiles. 100 YEARS OF AMERICAN CARS shows what a collection of only the best might look like. It showcases an assemblage of vehicles that even the wealthiest of classic car collectors couldn't afford to own. They are cars that shaped a century of promise and progress. Machines that molded
Naše cena 380,00 KČ (15,09 EUR)

100 Years of American Cars

A-Z of Cars of the 1930s
Classic and Sports Car
Begun by the late Michael Sedgwick and continued after his death in 1983 by Mark Gillies, this outstanding reference book provides encyclopaedic coverage of every make and model of British, European and American car sold in Britain in the period. Some 1000 models are dealt with in individual entries giving production and specification information and a description. Every model is illustrated.
Naše cena 444,00 KČ (17,64 EUR)

A-Z of Cars of the 1930s

Enthusiastically welcomed by the auto and automation-conscious American people, the American automobiles of the postwar motor industry were like no other cars made before... or since. At around twenty feet long and six feet wide and usually V8 powered, these ostentatious machines pulsed with life and flaunted aggressive styling. With paintwork ranging from rose-bud pink to brilliant red, and
Naše cena 902,00 KČ (35,83 EUR)

Amazing American Automobiles

Provides history of American automobile advertising over a half-century span, beginning with the entrenchment of the "Big Three" automakers during the Depression and concluding with the fuel crisis of the 1970s and early 1980s. This text traces the development of principal elements in American automobile advertising. This book provides a comprehensive history of American automobile advertising
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,40 EUR)

American Automobile Advertising, 1930-1980

Presenting, the largest car spotter of therii all: American Car Spotter's Guide 1966-1980. This giant pictorial reference source is more than 432 pages big. And it's packed with over 3,600 illustrations. Covering a shorter period than other books in the series, when fewer than twenty marques were being produced, it is the great proliferation of sub-makes and models that makes this book so
Naše cena 2 199,00 KČ (87,35 EUR)

American Car Spotter's Guide, 1966-1980

American Cars of the 1930s
Olyslager Auto Library
Encyklopedie amerických vozů třicátých let. Řazení po jednotlivých ročnících dává dokonalý přehled o nabídce na severoamerickém trhu napříč všemi značkami. Doplněno u každého modelu o čb fotografie, popis ročníkových změn a technické parametry. Kniha navazuje na úspěšné tituly o vozidlech čtyřicátých, padesátých a šedesátých let. Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge, Plymouth, Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Buick,
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,77 EUR)

American Cars of the 1930s

American Classic Cars
300 Classic Marques from 1914-2000
300 American cars from the twentieth century, each one illustrated by a full-colour artwork • Spec cation table provided for each car, including top speed, engine type, weight, power and transmission; all measurements in imperial and metric • Each car's development and history chronicled in authoritative text • Comprehensive index and glossary provided for ease of reference
Naše cena 757,00 KČ (30,07 EUR)

American Classic Cars

We’re celebrating some of the greatest classic cars from the USA in our latest special-edition magazine, Classic & Sports Car presents… American Legends. This is the 11th edition in our Legends series, pulling together some of the best features from the past 25 years of Classic & Sports Car. Here’s a taste of what’s in our newest issue. In Classic & Sports Car presents… American
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,71 EUR)

American Legends - Best of the US, from '30s Glitz to Muscle Mania

American Sportscars
A Survey of The Classic Marques
Přehled klasických amerických sportovních aut, od modelu 1911 Mercer Runabout, po Corvette, první americký supersport. Každý model je doprovázen historií, lidmi stojícími v pozadí, designéry a závodními jezdci. Fotografie jsou převážně velkoformátové a barevné.  STUTZ BEARCAT, MERCER TYPE 35 RACEABOUT, PACKARD TWIN SIX, PIERCE ARROW, MODEL FORD T SPEEDSTER, CADILLAC V16, AUBURN SPEEDSTER,
Naše cena 332,00 KČ (13,19 EUR)

American Sportscars

Whether cruising down the streets of Anytown, U.S.A., or taking the family on a cross-country ride, the highway and its many sights, sounds, and smells are part of the culture and collective memory of generations of Americans. This book brings together the defining elements of our love affair with the open road. It includes Tim Steil's entertaining trip along America's Main Street, the storied
Naše cena 675,00 KČ (26,81 EUR)

Americana - Roadside Memories

Brillante Bildkompositionen zeigen die schonsten amerikanischen Nachkriegs-Cabriolets: Vom noblen Chrysler »Town and Country« aus dem Jahr 1948 Ober den unsterblichen Ford »Thunder-birdg von 1957 bis hin zum Chevrolet »Corvette« des Jahres 1987 Bei jedem dieser Bilder gerat man ins Schwarmen. Der einfohlsame Text beschreibt die Geschichte der einzelnen Typen and vermiitelt die ganze Faszination
Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,79 EUR)

