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Naše cena 2 255,00 KČ (89,88 EUR)
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Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / Interiéry a čalounění

skladem novinka v akci
Die Hände am Lenkrad und die Armaturen im Blick, war der Sitzplatz am Steuer von jeher der Ort emotionaler Begeisterung für das Automobil. Die Cockpits heutiger Autos sind daher akribisch bis ins Detail von Designern durchkomponiert. Doch auch in der Automobilgeschichte waren Armaturen und Innenraum stets ein Ausweis handwerklichen Könnens und des Zeitgeschmacks, der über den reinen praktischen
Naše cena 1 975,00 KČ (78,72 EUR)

Art of Cockpit by René Staud

After disassembling and gutting your car, it is easy to feel that you're in way over your head when it comes to the upholstery. This is why so many do-it-yourself restorers outsource the work, at considerable expense, to an experienced upholstery shop. Taking the time to acquire the skills for upholstery restoration may feel like a daunting task, but what if an experienced upholsterer presented
Naše cena 741,00 KČ (29,53 EUR)

Automotive Upholstery & Interior Restoration

Car Interiors, How to Restore...
Osprey Restoration Guide
This new series of guides is intended to cover the full spectrum of car restoration operations. The familiar classic and collectable car has been divided into logical areas so that an individual book can cover that area in detail. This practical guide to the repair and renovation of car interiors cover all 'soft' trim, including carpets. In fact all those furnishings you think you can tackle — and
Naše cena 495,00 KČ (19,73 EUR)

Car Interiors, How to Restore...

Chevrolet Corvette Purchase and Restoration Guide
History, Buying, Specifications, Body and Frame, Mechanics, Interior, Electrics and Optics, Uprates
Tento průvodce naplňuje potřeby mnoha tisíců majitelů vozů značky Corvette na celém světě. Publikace je naplněna detailními fotografiemi typu "krok za krokem", obsahuje erudované texty pojednávající o práci na karosérii, rámu a podvozku, mechanických skupinách i elektrickém rozvodu Corvette C3. Obsahuje také historii modelu od roku 1953 do 1995, s každým rokem popsaným zvlášť a doporučením, který
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,67 EUR)

Chevrolet Corvette Purchase and Restoration Guide

The lure of the classic car is undeniable, and one of the quintessential features of any classic car is the dashboard. In gleaming metal, polished wood or padded leather, the dashboard has always expressed the nuances of a car's individual character. Whether in a single-seater racing car or a family saloon, it is here that function meets form, that ergonomics meets style. Through the expert
Naše cena 1 049,00 KČ (41,81 EUR)


For people who love their cars, detailing is both a passion and a pastime. No matter what your working on street rod, muscle car, classic cruiser or your everyday wheels. It is attention to detail that will keep your car looking awesome. This fantastic guide shows you exactly how to make your car look its best. This book contains 59 distinct steps to auto perfection. This book is the perfect gift
Naše cena 541,00 KČ (21,56 EUR)

Detailing Techniques: Make Your Car Look Its Best

Fitting a Camper Van Interior is a definitive guide to modifying or upgrading a camper van interior at home. This book offers guidance and advice on how to maximise the interior space, style and functionality of any camper van model. The book breaks down each task down into step-by-step photography and instructions, from the initial design stages, right through to expanding the camper van with
Naše cena 546,00 KČ (21,76 EUR)

Fitting a Camper Van Interior

Frustrations from installing an aftermarket kit interior are now over with this illustrated easy-to-follow, step-by-step, how-to book that shows you how to get professional results. We have all heard that premade seat covers and interior pieces are junk, but this is not true. Installation error accounts for 90 percent of the problems. All old cars have fitment issues, and knowing how to overcome
Naše cena 895,00 KČ (35,67 EUR)

How to Install Automotive Interior Kits

Frustrations from installing an aftermarket interior kit are over with this easy-to-follow, illustrated, step-by-step book that shows how to achieve professional results.We have all heard that premade seat covers and interior pieces are junk, but this is not true. The majority of the problems encountered is due to installer error. All old cars have fitment issues, and knowing how to overcome them
Původní cena 1 044,00 KČ
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,82 EUR)

How to Install Corvette Interior Kits

How to Restore Classic Car Interiors
Enthusiast's Restoration Manual
Features • Instruments • Dashboards • Seats • Headlinings • Carpets • Wooden & synthetic components • Steering wheels • Radios • 3D printing Description Packed with restoration know-how on all kinds of interior fittings in your classic car: carpets, headlinings, seats, wood and synthetic material parts, instruments, steering wheels: even how to succeed in making your radio sound just like new!
Naše cena 712,00 KČ (28,38 EUR)

How to Restore Classic Car Interiors

Vielen Fahrern ist ihr Auto das liebste Kind. Mit viel Leidenschaft wird es gehegt und gepflegt und der tägliche Blick auf Lenkrad und Armaturenbrett gleicht dem Betrachten eines Familienfotos. Für Oldtimer-Sammler nimmt das Interieur ihres Wagens einen besonderen Stellenwert ein und die Cockpitpflege wird zur Lieblings-Wochenendbeschäftigung. Edle Holzarmaturen und der Geruch nach altem Leder
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,86 EUR)

Klassische Cockpits / Classic Car Dashboards
v akci

A muscle car has not been fully restored until the interior has been returned to original or like-new condition. Whether a car operates in a northern or southern climate, seats, carpets, and other equipment deteriorate and wear out over time. A factory-original and professional-grade interior restoration is critical for enjoying the driving experience. However, many enthusiasts and owners do not
Naše cena 600,00 KČ (23,91 EUR)

Muscle Car Interior Restoration

Lehce srozumitelná publikace popisuje systémem "krok za krokem" postupy renovace interiéru Fordu Mustang první generace. Autor je expert v oboru renovace interiérů automobilů. Stovky kvalitních fotografií a detailního textu popisují práci na koberečcích, sedadlech, výplních dveří, palubní desce a opěrkách hlavy. Všechny tipy vedou k úsporám peněz i času.
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,67 EUR)

Mustang Interior Restoration Guide 1964-1970

Reparieren - Restaurieren - Pflegen Wer einen Oldtimer besitzt, kümmert sich meistens liebevoll um Pflege, Wartung und Erhalt seines "alten Schätzchens". Und zwar völlig unabhängig davon, ob es sich dabei um einen renditeträchtigen Hochpreisklassiker oder einen ehemaligen "Alltagshelden", etwa eines der viel zu oft sorglos verschlissenen "Gebrauchsautos" der Siebziger- und Achtzigerjahre handelt.
Naše cena 621,00 KČ (24,75 EUR)

Praxishandbuch Cockpit & Interieur: Reparieren - Restaurieren - Pflegen

Today's detailer wants bite-sized projects they can tackle in a few hours on the weekend. They also appreciate knowing exactly how much time and what supplies need to be arranged beforehand so they are not surprised halfway through a hands-on procedure. This book is, first and foremost a tool. The book explains all the techniques and products needed, lays out detailed schedules, and explains the
Naše cena 539,00 KČ (21,48 EUR)

Ultimate Auto Detailing Projects

Fitting a Camper Van Interior is a definitive guide to modifying or upgrading a camper van interior at home. This book offers guidance and advice on how to maximise the interior space, style and functionality of any camper van model. The book breaks down each task down into step-by-step photography and instructions, from the initial design stages, right through to expanding the camper van with
Naše cena 683,00 KČ (27,22 EUR)

VW Camper: Inspirational Interiors