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Naše cena 569,00 KČ (22,72 EUR)
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,90 EUR)
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Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / _Design

skladem novinka v akci
Der Schweizer Beitrag zum Thema Automobilbau zeichnet sich nicht durch Masse aus, wohl aber durch Klasse : Vom intelligenten Kleinwagen bis zum konkurrenzfahigen Renn-gerat spannt sich der Bogen und umfaBt dabei exklusive Klein-serien, faszinierende Vollblut-Sportwagen und natiirlich viele hinreiBende Spezialkarosserien, die auf den nobelsten Fahr-gestellen der Welt mit Prazision und Inspiration
Naše cena 3 333,00 KČ (133,08 EUR)

 Schweizer Automobile - Personenwagen und Sonderkarosserien von 1945 bis heute

Der Schweizer Beitrag zum Thema Automobilbau zeichnet sich nicht durch Masse aus, wohl aber durch Klasse : Vom intelligenten Kleinwagen bis zum konkurrenzfahigen Renn-gerat spannt sich der Bogen und umfaBt dabei exklusive Klein-serien, faszinierende Vollblut-Sportwagen und natiirlich viele hinreiBende Spezialkarosserien, die auf den nobelsten Fahr-gestellen der Welt mit Prazision und Inspiration
Naše cena 2 899,00 KČ (115,75 EUR)

 Schweizer Automobile - Personenwagen und Sonderkarosserien von 1945 bis heute

It hardly needs saying that the American automobile has undergone profound changes in the past half-century. They involve not only mere surface appearance but the car's fundamental architecture and how that is conceived, realized, and built — technique and technology. Yet des-pite the stark differences between today's sleek "aerodynamic" designs and the great Classics of 50 years ago, one thing
Naše cena 1 424,00 KČ (56,86 EUR)

50 Years of American Automobile Design 1930-1980

70s Concept Cars
Yesterday's Dreams of the Future
Contains all important background information on the cars featured: how they came about and what became of them Starting in the late 1960s but especially in the 70s, the most innovative Italian coachbuilders from Bertone to Pininfarina followed a radical design path. With fantastical wedge-shaped speedsters, their goal was nothing less than reimagining the car. Many of their ideas—as reflected in
Naše cena 8 999,00 KČ (359,31 EUR)

70s Concept Cars

70s Concept Cars
Yesterday's Dreams of the Future
Contains all important background information on the cars featured: how they came about and what became of them Starting in the late 1960s but especially in the 70s, the most innovative Italian coachbuilders from Bertone to Pininfarina followed a radical design path. With fantastical wedge-shaped speedsters, their goal was nothing less than reimagining the car. Many of their ideas—as reflected in
Naše cena 6 999,00 KČ (279,46 EUR)

70s Concept Cars

Byly časy, kdy se za francouzskými auty otáčely hlavy kolemjdoucích. Byly to zlaté časy luxusní ruční výroby, vrchol dekorativního umění. Během zhruba dvaceti let vytvořili Bugatti, Saoutchik, Chapron, Letourneur & Marchand, Voisin, Figoni & Falaschi a mnozí další nadčasové a elegantní automobily, které představuje tato skvěle obrazově vybavená kniha.  
Naše cena 4 999,00 KČ (199,60 EUR)

A French Touch of Class : Les ateliers de carrosserie français 1930-1960

A Life in Car Design gives a unique insight into design and project work for a number of leading companies in the motor industry, including Jaguar, Lotus, TVR and General Motors. The book recounts the author's experiences from within the industry, tracing the changes in the design process over a period of nearly 50 years, and follows his career at home and around the world. It shows how the change
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,85 EUR)

A Life in Car Design - Jaguar, Lotus, TVR

A Life in Car Design gives a unique insight into design and project work for a number of leading companies in the motor industry, including Jaguar, Lotus, TVR and General Motors. The book recounts the author's experiences from within the industry, tracing the changes in the design process over a period of nearly 50 years, and follows his career at home and around the world. It shows how the change
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,87 EUR)

A Life in Car Design - Jaguar, Lotus, TVR (SLEVA)

