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Naše cena 541,00 KČ (21,56 EUR)
Původní cena 999,00 KČ (39,81 EUR)
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,84 EUR)


Naše cena 451,00 KČ (17,97 EUR)
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,85 EUR)
Naše cena 1 132,00 KČ (45,11 EUR)

Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / _Automobilová technika

skladem novinka v akci
Dieses Handbuch wendet sich an alle Oldtimer- und Youngtimer-Fahrer, die endlich die wichtigsten Arbeiten an Ihren Autos selbst erledigen möchten. Zunächst wird das Grundlagenwissen vermittelt: Welches Werkzeug brauche ich, woran erkenne ich gutes Werkzeug, wie richte ich eine Werkstatt ein, wie funktionieren Mechanik, Fahrzeugelektrik und Karosseriearbeiten? Anschließend geht es an die Praxis:
Naše cena 735,00 KČ (29,29 EUR)

1000 Schraubertipps Für Liebhaber von Old- und Youngtimern

A-Z of Kit Cars
The definitive encyclopaedia of the UKs kit-car industry since 1949
Over the past 50 years the kit-car scene has evolved from one full of 'funny little plastic cars' to today's position where it embraces credible businesses making superb cars, such as Caterham, Westfield and Ultima. This comprehensive, authoritative and often humorous look at the UK's kit-car scene documents over 1,500 different vehicles, including the successes and the failures, the perennial
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,66 EUR)

A-Z of Kit Cars

Antifriction bearings Volume I + II
Valivá (kuličková) ložiska
Volume I: Description, calculation, choice, fitting and maintenance, manufacture, wear. Volume II: Application of antifriction bearings
Naše cena 1 199,00 KČ (47,78 EUR)

Antifriction bearings Volume I + II

Autos schneller machen
Automobil-Tuning in Theorie und Praxis
Nichts ist vollkommen. Dies gilt natürlich auch für ein so hochentwickeltes Produkt wie das Automobil. Zu unterschiedlich sind die Anforderungen, zu breit ist die Spannweite zwischen Preis, Leistung und Fahrzeuggröße. Darum sind Automobile in jeder Preis- und Leistungsklasse immer in Kompromiss, der eine Vielfalt von Kundenwünschen, aber auch übergeordnete Anforderungen erfüllen soll. Doch es gibt
Naše cena 985,00 KČ (39,25 EUR)

Autos schneller machen

Autos schneller machen
Automobil-Tuning in Theorie und Praxis
Nichts ist vollkommen. Dies gilt natürlich auch für ein so hochentwickeltes Produkt wie das Automobil. Zu unterschiedlich sind die Anforderungen, zu breit ist die Spannweite zwischen Preis, Leistung und Fahrzeuggröße. Darum sind Automobile in jeder Preis- und Leistungsklasse immer in Kompromiss, der eine Vielfalt von Kundenwünschen, aber auch übergeordnete Anforderungen erfüllen soll. Doch es gibt
Naše cena 649,00 KČ (25,86 EUR)

Autos schneller machen

Elektronische Assistenten machen unsere Autos komfortabler, sparsamer und sicherer. Gleichzeitig wird die Technik jedoch auch immer verwirrender. Die Bedeutung von Abkürzungen und Fachbegriffen wie ESP, DCS oder ASR sind dem Laien oft nicht bekannt und selbst Profis sind mit ihrem Latein schnell am Ende. Hier hilft dieses Lexikon weiter. Anhand von 150 Stichworten erklärt es anschaulich, was sich
Naše cena 656,00 KČ (26,14 EUR)

Autotechnik heute

The new Bosch Automotive Handbook, now in its 9th English edition, has been completely revised and enhanced to include the most recent developments in automotive technology. About 200 specialist authors contributed to this new version of very engineer's must-have reference. The book's format has been revised: it is now 20 percent longer and wider, as this allows for a larger font size. This makes
Naše cena 1 366,00 KČ (54,43 EUR)

Bosch Automotive Handbook

The new Bosch Automotive Handbook, now in its 10th English edition, has been completely revised and enhanced to include the most recent developments in automotive technology. About 200 specialist authors contributed to this new version of very engineer's must-have reference. The book's format has been revised: it is now 20 percent longer and wider, as this allows for a larger font size. This makes
Naše cena 2 450,00 KČ (97,63 EUR)

