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Původní cena 2 222,00 KČ (88,65 EUR)
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Naše cena 1 555,00 KČ (62,04 EUR)
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Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / Cestovní vozy / DTM / BTCC

skladem novinka v akci
This book tells the story of one of the six alloy-bodied XK 120s that were prepared by Jaguar in 1950 for racing and rallying. This one, known as JWK 651 because of the registration number it has carried since new, was owned by Leslie Johnson and raced by him in some of the most prestigious events of the time, including the Le Mans 24 Hours, the Mille Miglia (twice) and the Tourist Trophy at
Naše cena 853,00 KČ (34,03 EUR)

 Jaguar XK 120 - The remarkable history of JWK 651

Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: 1952-1972 great moments in Motor racing, technické novinky v produkčních vozech, auta roku, design a konstrukce GT aut, rychlostní rekordy, Formule 1, Emmerson Fittipaldi, Daytona 24-Hours, Can-Am, Targa Florio, Le Mans,
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,75 EUR)

1972-1973 - Automobile Year Number 20

Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: 1973 - velké pohyby v automobilovém světě, technické novinky v produkčních vozech, auta roku, aerodynamika soutěžních aut, technická avoluce v motorsportu, rychlostní rekordy, Formule 1, Jackie Stewart, Henri Pescarolo, Gerard
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,75 EUR)

1973-1974 - Automobile Year Number 21

Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: The Automotive industry in 1984, F1 Championship, Mille Miglia, Endurance World Championship, Le Mans 24 Hours, World Rally Championship, Season in the USA, European F2 Championship, European F3 Championship, European Touring
Naše cena 959,00 KČ (38,26 EUR)

1984/85 - Automobile Year Number 32

24 Stunden Nürburgring Nordschleife 2006
Offizielles Jahrbuch zum 24 Stunden Rennen auf dem Nürburgring
Was lange währt, wird endlich gut! Bei dieser Auflage des Internationalen ADAC Zurich 24-Stunden-Rennens konnte sich Olaf Manthey in seinem 25. Anlauf als Fahrer beziehungsweise Teamchef endlich in die Siegerliste eintragen lassen. Wie ein Uhrwerk lief der Porsche 911 GT3 und stellte gar einen eindrucksvollen Distanzrekord auf, mehr als 100 Kilometer länger hatte das Quartett seine Bahnen durch
Naše cena 2 499,00 KČ (99,70 EUR)

24 Stunden Nürburgring Nordschleife 2006

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2013
Offizielles Jahrbuch zum 24 Stunden Rennen auf dem Nürburgring
The already unique history's greatest motorsport event in the world is richer for another breathtaking chapter. "About this weather will be talked in years," it brought organization leader Peter Geishecker to the point.There was fog on Friday, Saturday and early summer on extremely heavy race in the night from Sunday to Monday. The 41st Edition of the ADAC Zurich 24-hour race offered before
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,84 EUR)

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2013

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2017
Offizielles Jahrbuch zum 24 Stunden Rennen auf dem Nürburgring
Wer glaubte, beim Internationalen ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennen schon alles erlebt zu haben, der wurde bei der 45. Auflage einmal mehr eines besseren belehrt. Nachdem es bis eine Stunde vor dem Ende so warm war wie zuletzt 1986 und so trocken wie zuletzt 2001 griff der Wettergott in das Geschehen ein. Ein kurzer, aber heftiger Regenschauer vom Adenauer-Forst bis Breidscheid und ab der Hohen Acht bis zum
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,84 EUR)

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2017

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2018
Offizielles Jahrbuch zum 24 Stunden Rennen auf dem Nürburgring
Anyone  who  believed  to  have  seen  all  in  the  Internationales  ADAC  Zurich  24h-Rennen  was  proven  wrong  once  again  in  the  45th  running  of  the  event.  Until  one  hour  before  the  end,  it  was  as  warm  as  it  had  last  been  back  in  1986  and  as  dry  as  in  2001,  but  then,  the  weather  turned  things  upside  down.  A  brief,  but  heavy  downpour  from 
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,84 EUR)

