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Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,85 EUR)


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Naše cena 721,00 KČ (28,73 EUR)
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Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily osobní a dodávky / _Repliky / kitcars / stavby

skladem novinka v akci
A-Z of Kit Cars
The definitive encyclopaedia of the UKs kit-car industry since 1949
Over the past 50 years the kit-car scene has evolved from one full of 'funny little plastic cars' to today's position where it embraces credible businesses making superb cars, such as Caterham, Westfield and Ultima. This comprehensive, authoritative and often humorous look at the UK's kit-car scene documents over 1,500 different vehicles, including the successes and the failures, the perennial
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,66 EUR)

A-Z of Kit Cars

The book covers many aspects about about how Tiger sports cars came to be, starting with Jims childhood through various businesses his first Lotus's, early legal problems down to his last £2k losing the family house Japan Tigers new Tiger models, Tiger racing and more.
Naše cena 855,00 KČ (34,07 EUR)

An Autobiographical History of Tiger Sportscars

Prodejní materiál zn. Apal pro modely Apal Corsa, Buggy Typ Mexican/Auki/Jet/L/C ročníků 197x. Obsahuje celkové fotografie, stručné textové popisy a data.
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,90 EUR)

Apal 197x (Prospekt)

Prodejní materiál zn. Apal pro model 198x Buggy Typ C/L/Jet/Corsa. Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie, textové popisy, specifikace a data, vč. vloženého ceníku.
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,88 EUR)

Apal Buggy 1977 (Prospekt)

Prodejní materiál zn. Apal pro model 197x Buggy Typ Kurz/Lang. Obsahuje celkové fotografie, textové popisy, specifikace a data, vč. ceníku.
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,90 EUR)

Apal Buggy 197x (Prospekt)

Prodejní materiál zn. Apal pro model 198x Francorchamps. Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie, textové popisy, specifikace a data.
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,88 EUR)

Apal Francorchamps 198x (Prospekt)

Prodejní materiál zn. Apal pro model 197x Jet. Obsahuje celkové fotografie, textové popisy, specifikace a data, vč. ceníku.
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,90 EUR)

Apal Jet 197x (Prospekt)

Prodejní materiál zn. Apal pro model 1986 Speedster. Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie/ilustrace, ceny jednotlivých kitů a součástek.
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,90 EUR)

Apal Speedster 1986 (Prospekt)

Prodejní materiál zn. Apal pro model 198x Speedster. Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie, textové popisy, specifikace a data.
Naše cena 699,00 KČ (27,85 EUR)

Apal Speedster 198x (Prospekt)

Although they were born 18 years apart, Derek Buckler and Colin Chapman were contemporaries when it came to designing and building ground-breaking sports cars in the late 1940s and early ’50s. They had much in common. Both were innovators, especially in areas of chassis design and improving the handling characteristics of their cars. Both founded successful companies and both died relatively
Naše cena 1 259,00 KČ (50,17 EUR)

Buckler: Sports Cars, Specials and Karts

This all-new colour book provides a step-by-step, extensively illustrated guide to building a two-seater, open-top sports car using standard tools, basic skills and low-cost materials. The down-to-earth text shows how to make the chassis, suspension components and bodywork, and advises on how to modify and use cheap but serviceable mechanical components from a Ford Sierra donor vehicle. The end
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,66 EUR)

Build Your Own Sports Car On a Budget

Katalog modelů firmy CMR Classic Replicars, zaměřený na převážně závodní vozy a jejich přepravníky.
Naše cena 99,00 KČ (3,95 EUR)

CMR Classic Model Replicars 2020

Cobra Replicas
The Essential Buyer's Guide
Features • Benefit from the author’s decades of reviewing, building and designing Cobra replicas • The real facts you need when deciding whether a Cobra replica is for you • Coverage of all UK models • Where and how to buy a Cobra replica – whether to build or buy secondhand • Advice on choosing the right type for your needs and your budget • Key checks – how to spot a bad car quickly •
Naše cena 306,00 KČ (12,19 EUR)