Bosch Automotive Handbook

This all-new colour book provides a step-by-step, extensively illustrated guide to building a two-seater, open-top sports car using standard tools, basic skills and low-cost materials. The down-to-earth text shows how to make the chassis, suspension components and bodywork, and advises on how to modify and use cheap but serviceable mechanical components from a Ford Sierra donor vehicle. The end
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,66 EUR)

Build Your Own Sports Car On a Budget

Make your classic roadworthy and keep it that way by making use of the latest products and technologies. Topics discussed include: Modern chemistry and old cars; Emissions and environmental concerns; New fuels; Brakes, wheels, and tires; Getting the most out of 6 volts, Fighting rust and more. Take advantage of author and long-time classic car enthusiast Josh Malks in-depth research and get your
Naše cena 495,00 KČ (19,73 EUR)

Collector Car, How to Maintain & Enjoy Your...

Before beginning any custom car project, many choices must be made: body style, paint, upholstery, wheels and tires, engines, interior accessories, and more. By the end of the project, many thousands of dollars and hours will have been spent—and hopefully wisely. Before beginning your own custom car or hiring a builder, it pays to develop a vision for your car, how you want it to stand out, and
Naše cena 902,00 KČ (35,94 EUR)

Custom Cars: Coupes, Sedans, Pickups

Das Auto, innen und aussen
Alles über Konstruktion, Arbeitsweise, Instandsetzun
Kniha jde rozvnou k věci, asice udělá pro Vás auto v podstatě "průhledné", aby vysvětlila všechny technické otázky. Dopodrobna se zabývá funkcí motoru, vysvětluje principy různých druhů podvozků, zavěšení, elektrických rozvodů, atd... Publikace z r. 1975 je nová, nepoužitá, pouze obálka je vlivem dlouhodobého skladování lehce opotřebovaná.
Naše cena 188,00 KČ (7,49 EUR)

Das Auto, innen und aussen

Renowned artist David Kimble reveals the secrets, techniques, procedures, and the dedication to craft that is required to produce these amazing illustrations. He covers the step-by-step procedures, while producing fresh artwork for this book featuring a McLaren Can-Am car as well as a vintage Harley-Davidson.
Naše cena 3 499,00 KČ (139,43 EUR)

David Kimble's Cutaways: The Techniques and the Stories Behind the Art

What if we all had to say goodbye to petrol cars tomorrow? Would you be ready? There might be several reasons why you’re holding this book in your hand. Concern about the environment, determination to cut your fuel bill, or simply curiosity. Whatever the reason, the answer is within. This consumer guide is for housewives, petrol-heads, pedestrians, green activists, everyone – but most
Naše cena 401,00 KČ (15,98 EUR)

Electric Cars – The Future is Now!

Prepare To Win deals exclusively with the nuts and bolts of race car preparation. It contains no theory, only down-to-earth specific instructions on how to set up a race car in a professional manner. Being professional does not necessarily mean being paid, it means doing things the right way, the only way, using logic, common sense, forethought and dedication. What Carroll does here, through his
Naše cena 1 299,00 KČ (51,76 EUR)

Engineer to Win: The essential guide to RACING CAR MATERIALS TECHBOLOGY...

• Covers the core topics of the GCSE Motor Vehicle Engineering/Studies or equivalent syllabuses. • Written by an experienced author and lecturer. • Clear and easy to understand, with many diagrams and photographs. • Includes a multiple choice question paper (with answers). • Also suitable for the BTEC Motor Vehicle Engineering Unit for First Diploma and Certificate courses, and the City and Guilds
Naše cena 270,00 KČ (10,76 EUR)

GCSE Motor Vehicle Studies

Dieser Titel ist ein umfangreiches Basiswerk, das Karosserie, Innenraum, Motor, Antrieb, Elektrik/ – Elektronik, Fahrwerk, Sicherheit und Umwelt ausführlich erklärt und darstellt. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einem einleitenden Text, der den jeweiligen Bereich vorstellt, Zusammenhänge herstellt und historische Entwicklungen skizziert. Die einzelnen Kapitel handeln die zugeordneten Komponenten,
Naše cena 714,40 KČ (28,47 EUR)