A-Z European Coachbuilders 1919-2000
Austria * Belgium * France * Germany * Italy * The Netherlands * Spain * Switzerland
Coachbuilding is a subject of deep interest to many aficionados and students of the motor car and its history, even though the golden age of individually coachbuilt bodies is now long in the past. In the 1920s and ’30s a substantial proportion of car manufacturers around Europe, large and small, relied on coachbuilders to design and produce the bodies on their chassis. When it came to the grand
Naše cena 1 139,00 KČ (45,48 EUR)

A-Z European Coachbuilders 1919-2000

ADN - Automotive Design Network
Peuegot Citroen Design Center
Publikace sestavená u příležitosti otevření nového designérského studia koncernu PSA obsahuje nejen architekturu samotného centra, ale především průřez designovými kreacemi, koncepty a prototypy. Text v angličtině a francouzštině.
Naše cena 1 145,00 KČ (45,72 EUR)

ADN - Automotive Design Network

The book includes a collection of 140 advertisements with the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud and Bentley S Series as the subject, all with commentary by author Davide Bassoli. These advertisements were not just issued by Rolls-Royce and Bentley, but also by advertisers who wished to compare the quality of their products to a Rolls-Royce, or just to recreate a British atmosphere. The book covers the
Naše cena 3 190,00 KČ (127,37 EUR)

Advertising the Rolls-Royce and Bentley S Series

Aerodynamické automobily
Edice Autosalon
Kniha přináší podrobný přehled vozidel s proudnicovou karoserií od československých výrobců vozidel Aero, Jawa, Praga, Škoda, Tatra, Walter, Wikov a Zbrojovka. Zastoupeny jsou rovněž karosárny Petera, Sodomka a Uhlík, které se zabývaly stavbou aerodynamických karoserií, a další firmy s produkcí několika kusů vozidel či funkčních prototypů. Publikace obsahuje cenné dobové fotografie, technické
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,92 EUR)

Aerodynamické automobily

Aldo Brovarone - Stile & Raffinatezza
Il Creazioni di Aldo Brovarone
From the Argentinian "Autoar" to the German "Ruf": fifty years of creativity expressed by a single pencil, that of Aldo Brovarone. The latest volume of Giuliano Silli is dedicated to one of the designers who, with his great talent, has most contributed to the success in the world of Italian Style, mostly thanks to his work in Pininfarina. But experience working with Dusio after the war, and
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,90 EUR)

Aldo Brovarone - Stile & Raffinatezza

Growing up in 1950s England, Peter Birtwhistle always dreamt of being a car designer. A graduate of the Royal College of Art, his career in car design spanned over 40 years in this highly secretive occupation, and took him to work on classic models in Germany. He is now ready to tell his own very personal story. The humorous and personal account of a life spent working on the design of some of the
Naše cena 1 069,00 KČ (42,68 EUR)

An English Car Designer Abroad - Designing for GM, Audi, Porsche and Mazda

'Architecture and Automobiles' have been intrinsically linked since the dawn of the internal combustion engine - from the assembly plant to the showroom and on to that ubiquitous fixture of the artificial landscape, the service station. The streamlined forms of automobiles have often inspired architects and some have even ventured into designing their own cars. This book features Foster and
Naše cena 910,00 KČ (36,33 EUR)

Architecture and Automobiles

René Staud gehört zu den Meistern seines Fachs: Seit über vier Jahrzehnten zählen seine perfekt inszenierten und ausgeleuchteten Bilder zu den Besten der Branche und setzen immer noch Maßstäbe in der Automobilfotografie. Sein neustes Werk gilt seltenen Prototypen, Studien und Einzelstücken, die er in gewohnt kunstvoller Manier in Szene setzt. Dabei ermöglicht er dem Betrachter die Raritäten genau
Naše cena 1 680,00 KČ (67,08 EUR)