Amerikanische Cabriolets

Amerikanische Straßenkreuzer 2020
Nástěnný kalendář 475 x 330mm
Amerikanische Straßenkreuzer 2020 Dieser Kalender präsentiert emotionale Motive erstklassig restaurierter Straßenkreuzer, Schmuckstücke aus den 1950er und 1960er Jahren, in hochwertigen und professionellen Bildern. Ein Genuss für Liebhaber von US-Cars  und Anhänger des „American Way of Drive“. Mit großem Wandplaner für den perfekten Jahresüberblick Hochwertige Ausstattung 14 Seiten
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,82 EUR)

Amerikanische Straßenkreuzer 2020

Amerikanische Traumautos 1930-40
Zeit der Prohibition
Die Reihe "Amerikanische Traumautos" bietet drei Jahrzehnte amerikanischer Automobilgeschichte in drei Bänden: 1930-1940 Die Zeit der Prohibition 1940-1950 Hollywoodcars 1950-1960 Die 60er Jahre Eine einmalige komplette Bilddokumentation für Kenner und Liebhaber, die auf mehr als 200 Hochglanzfotos in diesem Band Automobildesign par excellence und kompetente Marken- und Modellgeschichte aus
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,82 EUR)

Amerikanische Traumautos 1930-40

Sportwagen sind nie eine Vernunftentscheidung, sie appellieren an das limbische System. Und genau deshalb hat Ferry Porsche einmal gesagt, dass das letzte Auto, das gebaut werden wird, ein Sportwagen sein wird. Bestimmt hat er an einen Wagen aus Zuffenhausen gedacht, doch auch rund um den Globus sind Sportwagen entstanden, die einem den Atem stocken lassen. Dieser Prachtband von Stuart Codling und
Naše cena 1 282,00 KČ (50,92 EUR)

Art of Classic Sports Cars - Anmut, Stil und Eleganz

Award-winning automotive historian, author, and photographer Dennis Adler takes you on a whirlwind tour through more than a century of automotive history, from the first production motorcar, the 1886 Benz Patent Motorwage, to fabled makes including Hispano-Suiza, Duesenberg, packard, and Hudson More than 200 stunning color photographs define and detail the remarkable styling and revolutionary
Naše cena 1 192,00 KČ (47,35 EUR)

Art of the Automobile - The 100 Greatest Cars

The rarity and historical significance of prewar classic and antique cars make them hot commodities on the collector car market. These are the automobiles that populate the fairways and manicured lawns of the world’s greatest car shows in alluring locales like Pebble Beach, California, and Amelia Island, Florida. These are the cars that bring a hush to the hall when they roll across the blocks at
Naše cena 1 092,00 KČ (43,38 EUR)

Art of the Classic Car

Art of the Sports Car
The Greatest Designs of the 20th Century
Dennis Adler, photojournalist and car nut, captures the beauty and power of the sports car in this tribute to America's dream machine. There are great cars and then there are sports cars, those that have withstood the test of time and have remained desirable and valuable for over 50 years. This profile features many examples of the motor car, several of which are benchmarks in the history of the
Naše cena 659,00 KČ (26,18 EUR)

Art of the Sports Car

Auburn Cord Duesenberg
A Brooklands Portfolio
Between them, the triumvirate of Auburn, Cord and Duesenberg produced some of the world's greatest automobiles. During that turbulent era between the two World Wars these three famous marques came together under the auspices of a determined young entrepreneur named Errett Lobban Cord, and it was thanks to his guidance that the cars would eventually achieve almost legendary status. It was E. L.
Naše cena 1 253,00 KČ (49,77 EUR)

Auburn Cord Duesenberg

Naše cena 3 780,00 KČ (150,15 EUR)

Auburn Cord Duesenberg

From the very beginnings of the automobile industry, manufacturers had to prove the mettle of their products in order to stand out from the multitude of rival companies. One of the best means to accomplish this was by winning races and establishing high-speed endurance records. No one pursued this concept more aggressively than those merchants of speed, E. L. Cord and the Duesenberg brothers, Fred
Naše cena 700,00 KČ (27,81 EUR)

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Racers & Record-Setters Photo Archive

Objemná monografie s těmi nejzásadnějšími automobily historie, doprovázená textovými popisy i fotografiemi.
Naše cena 349,00 KČ (13,86 EUR)