Grundlagen der Automobiltechnik

Profesionálům určená publikace přináší kompletní seznam dostupných dat vážících se ke všem evropským vozům vyráběnám v letech 1991-2001 se vznětovými motory. Obsahuje technická data a specifikace, kódy VIN a motorů, údaje pro rozvodové řemeny, kapacity náplní, kroutící momenty, tlaky v pneumatikách. Úvodní kapitola seznamuje se základními principy dieselových motorů, vstřikovacích systémů,
Naše cena 1 907,00 KČ (75,99 EUR)

Haynes Diesel Engine Systems & Data Book 2001

Haynes Petrol Models Data Book 2001
Garage Trade Publications
Publikace přináší kompletní seznam dostupných dat vážících se ke všem evropským vozům vyráběným v letech 1994-2001 se zážehovými motory. Obsahuje technická data a specifikace, kódy VIN a motorů, údaje pro rozvodové řemeny, kapacity náplní, kroutící momenty, tlaky v pneumatikách.
Naše cena 1 907,00 KČ (75,99 EUR)

Haynes Petrol Models Data Book 2001

This fascinating book features 100 of the trademark cutaway drawings that have appeared on the front of Haynes car manuals over the years. Each cutaway is presented across a double-page spread with accompanying text and specification about the car in question. The book is lavishly produced and will make the perfect gift for any nostalgic car enthusiast.
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,81 EUR)

Haynes: The Classic Cutaways

The world s foremost designer in Formula One, Adrian Newey OBE is arguably one of Britain s greatest engineers and this is his fascinating, powerful memoir. How to Build a Car explores the story of Adrian s unrivalled 35-year career in Formula One through the prism of the cars he has designed, the drivers he has worked alongside and the races in which he s been involved. A true engineering genius,
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,84 EUR)

How to Build a Car: The Autobiography of the World's Greatest Formula 1 Designer

As cool as classic muscle cars might be, theyre only as good as the automotive technology of their era. Thats where this book comes in. With clear, easy-to-follow instructions, this guide shows how to give your car all the muscle of our day while preserving its classic styling. In this updated and fully illustrated edition of his popular handbook, veteran overhauler and automotive writer Jason
Naše cena 713,00 KČ (28,41 EUR)

How to Rebuild and Modify Your Muscle Car

Velmi zajímavá spíše technická publikace východoněmeckého autora, mapující sto let automobilismu. Nejen, že obecně popisuje milníky vývoje, ale jako správná technická publikace se zevrubně věnuje konstrukcím automobilů, motorů a techniky v autech obecně. Ato nejen produkčních, ale i závodních vozů.
Naše cena 289,00 KČ (11,52 EUR)

Hundert Jahre Automobil

Inside 100 Great Cars
Cut Away Drawings and Special Fold Out Features
Full-color cutaway drawings and special foldouts expose the technical virtuosity that drives one hundred of the world's greatest cars, while an informative text discusses design, evaluation criteria, and technical specifications. AC Cobra   Alfa Romeo 8C 2300   Alfa Romeo P3   Alfa Romeo 2900   Alfa Romeo Giulietta and GTV   Alpine A110   Amilcar    Aston Martin DB2   Aston Martin DB3S   Aston
Naše cena 779,00 KČ (31,04 EUR)

Inside 100 Great Cars

Inside 100 Great Cars
Cut Away Drawings and Special Fold Out Features
Full-color cutaway drawings and special foldouts expose the technical virtuosity that drives one hundred of the world's greatest cars, while an informative text discusses design, evaluation criteria, and technical specifications. AC Cobra   Alfa Romeo 8C 2300   Alfa Romeo P3   Alfa Romeo 2900   Alfa Romeo Giulietta and GTV   Alpine A110   Amilcar    Aston Martin DB2   Aston Martin DB3S   Aston
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,85 EUR)

Inside 100 Great Cars

Kit Car Manual (2. vydání)
The complete guide to choosing, buying and building British and American kit cars
Kit car building is buoyant in both the UK and US, and increasing numbers of enthusiasts want to drive a tailor-made car that they have built themselves. The vast range of designs available ensures that there is a vehicle to suit all tastes, from replica sports cars to specialist track-day machines. This book, extensively updated to include the latest developments on the scene, including the now
Naše cena 2 999,00 KČ (119,51 EUR)