Art of Concept Cars by René Staud

Art of the American Automobile (SLEVA)
The Greatest Stylists and Their Work
Úžasná práce nejvýznamnějšícch amerických designérů automobilů. Mimo éry karosářů dvacátých a třicátých let Vám kniha nabídne podrobný pohled na rýsovací prkna osobností, jako Bill Mitchell, Harley Earl, Frank Hershey, Raymond Loewy, Gordon Buehring, Amos Northup, Howard Darrin, Al Leamy, Frank Spring, Richard Teague a mnoho dalších z návthářských studiií GM, Fordu a Chrysleru. Exemplář ve velmi
Naše cena 947,00 KČ (37,81 EUR)

Art of the American Automobile (SLEVA)

Art of the American Automobile (SLEVA)
The Greatest Stylists and Their Work
Úžasná práce nejvýznamnějšícch amerických designérů automobilů. Mimo éry karosářů dvacátých a třicátých let Vám kniha nabídne podrobný pohled na rýsovací prkna osobností, jako Bill Mitchell, Harley Earl, Frank Hershey, Raymond Loewy, Gordon Buehring, Amos Northup, Howard Darrin, Al Leamy, Frank Spring, Richard Teague a mnoho dalších z návthářských studiií GM, Fordu a Chrysleru. Exemplář v dobrém
Naše cena 811,00 KČ (32,38 EUR)

Art of the American Automobile (SLEVA)

Audi Design Projekt
Automobil Visionen unter dem Motto "Intelligent Emotion"
Spektakuläre Entwürfe und ModelleBeeindruckende BilderBestechende VielfaltDie Faszination junger Automobildesigner für die Marke Audi, die mit spektakulären Entwürfen und Modellen ihr Kreativpotenzial virtuos zum Ausdruck bringen, wird in diesem Buch mit beeindruckenden Bildern eingefangen.Kommentiert von den Audi Chefdesignern werden erstmals vom Hybrid-Supersportwagen bis zum alternativen
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,89 EUR)

Audi Design Projekt

Alongside technology, design is the key criterion that decides whether or not a car is regarded as attractive. Throughout its history (and prehistory), Audi AG has always understood how to strike the right balance between these poles. The results have been so harmonious that models bearing the four interlocking rings have always been among the most sought-after cars on the planet. The current
Naše cena 3 988,00 KČ (159,23 EUR)

Audi Design: Between Evolution and Revolution

Design ist neben Technik das Entscheidungskriterium, ob ein Auto als attraktiv wahrgenommen wird oder nicht. Die Audi AG hat es in ihrer gesamten Geschichte (und Vorgeschichte) stets verstanden, die Balance zwischen diesen beiden Polen zu finden. Und zwar so harmonisch, dass immer schon begehrenswerte Automobile im Zeichen der Vier Ringe entstanden. Auch das aktuelle Automobildesign mit dem
Naše cena 2 988,00 KČ (119,30 EUR)

Audi Design: Zwischen Evolution und Revolution

Design ist neben Technik das Entscheidungskriterium, ob ein Auto als attraktiv wahrgenommen wird oder nicht. Die Audi AG hat es in ihrer gesamten Geschichte (und Vorgeschichte) stets verstanden, die Balance zwischen diesen beiden Polen zu finden. Und zwar so harmonisch, dass immer schon begehrenswerte Automobile im Zeichen der Vier Ringe entstanden. Auch das aktuelle Automobildesign mit dem
Naše cena 1 650,00 KČ (65,88 EUR)

Audi Design: Zwischen Evolution und Revolution (SLEVA)

Auto America: Car Culture 1950s-1970s
Photographs By John G. Zimmerman
American Auto offers a compelling look at three decades (from the 1950s to the 1970s) of America s fascination with the automobile. At a time when self-driving vehicles and climate change are transforming driving around the world, Zimmerman s pictures capture the optimism and even utopianism of a beloved period in American car culture. Many of Zimmerman s photographs were originally taken for
Naše cena 975,00 KČ (38,93 EUR)

Auto America: Car Culture 1950s-1970s

Skvěle obrazově vybavený průvodne světem chromovaných masek a ohromných křídel a ploutví. Špičkové fotografie, mnohdy velkoformátové na obě strany, zachycují americké i evropské ikony od čtyřicátých po šedesátá léta. Fotografie jsou povětšinou studiové, čili dokonale ostré a naleznete mezi nimi významnou část detailních snímků interiéru (palubní desky, volanty, ozdoby) a signifikantních detailů
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,91 EUR)