Skvěle obrazově vybavený průvodne světem chromovaných masek a ohromných křídel a ploutví. Špičkové fotografie, mnohdy velkoformátové na obě strany, zachycují americké i evropské ikony od čtyřicátých po šedesátá léta. Fotografie jsou povětšinou studiové, čili dokonale ostré a naleznete mezi nimi významnou část detailních snímků interiéru (palubní desky, volanty, ozdoby) a signifikantních detailů
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,75 EUR)

Auto Focus: Grilles & Tails (SLEVA)

Automobil-Legenden: Die teuersten Sammlerautos der Welt
Nejdražší automobilové legendy světa
Alle Epochen der Automobilgeschichte brachten besondere Fahrzeuge hervor, deren Außergewöhnlichkeit sich bei Ihrem Erscheinen schon erahnen ließ und die heute zum kostbaren Objekt der Begierde enthusiastischer Sammler geworden sind. Millionenbeträge werden für diese automobilen Kunstwerke in unseren Tagen gezahlt. Das vorliegende Werk beschreibt mit eindrucksvollen Bildern des renommierten
Naše cena 955,00 KČ (37,93 EUR)

Automobil-Legenden: Die teuersten Sammlerautos der Welt

During the 1960s, the automobile finally secured its position as an indispensable component of daily life in Britain. Car ownership more than doubled from approximately one car for every 10 people in 1960 to one car for every 4.8 people by 1970. Consumers no longer asked “Do we need a car?” but “What car shall we have?”This well-illustrated history analyzes how both domestic car manufacturers and
Naše cena 1 045,00 KČ (41,51 EUR)

British Car Advertising of the 1960s

Vyhlášený japonský dvoumsíčník, věnující se automobilovému, motocyklovému a zčásti i užitnému a průmyslovému designu. K tématům (nové kreae a produkční modely) přináší množství skic, návrhů, konceptů a prototypů. V tomto vydání: Duesenberg Model J 2006 Geneva Motor Show 27th Bangkok International Motor Show 2006 Rush of New Japanese Cars Honda ZEST designer Eri Nakai Mercedes-Benz CLS Daihatsu
Naše cena 895,00 KČ (35,55 EUR)

Car Styling Nr. 172 (05/2006)

Vyhlášený japonský dvoumsíčník, věnující se automobilovému, motocyklovému a zčásti i užitnému a průmyslovému designu. K tématům (nové kreae a produkční modely) přináší množství skic, návrhů, konceptů a prototypů. V tomto vydání: Honda design Takeo Fukui British International Auto Show Visual Futurist Syd Mead Now Honda Stream Suzuki SX4 Daihatsu Sonica Subaru Stellal Russo-Baltique Ipression and
Naše cena 895,00 KČ (35,55 EUR)

Car Styling Nr. 174 (06/2009)

This pictorial reference source is more than 190 pages big. And it's packed with over hundreds of illustrations. Models were introduced to capitalize on the performance car craze and the popularity of personal luxury cars. Other models were conceived to offer economy and ease of mainte-nance. And some of these cars were created to be the biggest, most sumptuous passenger vehicles on the road. In
Naše cena 1 599,00 KČ (63,52 EUR)

Chevrolet Spotter's Guide, 1920-1992

From the 1920s to the 1940s the United States was renowned for producing automobiles of great beauty, power and prestige. This was the era of the American Classic car with the evocative and famous names of motoring history: Auburn, Cord, Cunningham, Duesenberg, Packard and Pierce-Arrow among many others. The fascinating story of the classic American automobile from the early inventions at the
Naše cena 633,00 KČ (25,14 EUR)

Classic American Automobiles

Examines more than 60 of Motown's most memorable products from the fifties, sixties and seventies and explains why no other era of car design was so fertile and imaginative and why few other cars have been so completely compelling. Details of each car's technical performance, design innovations, construction data and performance are all included. Popisované značky: Auburn, Avanti, Buick, Cadillac,
Naše cena 679,00 KČ (26,97 EUR)

Classic American Cars

America has produced some of the most stylish, and expensive, cars in the history of the automobile. Ever since Henry Ford made the car an essential accessory, Americans have demonstrated a genuine enthusiasm for a wide range of cars, and Detroit has responded by producing a long list of illustrious models offering elegance, luxury or sheer speed. An incredible 15 million Model T Fords were sold
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,82 EUR)

