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Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,66 EUR)
Naše cena 459,00 KČ (18,16 EUR)


Naše cena 386,00 KČ (15,28 EUR)
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,62 EUR)
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,64 EUR)

Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / Lanchester

skladem novinka v akci
A book on the 101 most remarkable, rare and exciting automobiles in India. Within the covers of this book unfolds a journey of discovery of the most unusual, the best preserved and the most archetypical vehicles that survive in the country today. Vehicles that encapsulate the essence of the history of the automobile in India, and its impact on contemporary culture and civilisation. A book that
Naše cena 1 799,00 KČ (71,19 EUR)

101 Automotive Jewels of India (Collector's Edition)

A-Z of Cars of the 1930s
Classic and Sports Car
Begun by the late Michael Sedgwick and continued after his death in 1983 by Mark Gillies, this outstanding reference book provides encyclopaedic coverage of every make and model of British, European and American car sold in Britain in the period. Some 1000 models are dealt with in individual entries giving production and specification information and a description. Every model is illustrated.
Naše cena 444,00 KČ (17,57 EUR)

A-Z of Cars of the 1930s

Veškerá ostrovní automobilová poválečná produkce, seřazená rok po roce. Vše dopovází textové popisy, základní technické údaje a fotografie. AC, Allard, Alvis, Armstrong Siddeley, Aston Martin, Austin, Bentley, Bond, Bristol, Citroen, Commer, Daimler, Ford, Frazer-Nash, Healey, Hillman, HRG, Humber, Invicta, Jaguar, Jensen, Jowett, Lagonda, Lanchester, Land Rover, Lea-Francis, MG, Morgan, Morris,
Naše cena 721,00 KČ (28,53 EUR)

British Cars of the Late Forties, 1947-49

Classic British Cars
With over 150 photographs from the National Motor Museum
Spanning A Century Of British Car Production, Classic British Cars Profiles Over 80 Car Makes From Almost 50 British Marques. Fully illustrated and detailed sections describe each model from its design through to its production and success. Veteran era 1896-1914, Vintage and Thoroughbred 1919-1939, The Classci Years 1945-1970, Modern-day Classics 1970-1995.
Naše cena 645,00 KČ (25,52 EUR)

Classic British Cars

Naše cena 349,00 KČ (13,81 EUR)

Classic Cars

This book covers the astonishing technical advance of the automobile during the thirties and forties, with chapters on the major mechanical improvements - front-wheel drive, independent suspension, synchromesh, and automatic gear-boxes - and on the refinements of unitary bodywork, including the introduction of compound curves, proper ventilation, and modern aerodynamics. The authoritative text is
Naše cena 489,00 KČ (19,35 EUR)

Classic Cars of the 1930's and 1940's

Kompletní katalog všech britských značek od roku 1895 do roku 1975, více než 700 výrobců a 3700 modelů, včetně technických specifikací k většině popisovaných typů. Velcí výrobci: AC, Adams, Albion, Allard, Alldays, Alvis, Arden, Argyll, Ariel, Armstrong Siddeley, Armstrong-Whitworth, Arrol-Johnston, Aster, Aston-martin, Austin, Austin-Healey, Autocrat, AV, Bayliss-Thomas, Bean, Beardmore, Bell,
Naše cena 2 999,00 KČ (118,68 EUR)

Complete Catalogue of British Cars, 1895-1975

Kompletní katalog všech britských značek od roku 1895 do roku 1975, více než 700 výrobců a 3700 modelů, včetně technických specifikací k většině popisovaných typů. Velcí výrobci: AC, Adams, Albion, Allard, Alldays, Alvis, Arden, Argyll, Ariel, Armstrong Siddeley, Armstrong-Whitworth, Arrol-Johnston, Aster, Aston-martin, Austin, Austin-Healey, Autocrat, AV, Bayliss-Thomas, Bean, Beardmore, Bell,
Naše cena 1 899,00 KČ (75,15 EUR)

Complete Catalogue of British Cars, 1895-1975 (SLEVA)

Klassische Automobile
Die internationale Enzyklopädie
Dieses gewichtige Werk stellt über 1000 erlesene Automobil-Klassiker vor. Dabei werden nicht nur bekannte Typen und Klassiker präsentiert, sondern gerade auch Fahrzeuge, über die man im deutschen Sprachraum bisher kaum etwas erfahren konnte. Der Leser findet in dieser ausgezeichnet illustrierten Zusammenstellung ca. 1000 Abbildungen und 100.000 technische Angaben in lexikalischer Anordnung. Ein
Naše cena 1 492,00 KČ (59,04 EUR)