Auto Focus: Grilles & Tails (SLEVA)

This much needed book is the first to provide a comprehensive history of the profession and aesthetics of American automobile design. The author reveals how the appearance of the automobile was shaped by the social conflicts arising from America's mass production system. He connects the social struggles of American society with the organizational struggles of designers to create symbol-laden
Naše cena 474,00 KČ (18,93 EUR)

Auto Opium: A Social History of American Automobile Design

Dieser Titel stammt aus dem Bestand einer Hochschule für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung. Die Sammlung umfasst zahlreiche Themenbereiche: Kunst aller Stile und Stilepochen (z.B. Gotik, Renaissance, Romantik, Impressionismus, Expressionismus und Postmoderne), Kunstgeschichte, Architektur, Design, Bildhauerei und Handwerkskunst, Philosophie, Theaterwissenschaften und Geschichte.
Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,92 EUR)

Autoform - Das Auto in Design, Kunst und Unterricht

V edici Carosserie SODOMKA připravil autor s kolektivem další lahůdku z historie individuálních staveb karoserií na podvozcích osobních automobilů a stavby užitkových vozidel – autobusů, mobilních kuchyní, zdravotních ambulanci, chladicích vozů a dalších dnes již mnohdy kuriózních nástaveb pro specifická určení. Množství původních fotografií doplňují výpisy z obchodních knih se jménem zákazníka s
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,90 EUR)

Automobilové a autobusové karoserie Sodomka na podvozcích zahr. značek- díl VII.

Pátý svazek úspěšné řady knih o karoseriích Sodomka je věnován automobilům na podvozcích Škoda.Kniha je rozdělena na historizující část, která podrobně mapuje karosářské kreace Sodomky a druhou část, technicky zajímavější, která v samostatných kapitolách představuje jednotlivé osobní, nákladní, užitkové automobily a autobusy.
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,90 EUR)

Automobily a autobusy Škoda s karoseriemi Sodomka – díl. V

Další, v pořadí již 6. díl přináší opět zajímavé informace o části naší automobilové historie. Devět samostatných kapitol tematicky spojuje produkce zakázkových karoserií na podvozcích tří automobilových výrobních značek tuzemské výroby. Pro každou z nich je v textu uvedena přehledná historie, fotografie variant karoserií vyrobených ve Vysokém Mýtě, a pokud se dochovaly, tak i kopie výkresů a
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,89 EUR)

Automobily JAWA, Walter a Z s karoseriemi Sodomka - díl VI.

Čtrvtý svazek úspěšné řady knih o karoseriích Sodomka je věnován automobilům na podvozcích Praga.Kniha je rozdělena na historizující část, která podrobně mapuje karosářské kreace Sodomky a druhou část, technicky zajímavější, která v samostatných kapitolách představuje jednotlivé osobní, nákladní, užitkové automobily a autobusy. Praga automobiles with bodywork by Sodomka
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,89 EUR)

Automobily Praga s karoseriemi Sodomka – díl. IV

Auf den einschlägigen Automobilmessen der Welt sind sie die geheimen und umschwärmten Stars: die sogenannten Concept-Cars. Erleben Sie in diesem Band die innovativsten Neuvorstellungen von den 1930er Jahren bis heute. Brillante Groß- und Detailaufnahmen, Designskizzen sowie historische Fotos dokumentieren anschaulich und ausführlich die Entwicklung von über 100 Prototypen der amerikanischen,
Naše cena 1 699,00 KČ (67,84 EUR)

Avantgarde der Automobilindustrie: Konzeptautos von 1930 bis heute

Following his portraits of the coupés of the 1950s published in 2017, Xavier de Nombel turns his cameras to the ‘Sixties to bring us the most beautiful Berlinettas produced during that decade, which he has tracked down all over the world. From the fiery little Osca to the revolutionary Carabo, employing stunning photography, he presents his personal vision of a period in which styling gave way to
Původní cena 2 799,00 KČ
Naše cena 2 649,00 KČ (105,77 EUR)