Kit Car Manual (2. vydání)

Kit Car Workshop Notes - Tips For Better Kit Car Building
The follow-up to the sold-out Special Builder's Notebook
Kit Car Workshop Notes is Derek Fisher's follow-up to the popular Special Builders' Notebook. Written in note form, it's a collection of hints and advice for the kit car builder arranged into logical areas of a kit car build. Easy to dip in and out of, it will be a great source of ideas for kit cars builders, whether you're a beginner or more experienced.
Naše cena 595,00 KČ (23,71 EUR)

Kit Car Workshop Notes - Tips For Better Kit Car Building

Komplexní problematika ručního a strojního nářadí a vybavení, včetně specifik amerického palcového systému.
Naše cena 999,00 KČ (39,81 EUR)

Petersen's Basic Automotive Tools & How tu use them

Prepare To Win deals exclusively with the nuts and bolts of race car preparation. It contains no theory, only down-to-earth specific instructions on how to set up a race car in a professional manner. Being professional does not necessarily mean being paid, it means doing things the right way, the only way, using logic, common sense, forethought and dedication. What Carroll does here, through his
Naše cena 1 364,00 KČ (54,35 EUR)

Prepare to Win: Nuts and Bolts Guide to Professional Race Car Preparation

Kniha klade hlavní důraz na tabulky technických, seřizovacích a identifikačních údajů, které jsou v opravářské praxi nejvíce potřebné. Obsahuje technologické údaje a pokyny pro vybrané práce.
Naše cena 299,00 KČ (11,91 EUR)

Příručka opraváře automobilů

Ročenka magazínu Svět Motorů na rok 1980. Obsahuje dobové testy, recenze, technické informace, poznatky z dobového motoristického světa. Z obsahu: ÚvodemEkonomika iízdy v automotoklubech a autoškolách SvazarmuVliv konstrukce a technického stavu vozidla na spotrebu palivaSprávná technika jizdy, zejména na hospodárnost„Ten chce to a ten zas ono"*Pár cisel na konec
Naše cena 199,00 KČ (7,93 EUR)

Svět Motorů - Auto Revue 1980

Ročenka magazínu Svět Motorů na rok 1980. Obsahuje dobové testy, recenze, technické informace, poznatky z dobového motoristického světa. Z obsahu: Stroje mistrů - plochodrážní motocykly Jawa Pneumatiky Král kolibříků Nehody, zranění, miliony 100 let automobilu Elektromobil a sport Kam nepronikli profesionálové Nákladní přívěsy pro mototuristy, chalupáře a chataře Automobilová minisalón 1986
Naše cena 199,00 KČ (7,93 EUR)

Svět Motorů - Auto Revue 1986

The Car Builder's Handbook
Tips and Techniques for Builders of Kit Cars and Street Rods
The Car Builders Handbook is a supplemental guide that provides basic tips, techniques, and background information to help make every project a success. Inside youll find sections on all phases of a typical project, including: planning(donor cars, budgeting, tools); chassis(brakes, shocks, painting, steering); powertrain & drivetrain; body; and interiors. If youre engaged in a partial or
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,73 EUR)

The Car Builder's Handbook

Průvodce / katalog světoznámým muzeem techniky v Beaulieu.
Naše cena 199,00 KČ (7,93 EUR)

The National Motor museum at Beaulieu - Guide 1979

TUNE TO WIN covers the development and tuning of the race car by clearly  explaining the basic principles of vehicle dynamics and relating these principles to the various systems of the racing car and to the inputs and control functions of the racing driver. The author explores the subject step by step and explains how and why each system is supposed to work. He then proceeds to tell us how to
Naše cena 1 365,00 KČ (54,39 EUR)

Tune to Win: The art and science of race car development and tuning

Which Oil?
Choosing the right oils & greases for your antique, vintage, veteran, classic or collector car
Features • Deals with a problem faced by every owner of an older car • No comparable publication • Author is experienced and completely independent • Brings clarity to a topic where much confusion exists • Covers all lubrication needs, not just engines • Gives simple step-by-step techniques to choose correct, safe lubricants • Includes a necessary mix of theoretical and practical information
Naše cena 382,00 KČ (15,22 EUR)

Which Oil?