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2018

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2019
Offizielles Jahrbuch zum 24 Stunden Rennen auf dem Nürburgring
In front of 230,000 spectators, the 47thrunning of the ADAC TOTAL 24-hour race at the Nürburgring seamlessly continued the tradition of previous races. Excitement, drama, tears of joy, huge disappointments and a surprising winner at the end. So, in fact, it was business as usual in Germany’s unique motorsport highlight at the famous Eifel circuit. Even though there were only six changes for the
Naše cena 1 500,00 KČ (59,84 EUR)

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2019

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2020
Offizielles Jahrbuch zum 24 Stunden Rennen auf dem Nürburgring
The 48th ADAC Total 24h-Rennen produced another thrilling race on the Nurburgring Nordschleife despite the challenges brought about by the global pandemic. ROWE RACING secured the 20th overall win for BMW, 50 years after the Munich brand’s first win at the race. It was the first time since 2010 that a BMW crew has stood on the top step of the podium at the race, and it came after another year of
Naše cena 1 099,00 KČ (43,85 EUR)

24 Stunder Nürburgring Nordschleife 2020

25 Years of GT Racing
Stéphane Ratel and SRO Motorsports
This lavish book tells the story of Stéphane Ratel’s journey from passionate young car enthusiast to architect of modern GT racing world-wide. Explained in his own words, and through those who have worked and raced with him, this extraordinary 25-year tale reveals the ups and downs behind the rise of GT racing to today’s world-wide phenomenon of great cars and great racing organised by the SRO
Naše cena 3 999,00 KČ (159,54 EUR)

25 Years of GT Racing

Motorsport has always been a means for Audi to develop forward-thinking and efficient technologies which are relevant to customers as well. For 30 years, Audi Sport has been making history in the world of motorsport. Now a fascinating book presents this history to readers: “30 Years of Audi Sport – 30 Years of quattro” will be available from mid-April in German and English. It is no coincidence
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,86 EUR)

30 years of Audi Sport - 30 years of quattro

30 Years of GT Racing
Stéphane Ratel and SRO Motorsports
This lavish book tells the story of Stéphane Ratel’s journey from passionate young car enthusiast to architect of modern GT racing world-wide. Explained in his own words, and through those who have worked and raced with him, this extraordinary 30-year tale reveals the ups and downs behind the rise of GT racing to today’s world-wide phenomenon of great cars and great racing organised by the SRO
Naše cena 3 299,00 KČ (131,62 EUR)

30 Years of GT Racing

90 Jahre Nürburgring sind ein Grund zum Feiern - und Anlass genug für eine aktualisierte Neuauflage unseres Erfolgstitels von 2007. Für dieses prachtvolle und preisgünstige Buch über die Grüne Hölle haben die beiden Nürburgring-Kenner Michael Behrndt und Jörg Thomas Födisch, die bereits mehrere veritable Motorsport-Buch-Klassiker veröffentlicht haben, die besten Bilder und die aufregendsten
Naše cena 769,00 KČ (30,68 EUR)

90 Jahre Nürburgring - Chronik einer Rennstrecke

„When you’re in the car, the lights go out.“ So beschreibt Sir Jackie Stewart den Moment, als er auf dem Nürburgring zu einem Rennen startet. Und nachvollziehbar ist sein Gedanke, denn nirgendwo auf der Welt war und ist das Fahren gefährlicher als auf dem Nürburgring. Die Nordschleife dort führt über Berge, durch Täler und windet sich durch dichten Wald am Fuße einer alten Burg. Dieser Ort hat
Naše cena 1 242,00 KČ (49,55 EUR)

90 Jahre Nürburgring: Die Geschichte der Nordschleife

When the brand was one of the greatest expressions in motor sport, there was a humorous joke going around that while not exactly making you laugh out loud, did penetrate the spirit: “Do you know what a hare is? It's an Abarth rabbit!” For decades, the Turin-based company, founded in Bologna on March 31st 1949 by Karl Abarth with Hapsburg rigour and a typical Italian spirit, made enthusiasts dream
Naše cena 1 650,00 KČ (65,83 EUR)

Abarth L'irresistibile Fascino dello Scorpione - The Irresistable Attraction of.