Berlinetta '60s: Exceptional Italian Coupés of the 1960s

Bernd Reuters - Illustrator, Grafiker, Formgestalter
Wegbereiter der modernen Automobil-Werbegrafik
Spätestens die Freunde zweier großer Ikonen des deutschen Automobilbaus – VW Typ 1 und 2, Käfer und Bulli – werden Bernd Reuters' Arbeit kennen und schätzen. Seine Grafiken, Prospekte und Handbücher der 50er Jahre prägten stilistisch die Werbung des Volkswagen-Konzerns in der Nachkriegs- und Wirtschaftswunderzeit und verhalfen der ehemaligen NS-Produktionsstätte zu einem neuen, sympathischeren
Naše cena 3 299,00 KČ (131,72 EUR)

Bernd Reuters - Illustrator, Grafiker, Formgestalter

Bella Italia! Extravagantes Auto-Design auf Italienisch Das Studio Bertone gehört ohne Zweifel zu den Großen des italienischen Automobildesigns. An den Zeichenbrettern berühmter Designer wie Franco Scaglione, Marcello Gandini und Marc Deschamps entstanden zeitlose Klassiker für bekannte Automarken wie Fiat, Lancia und BMW, aber vor allem für Lamborghini. Klare Kanten und ein futuristisches Flair
Naše cena 1 282,00 KČ (51,19 EUR)

Bertone - Italienische Auto-Ikonen

For almost a century, Carrozzeria Bertone has created some of the most sensational models in automotive history. The extraordinary concept cars such as the B.A.T.Mobiles, the Testudo, the Canguro, the Carabo and the futuristic Stratos – to mention but a few – were joined by iconic sportscars such as the numerous Lamborghini Miuras, Marzals, Espadas and Countachs and the Alfa Romeo Montreal, as
Naše cena 1 699,00 KČ (67,84 EUR)

Bertone - Masterpieces of Style

This official book celebrates 90 years of activity and the whole history of the Carrozzeria Bertone and its cars and retraces the most significant events in its long and distinguished life. Decades that have given birth to innumerable high-class automotive bodies, incessant technical and stylistic research and continuous challenge on the international market. A long story that cannot find a more
Naše cena 4 093,00 KČ (163,43 EUR)


This extraordinary, highly exclusive three-book collection takes you deep into the BMW design vault – a trilogy of complementary titles. Together, they are excellent value and make for a compelling read. Each one of the First Edition set is hand-finished and supplied in a matching cloth-bound slipcase, numbered one of 1500 author-signed individual copies. 1: BMW by Design An octane-fueled journey
Naše cena 7 265,00 KČ (290,08 EUR)

BMW Behind The Scenes (3-book set)

An octane-fueled journey across the decades with BMW Design. Watch the designers at work as they create the classic of the past, the cars we can buy today and dive deep into the shape of BMWs from the future. A unique first-of-its-kind book that tells the story of BMW's concept cars and the series production vehicles they inspired. Essential reading for classic enthusiasts and owners of modern
Naše cena 2 499,00 KČ (99,78 EUR)

BMW by design - The untold story of BMW styling past, present and future

In the golden age of the American automobile--from the early 1930s to the late 1950s--cars were festooned with elegant chrome and colorful enamel decorations that manufacturers called "brightwork." If you ever forgot what kind of car you were driving, numerous emblems, horn buttons, script, and hood ornaments were there to remind you. Brightwork shows off these shiny treasures as small sculptures
Původní cena 1 999,00 KČ
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,85 EUR)

Brightwork: Classic American Car Ornamentation

When Bruno Sacco walked through the doors on his first day at Mercedes-Benz on 13 January 1958 it is highly unlikely that his Daimler-Benz colleagues could ever imagine that this nervous young man would not only revolutionize design but would change the way design and innovation connected with brand tradition forever. Bruno Sacco is one of the most influential automotive designers of the late
Naše cena 927,00 KČ (37,01 EUR)

Bruno Sacco: Leading Mercedes-Benz Design 1979-1999

This book is about Ettore Bugatti’s extraordinary mind devoted to a multitude of inventions, designs, modifications, innovations, ideas, hobbies and follies.  The object of this publication is an attempt to try and cover a very diverse and wide volume of work in the design field and includes Cars, Railway, Marine, Aircraft and Machine Tools. Contents include:  The Bugatti Heritage 1676-2008; List
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,91 EUR)