Klassische Automobile

Klassische Automobile (SLEVA)
Die internationale Enzyklopädie
Dieses gewichtige Werk stellt über 1000 erlesene Automobil-Klassiker vor. Dabei werden nicht nur bekannte Typen und Klassiker präsentiert, sondern gerade auch Fahrzeuge, über die man im deutschen Sprachraum bisher kaum etwas erfahren konnte. Der Leser findet in dieser ausgezeichnet illustrierten Zusammenstellung ca. 1000 Abbildungen und 100.000 technische Angaben in lexikalischer Anordnung. Ein
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,45 EUR)

Klassische Automobile (SLEVA)

An illustrated book in colour and black and white to do with the British automotive industry from its infancy to 1976.
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,75 EUR)

Motoring Heritage: The Story of Some Historic British Vehicles

Wenn es einen japanischen Automobil-Hersteller gegeben hat, der in den vergangenen Jahren den Anschluß an das „High-Tech-Zeitalter" gefunden hat, dann dürfte es Honda sein. Und hinter dieser Firma steht bis heute ein Mann, der sich vom einfa-chen Mechaniker zum Besitzer einer Firma hinauf-gearbeitet hat, deren Produkte in aller Welt heiß be-gehrt sind: Soichiro Honda. Der Tüftler und Erfinder
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,53 EUR)

Nachkriegswagen - Personenautos 1945-1960

Passenger Cars 1863-1904
Cars of the World in Colour
This is the first volume on passenger cars in the series of volumes from Biandford on Cars of the World, and it is a companion to Sports Cars 1928-39. The author has for the purposes of this series defined a passenger car as a working self-propelled vehicle, in-tended primarily for private, personal transportation, for pleasure as well as necessity". The book covers the period 1863-1904, the
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,75 EUR)

Passenger Cars 1863-1904

Royal Cars
Shire Album
Zajímavá cesta napříč moderní historií vozů nejen britské královské rodiny. Popisuje Daimlery, Lanchestery, Jaguary a Rolls-Royce Anglické královny a různých vévodů, ale i Darracq belgického krále Alberta, Delaunay-Belleville cara Nikolaje II, Mercedesy španělského krále Alfonse, švédského prince Wilhelma nebo císaře Wlhelma II. Z pozdějších let nechybí přehlídkové Rollsy, Aston prince Charlese
Naše cena 249,00 KČ (9,85 EUR)

Royal Cars

Překvapivě skvěle vybavená encyklopedie klasických aut a veteránů. Zásadní modely jsou zevribně popsány, včetně specifikací a vybaveny fotografickým či ilustrovaným obrazovým doprovodem. From AC Six to Wolseley, including such famous names as Ferrari, Lagonda, Maserati and Porsche, The Encyclopedia of the World's Classic Cars describes and illustrates well over 260 of the most superb machines in
Naše cena 721,00 KČ (28,53 EUR)

The Encyclopedia of the World's Classic Cars

This is a nostalgic look at the world's best-loved and most significant automobiles. You can drive down memory lane with this celebration of 150 of the world's greatest cars, from the weird and wonderful to the largest, fastest and most infamous. From 0 to 150 take a journey through the first steam-powered vehicles and the Model T Ford, to favourites like the James Bond amphibian car, the holder
Naše cena 555,00 KČ (21,96 EUR)

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Automobiles

The Straight Eight Engine
Powering the Premium Automobiles of the Twenties and Thirties
The straight eight engine, also known as the inline eight engine, was the driving force behind some of the most fascinating luxury vehicles of the first half of the twentieth century. From its introduction in the 1920s through its demise in the 1950s, the straight eight graced a number of upmarket vehicles from makers like Pontiac, Packard, and Daimler, and even appeared under the hood of the
Naše cena 2 299,00 KČ (90,98 EUR)

The Straight Eight Engine

Vintage Cars
Classic Car Guides
Vintage Cars provides a perspective of cars and motoring in the 1919-30 period. The eighty models described are representative of both luxury and popular cars and the author succeeds in illuminating historical accuracy with an engaging view of the evolution of the automobile as well as giving indications of the emergence of national characteristics in cars. Why did the Citroen of.1926 not squeak
Naše cena 550,00 KČ (21,77 EUR)

Vintage Cars