Third edition of the book that tells the thirty year history of racing cars made by Abarth from 1971 to 2005.A notebook full of memories and notes; the authors intention with this document is to highlight, for the benefit of interested readers, the work of many people during the period from 1971 to 2005 (33 years of competition cars and other projects) and the achievements, led by a group of
Naše cena 1 699,00 KČ (67,78 EUR)

Abarths After Carlo Abarth : A Thirty Year History Of Racing Cars

A champion on the track and an exceptional man, capable of reinventing himself when anyone else would have given in, Alex Zanardi needs no introductions. The minor formulas, Formula 1, two titles in Formula Cart, the accident and the new life that has seen him conquer 12 gold medals in the Paralympic Games and Road World Championship are all included in the first fully illustrated
Naše cena 1 139,00 KČ (45,44 EUR)

Alex Zanardi: A Life in Pictures / Immagini Di Una Vita

This book celebrates the extraordinary sporting legacy behind the name Alfa Romeo, and is a unique record of every model of Alfa Romeo associated with official and, at times, not so official Alfa sporting achievements from 1945 to the present day. A photographic journey, featuring many rare period photographs. This book celebrates the extraordinary sporting legacy behind the name Alfa Romeo, and
Naše cena 2 399,00 KČ (95,71 EUR)

Alfa Romeo - Cars in Motorsport since 1945

The House of Biscione has written unforgettable pages in motor racing history and this book evokes and chronicles the triumphs achieved by Alfa Romeo 155 and 156 in touring car racing from 1992 to 2007. A golden age that began with the 155 GTA and continued with the fantastic season of DTM, the German Touring Car Championship, won at the first attempt in 1993. Then came the triumphs in the BTCC,
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,80 EUR)

Alfa Romeo 155-156 DTM - Superturismo - S2000

New and updated edition of Alleggerita by Tony Adriaensens, Patrick Dasse and Martin Übelher. The box set includes three volumes with a total of 1456 pages: Volume one, "Alleggerita", is about the evolution of the GTA / GTAJ / GTAm and the race history of the cars, focusing on the European Touring Car Challenge in which Autodelta predominantly participated.  464 pages with 347 black and white
Naše cena 8 999,00 KČ (359,02 EUR)

Alleggerita (English edition)

Porsche wird 70. Anlässlich dieses Jubiläums inszeniert Starfotograf René Staud mit seiner einzigartigen Studiofotografie die wichtigsten Porsche-Modelle aus sieben Jahrzehnten. Natürlich kommt auch die bewegte Geschichte der Sportwagen-Firma nicht zu kurz. Dazu werden die großen Rennerfolge noch einmal gefeiert. Ihre besondere Beziehung zu Porsche schildern neben Dr. Wolfgang Porsche und Dr.
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,75 EUR)

Art of Porsche - Legendäre Sportwagen

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 999,00 KČ (119,65 EUR)

Autocourse 1976: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 999,00 KČ (119,65 EUR)

Autocourse 1977: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 699,00 KČ (107,68 EUR)

Autocourse 1979: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 399,00 KČ (95,71 EUR)

Autocourse 1980: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 350,00 KČ (93,76 EUR)

Autocourse 1981: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 350,00 KČ (93,76 EUR)

Autocourse 1982: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 399,00 KČ (95,71 EUR)

Autocourse 1983: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 999,00 KČ (119,65 EUR)

Autocourse 1983: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

All World Championship rounds will be recorded in detailed reports, with full results and statistics, photos, top ten driver ranking, team-by-team guide and topical features giving insight into the Formula One season. Includes coverage of Le Mans, Formula 3 and 3000, Super Tourers and more.
Naše cena 2 199,00 KČ (87,73 EUR)

Autocourse 1984: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

For 2021 a record 22-race schedule was planned, and despite changes to venues, the F1 championship was very much up and running by March 2021. Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton – now the winningest driver in history – broke more records. The Briton smashed through the 100 pole-position barrier, and later in the season reached a century of Grand Prix wins in the face of a real championship challenge from
Naše cena 1 749,00 KČ (69,78 EUR)