Classic American Cars

Classic American Convertibles
By the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide
Celebrate 70 years of memorable American convertibles, captured in lively commentary and fabulous full-color photography. You'll find droptops from every major American automaker, and from independents big and small. Whether a luxury cruiser or sporty two-seater, a convertible spells fun, freedom, and romance. Hop in: It's a ride you'll always remember.
Naše cena 662,00 KČ (26,30 EUR)

Classic American Convertibles

Classic American Convertibles (SLEVA)
By the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide
Celebrate 70 years of memorable American convertibles, captured in lively commentary and fabulous full-color photography. You'll find droptops from every major American automaker, and from independents big and small. Whether a luxury cruiser or sporty two-seater, a convertible spells fun, freedom, and romance. Hop in: It's a ride you'll always remember.
Naše cena 568,00 KČ (22,56 EUR)

Classic American Convertibles (SLEVA)

Naše cena 349,00 KČ (13,86 EUR)

Classic Cars

What is it that turns a car into a classic car? Age, styling, technology - or all of these combined. With a clear and concise history of car manufacturing and design all over the world, it takes you through the ages, giving an insight into why these cars are deemed to be 'classic'. From the earliest days of Oldsmobile, Ford and Bugatti to the classic marques of Rolls-Royce, Cadillac and Alfa
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,77 EUR)

Classic Cars - Celebrating The Legends

This book covers the astonishing technical advance of the automobile during the thirties and forties, with chapters on the major mechanical improvements - front-wheel drive, independent suspension, synchromesh, and automatic gear-boxes - and on the refinements of unitary bodywork, including the introduction of compound curves, proper ventilation, and modern aerodynamics. The authoritative text is
Naše cena 489,00 KČ (19,42 EUR)

Classic Cars of the 1930's and 1940's

Classic Racing Cars
70 Years of Racing History, 40 Cars-75 Cutaway and Detail Drawings, over 130 Photographs
Through seven decades of automotive history the Grand Prix car has been at the pinnacle of design, has been the ultimate symbol of motoring power and speed. The outstanding cars of those 7o years are studied in this book, through informed profiles of 40 famous road and track racing designs. Each chapter describes a car in depth, analysing the technical make up of machines from the earliest Grand
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,68 EUR)

Classic Racing Cars

Classic Racing Engines
Expert Technical Analysis of Fifty of the Greatest Motorsports Power Units: 1913-1994
From the earliest days of motor racing, engineers have sought to develop engines that push the boundaries of technology. In Classic Racing Engines, Karl Ludvigsen, award-winning automotive historian and author of The V12 Engine, takes a deep dive into the design, development and performance milestones of 50 of the most innovative and ground-breaking classic racing engines from 1913 to 1994. The 50
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,40 EUR)

Classic Racing Engines

Dieser Bildband läßt die Herzen von Oldtimer Liebhabern höher schlagen. Auf über 200 Seiten (im Großformat) finden sich Fotos von Oldtimern die heute noch auf der strassen unterwegs sind, historische Bilddokumente und zahlreiche Geschichten um und über die vorgestellten Oldtimermodelle. Inhalt: Kapitel: I. Deutscher Pioniergesit und fanzösischer Esprit: die Automobilrevolution zwischen Nekar und
Naše cena 888,00 KČ (35,27 EUR)

Das grosse Buch der Oldtimer

Dieser Bildband läßt die Herzen von Oldtimer Liebhabern höher schlagen. Auf über 200 Seiten (im Großformat) finden sich Fotos von Oldtimern die heute noch auf der strassen unterwegs sind, historische Bilddokumente und zahlreiche Geschichten um und über die vorgestellten Oldtimermodelle. Inhalt: Kapitel: I. Deutscher Pioniergesit und fanzösischer Esprit: die Automobilrevolution zwischen Nekar und
Naše cena 888,00 KČ (35,27 EUR)

Das grosse Buch der Oldtimer

The lure of the classic car is undeniable, and one of the quintessential features of any classic car is the dashboard. In gleaming metal, polished wood or padded leather, the dashboard has always expressed the nuances of a car's individual character. Whether in a single-seater racing car or a family saloon, it is here that function meets form, that ergonomics meets style. Through the expert
Naše cena 1 049,00 KČ (41,67 EUR)


A dynamically illustrated exploration of 70 years of automotive design in the Motor CityDetroit, nicknamed Motor City, has always been a leader in car design. As the city became the center of the American automobile industry in the early 20th century, its studios became incubators for new ideas and new styles. This volume highlights the artistry and influence of Detroit designers working in the
Naše cena 1 099,00 KČ (43,65 EUR)