Bugatti - The Designer

Learn about the creation of every generation of Chevrolet’s pony car! For more than 50 years, the Chevrolet Camaro has been an indelible part of the modern automotive landscape. Since its introduction in 1967, Chevrolet’s immensely popular pony car has redefined American automotive styling by setting the bar and then raising it with the introduction of each generation. How did the Camaro become
Naše cena 969,00 KČ (38,69 EUR)

Camaro Concept Cars: Developing Chevrolet's Pony Car

The automobile has always been as much about style as engineering, not simply a means of transportation but a status symbol meant to impress others and project the success of its owner. Car Design is a comprehensive collection of photographs from European, Japanese, and American automobile advertising campaigns of the last fifty years. Lavishly illustrated with over 400 color and black and white
Naše cena 899,00 KČ (35,90 EUR)

Car Design

"Car Design America" is second in a series on world automotive history. From the streamliner to the show cars of the '50s and '60s, American car design's influence on international style is reflected in Cadillac's slogan, the standard of the world. The bombastic Harley Earl and the extravagant Raymond Loewy created iconic designs, and the mythical Corvette, Mustang, and Thunderbird were born.
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,82 EUR)

Car Design America: Myths, Brands, People

Car Design Asia is the third in a series on automotive history. Learn how this continent rose to the top in car manufacturing. Starting with Japan in the 50s, and in later decades Korea and China, Asian automotive technology has gradually become a presence to be reckoned with on the international stage. Initially a smaller player compared to Europe and the US, Asia's automobile industry has
Naše cena 1 990,00 KČ (79,46 EUR)

Car Design Asia: Myths, Brands, People

Car Design Asia is the third in a series on automotive history. Learn how this continent rose to the top in car manufacturing. Starting with Japan in the 50s, and in later decades Korea and China, Asian automotive technology has gradually become a presence to be reckoned with on the international stage. Initially a smaller player compared to Europe and the US, Asia's automobile industry has
Naše cena 1 490,00 KČ (59,49 EUR)

Car Design Asia: Myths, Brands, People (SLEVA)

"Car Design America" is second in a series on world automotive history. From the streamliner to the show cars of the '50s and '60s, American car design's influence on international style is reflected in Cadillac's slogan, the standard of the world. The bombastic Harley Earl and the extravagant Raymond Loewy created iconic designs, and the mythical Corvette, Mustang, and Thunderbird were born.
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,82 EUR)

Car Design Europe: Myths, Brands, People

"Car Design America" is second in a series on world automotive history. From the streamliner to the show cars of the '50s and '60s, American car design's influence on international style is reflected in Cadillac's slogan, the standard of the world. The bombastic Harley Earl and the extravagant Raymond Loewy created iconic designs, and the mythical Corvette, Mustang, and Thunderbird were born.
Naše cena 1 790,00 KČ (71,47 EUR)

Car Design Europe: Myths, Brands, People (SLEVA)

Car Design Studies
Kooperationsprojekte mit Deutschlands Automobil Design Studios
Die Faszination junger Automobildesigner, die mit spektakulären Entwürfen und Modellen ihr Kreativpotenzial virtuos zum Ausdruck bringen, wird in diesem Buch mit beeindruckenden Bildern eingefangen. Kommentiert von den Chefdesignern der deutschen Automobil Design Studios, wird erstmals vom Supersportwagen bis zum Dreirad, vom evolutionären Design für ein Nachfolgemodell bis zur zukunftsweisenden
Naše cena 830,00 KČ (33,14 EUR)

Car Design Studies

Automobiles are more than just a means of transport: they are social entities-societal developments are manifested in their design. In this cultural history Paolo Tumminelli introduces legendary brands, designs and their creators from the 1920s to the present day. Set of 3 books covering Asia, America and Europe.
Naše cena 2 084,00 KČ (83,21 EUR)

Car Design: America, Asia, Europe (3-volume Box-set)