Autocourse 2021: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

Another record breaking 22 Grand Prix season saw Red Bull Racing and Ferrari go head to head with some spectacular races and epic drives from all four drivers, each one winning one or more races. Mercedes with Lewis Hamilton and new recruit George Russell struggled for most of the season with aero and relentless porpoising until mid way through the season when their performances improved and some
Naše cena 1 899,00 KČ (75,76 EUR)

Autocourse 2022: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

This year's championship has been dominated by Red Bull Racing, and in particular Max Verstappen who has already clinched the 2023 Drivers F1 World Championship as has the team clinching the F1 Constructors title a few races earlier. Authors Tony Dodgins and Maurice Hamilton, combining 80 years of F1 expertise, examine each Grand Prix in depth. Full race reports are backed by detailed results,
Naše cena 2 999,00 KČ (119,65 EUR)

Autocourse 2023: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

Autocourse is the definitive Formula One and motorsport annual, printed on high quality gloss art paper, 240mm x 320 hardback cover with over 400 pages of superlative images from the World's leading Grand Prix photographers and editorial from the sport's most respected journalists. This year's championship initially looked likely to be dominated by Max Verstappen and Red Bull Racing, but as the
Naše cena 2 099,00 KČ (83,74 EUR)

Autocourse 2024: The World's Leading Grand Prix Annual

AUTODELTA 60 l'ala veloce dell'Alfa Romeo, a new, enriched edition of the previous, much-appreciated book on Autodelta, 60 years after the birth of this legendary name for all Alfisti and fans of that heroic and tragic, magical and ruthless racing world. New testimonies, new details, an in-depth look at power boating: this is how history is retraced thanks to the sources of the time, the memories
Naše cena 1 299,00 KČ (51,82 EUR)

Autodelta 60 - L'ala Veloce Dell' Alfa Romeo

The Autodelta story, Alfa Romeo’s more or less official racing department between 1963 and 1983.A tale of unforgettable victories, of two titles conquered in the World Championship for Marques, in 1971 and 1977, but also one of scalding defeats.Great names in the history of motorsport raced in the colours of the team born in the province of Udine and nurtured at Settimo Milanese including Ignazio
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,75 EUR)

Autodelta: Alfa Romeo Racing 1963-1983

Ročenka světového automobilového motorsportu. Mapuje dění v sezóně 1981 v oborech: Grand Prix Formula 1, Le Mans, Indianapolis, okruhové závody cestovních vozů, Rallye, NASCAR a dragstery. U každé série přináší přehled týmů, jezdců, okruhů a výsledků.
Naše cena 1 424,00 KČ (56,81 EUR)

Automobile Sport 1981-82

Tahle knizka vznikla predevsim ze snahy podat strucny, ale pokud mozno uceleny prehled historie Poháru míru a prátelství a postihnout nejdůleziteisi momenty jeho vyvoje.Dále ze snahy prispet k vetsi informovanosti o automobilovém sportu v socialistickych zemich, ktery i zde je nejen sportem odvaznych muzu a zen, ale také sportem, ktery rozviji technicky pokrok.Vzpomínam si, ze první moje setkání
Naše cena 149,00 KČ (5,94 EUR)

Automobilový pohár míru a přátelství

Our AUTOMOBILSPORT desk calendar for the coming year 2024 combines twelve calendar pages from different eras of motorsport history.
Naše cena 375,00 KČ (14,96 EUR)

AUTOMOBILSPORT – Racing / History / Passion 2024

Die Geschichte eines Unsterblichen – Ayrton Senna neu gesehen Mehr als 25 Jahre sind seit jenem schicksalshaften 1. Mai 1994 vergangen, als Ayrton Senna in Imolas berüchtigter Tamburello-Kurve von der Strecke abkommt und in eine Betonmauer kracht. Schon damals ist klar: Die Formel 1 hat eine ihrer Ikonen verloren. Die Literatur über den dreifachen Formel-1-Weltmeister füllt mittlerweile Regale,
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,86 EUR)