Detroit Style - Car Design in the Motor City 1950-2020

Soubor 11 plakátů formátu A3 s fotografiemi sbírkových exponátů z Harrah's Collection Nevada.  Packard Speedster Runabout 1930 DuPont Royal Town car Model G 1930 Auburn Custom Speedster 1933 Duesenberg Speedster Model SJ 1933 Duesenberg Convertible Victoria Model J 1930 Duesenberg Dual Cowl Phantom 1929 Packard Sport Phaeton 1934 Packard Phaeton 1929 Phantom Corsair 1938 Bugatti 41 Royal Coupé de
Naše cena 349,00 KČ (13,86 EUR)

Die Schönsten Oldtimer - 11 Super Poster (11 plakátů)

Dieses bemerkenswerte Buch erzählt die spannende Geschichte der Brüder Friedrich (Frederick) und August (Augie) Duesenberg, die Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts mit ihrer Mutter aus dem Lipper Land nach Amerika auswanderten. Dort gründeten sie 1913 in St. Paul, Minnesota, eine kleine Fabrik, in der unter anderem Motoren für Rennwagen entstanden. Denn Fred, der schon 1905 sein erstes Auto gebaut hatte,
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,63 EUR)


Excellent history of the Duesenberg -- development, design, speed records, use in the military, classic ads, period articles on the car and much more.
Naše cena 3 550,00 KČ (141,01 EUR)

Duesenberg - The Mightiest American Motor Car (Collectors Edition)

Rozsáhlá encyklopedie amerických automobilů doplněná o bohatý obrazový doprovod. Popisuje valnou většinu amerických značek osobních automobilů, od Auburnu po Willys. Zásadní modely jsou nejen vyobrazeny na dobových fotografiích, ale jsou rovněž doplněny technickými specifikacemi. Popisované značky: Auburn, Avanti, Buick, Cadillac, Checker, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Cord, Crosley, DeSoto, Dodge,
Naše cena 1 111,00 KČ (44,13 EUR)

Encyclopedia of American Cars

Nejslavnější ze všech amerických automobilových encyklopedií. Absolutně detailní přehled o všech vyrobených vozech amerických značek od roku 1930 do 1942. Každý model, doplněný o fotografii, je zevrubně popsán, vč. meziročních změn, uvedeny jsou technické specifikace a ceny.   Arrowhead, Auburn, Austin, Bantam, Blackhawk, Brewster, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Continental, Cord, Crosley,
Naše cena 2 499,00 KČ (99,27 EUR)

Encyclopedia of American cars 1930-1942

Encyclopedia of American Cars 1930-1980
By Richard M. Langworth and The Editors of Consumer Guide
Rozsáhlá encyklopedie amerických automobilů doplněná o bohatý obrazový doprovod. Popisuje všechny americké značky osobních automobilů, včetně těch nejmenších. Modely jsou nejen vyobrazeny na dobových fotografiích, ale jsou rovněž doplněny technickými specifikacemi.  
Naše cena 1 699,00 KČ (67,49 EUR)

Encyclopedia of American Cars 1930-1980

Encyclopedia of American Cars 1940-1970
By Richard M. Langworth and The Editors of Consumer Guide
Rozsáhlá encyklopedie amerických automobilů doplněná o bohatý obrazový doprovod. Popisuje všechny americké značky osobních automobilů, včetně těch nejmenších. Modely jsou nejen vyobrazeny na dobových fotografiích, ale jsou rovněž doplněny technickými specifikacemi. By Richard M. Langworth and The Editors of Consumer Guide During the years from 1940 through 1970, the American auto industry produced
Naše cena 949,00 KČ (37,70 EUR)

Encyclopedia of American Cars 1940-1970

Automobily Jaguar XK 120, ASA, Cisitalia, Veritas, Pegaso a mnohé jiné si vedly v padesátých a šedesátých letech znamenitě na závodních okruzích. V této publikaci se můžeme seznámit s vozy více než 150 různých automobilových značek. Nesmírně cenné informace zahrnují: • historii každé značky • popis jednotlivých typů • technické údaje a počet vyrobených vozů • podrobný rejstřík Text doplňuje více
Naše cena 450,00 KČ (17,87 EUR)

Encyklopedie sportovních vozů 1945-1975

This pictorial reference source is more than 133 pages big. And it's packed with over hundreds of illustrations. Models were introduced to capitalize on the performance car craze and the popularity of personal luxury cars. Other models were conceived to offer economy and ease of mainte-nance. And some of these cars were created to be the biggest, most sumptuous passenger vehicles on the road. In
Naše cena 1 599,00 KČ (63,52 EUR)

Ford Spotter's Guide, 1920-1980