Ayrton Senna - Neue Bilder einer Legende

At long last Brian Redman joins the list of notable British racing drivers whose racing life has been put on record in book form. Packed with photographs, Redman’s memoir is a vivid account of his varied racing exploits, with special focus on the period 1968–73 when he won major sports car races in Ford GT40s, Porsche 908s and 917s, and Ferrari 312PBs. Highly readable, and at times both humorous
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,75 EUR)

Brian Redman: A Racer's Memoir of a Dangerous Decade 1965-75

At long last Brian Redman joins the list of notable British racing drivers whose racing life has been put on record in book form. Packed with photographs, Redman’s memoir is a vivid account of his varied racing exploits, with special focus on the period 1968–73 when he won major sports car races in Ford GT40s, Porsche 908s and 917s, and Ferrari 312PBs. Highly readable, and at times both humorous
Naše cena 3 000,00 KČ (119,69 EUR)

Brian Redman: A Racer's Memoir of a Dangerous Decade 1965-75 (SIGNOVÁNO)

Catering solely for the British domestic motorsport scene, the latest edition of a motorsport annual which provides coverage of the major British series, supported by an in-depth results section.
Naše cena 1 329,00 KČ (53,02 EUR)

British Motorsport Year 1995-96 (Autocourse)

Tall, slim, with jet-black hair and a very thin black moustache, he would have fitted into a pirate movie or a western. It was quite a sight to behold when, for example, in 1975 - I can still see it in my mind - he rolled onto the meadow that served as the paddock for the opening round of the European Mountain Championship in Draguignan in the south of France: Range Rover as towing vehicle, behind
Naše cena 9 999,00 KČ (398,92 EUR)

Brun Motorsport 1966–2009 – Limited edition

Although the company's first car, the 356 , did not appear until after the Second World War, founding father Ferdinand Porsche's involvement in the motor industry began over ninety years ago and included important development and design work on road cars, commercial vehicles, racing cars and specialized military engines. Founded in 1931, the Porsche independent design company was responsible for
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,91 EUR)

Classic Porsche

Classic Sports Cars
Profiles of Famous Cars, Cutaway and Detail Drawings, over 160 Photographs in Colour and B&W
This book studies the outstanding sports cars of motoring history, through a series of informed profiles of important designs. An extensive introduction recalls the origins of the sports car before the First World War, and the evolving type is then traced through from the great designs of the 1920s and 1930s to the high-performance sports-racing cars of the last two decades. Cars of over 30
Naše cena 1 424,00 KČ (56,81 EUR)

Classic Sports Cars

Classic Sports Cars
Over 180 significant cars, model histories, technical data, original color artwork, authoritative reference
This book studies the outstanding sports cars of motoring history, through a series of informed profiles of important designs. An extensive introduction recalls the origins of the sports car before the First World War, and the evolving type is then traced through from the great designs of the 1920s and 1930s to the high-performance sports-racing cars of the last two decades. Cars of over 30
Naše cena 1 690,00 KČ (67,42 EUR)

Classic Sports Cars

Die Motorsportsaison 1995 ist - nach spannenden und dramatischen Rennen - im Ziel. Wer sich die Höhepunkte noch einmal in Ruhe vor Augen führen will, der hat mit diesem Buch den idealen Begleiter in der Hand: Mit interessanten Berichten und kompetenten Analysen sowie den schönsten Fotos haben Dieter L. Scharnagl und Ferdi Kräling die Ereignisse auf den Rennstrecken in aller Welt für die Zukunft
Naše cena 664,00 KČ (26,49 EUR)

Cockpit: Rennsport Jahrbuch 1995/1996

The tuning and engine company Cosworth was founded in 1958 and very soon forged a close association with Ford, but it was not until 1986 that the first Cosworth-badged Ford road car went on sale. This car, an Escort, was the first in a long and famous line of high-performance Cosworth and RS Fords that graced the garages of keen drivers and the bedroom walls of teenagers across Europe for over ten
Naše cena 1 395,00 KČ (55,65 EUR)

Cosworth and Ford: The Road Cars