Cobra Replicas

Outside of the States, the UK's Cobra replica scene is one of the most exciting and prolific on the planet. In this book the author has visited all of the major players. looking closely at the cars and the companies behind them, to produce a hugely informative and entertaining read. Combined with invaluable advice on researching the scene, choosing a car that's right for you and your budget and
Naše cena 902,00 KČ (35,94 EUR)

Cobra Replicas

Reklamní a prodejní materiál zn. Dutton Cars pro model Leggera. Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie, textové popisy, velmi podrobné specifikace.
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,90 EUR)

Dutton Leggera (Prospekt)

The 1970s witnessed the rebirth of the British kit car. It may have been the decade that taste forgot, but it was also a period where nothing was off limits. Would sir or madam like their car with three wheels or six? How about a windscreen that handily doubles as a door? Perchance something more along the lines of an Edwardian ‘horseless carriage’ with no doors at all? Alternatively, maybe a
Naše cena 799,00 KČ (31,84 EUR)

Excess all areas, British Kit Cars of the 1970's

Nejlepší jízdní vlastnosti, ovladatelnost a brzdný účinek u sportovních vozů s příčnými trojúhelníkovými rameny, vinutými pružinami a teleskopickými tlumiči. Obsahuje kapitoly: integritu šasi, geometrii, světlé výšky, průhyby, tlaky, zatížení, pružiny, tlumiče, testování a nastavování. • Cuts through the mystique and confusion surrounding suspension and handling improvements• Applies to all
Naše cena 855,00 KČ (34,07 EUR)

How to Build & Modify Sportscar & Kitcar Suspension & Brakes

Průvoce krok-za-krokem pro stavu vašeho vysněného sportovního vozu za co možná nejnižších nákladů. Konkrétní příkladem je Avon, postavený na snadno dostupném základě Fordu Sierra s použitím jeho mechaniky: můžete použít řadové čtyřválce nebo motor V8 dle vlastního výběru, vč. Pinto, Zetec od fordu nebo K-series od Roveru. Všechny komponenty, včetně použitých dílů lze získat od firmy Tiger
Naše cena 855,00 KČ (34,07 EUR)

How to Build Tiger Avon or GTA Sports Car for Road or Track

Kit Car Manual (2. vydání)
The complete guide to choosing, buying and building British and American kit cars
Kit car building is buoyant in both the UK and US, and increasing numbers of enthusiasts want to drive a tailor-made car that they have built themselves. The vast range of designs available ensures that there is a vehicle to suit all tastes, from replica sports cars to specialist track-day machines. This book, extensively updated to include the latest developments on the scene, including the now
Naše cena 2 999,00 KČ (119,51 EUR)

Kit Car Manual (2. vydání)

Kit Car Workshop Notes - Tips For Better Kit Car Building
The follow-up to the sold-out Special Builder's Notebook
Kit Car Workshop Notes is Derek Fisher's follow-up to the popular Special Builders' Notebook. Written in note form, it's a collection of hints and advice for the kit car builder arranged into logical areas of a kit car build. Easy to dip in and out of, it will be a great source of ideas for kit cars builders, whether you're a beginner or more experienced.
Naše cena 595,00 KČ (23,71 EUR)

Kit Car Workshop Notes - Tips For Better Kit Car Building

Lotus Seven replicas & Caterham 7
The Essential Buyer's Guide
Features • Comprehensive manufacturer details • Body styles and retro parts information • Wide and narrow body options • Performance, suspension, and brake options • How to identify a collectible car • Covers second hand, new models, and kits • Legal issues, such as Individual Vehicle Approval, for unregistered cars • Engine options, including bike and car derivatives • Historical information to
Naše cena 397,00 KČ (15,82 EUR)

Lotus Seven replicas & Caterham 7

Reklamní prodejní materiál zn. Martin pro model Cabriolet Super Martin, ročníků 1986-1993(?). Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie a ceny.
Naše cena 199,00 KČ (7,93 EUR)

Martin Cabriolet Super 1986-1993 (Prospekt)

Fascinating tales of the many unique cars built under the Peter Filby banner over 30 years of magazine publishing. Written, devised, partly photographed and published by Peter Filby.
Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,87 EUR)

Project cars

Restomod is an English term used to define the modern restoration of cars built in the past and, when done skilfully and expertly, the operation produces models of rare charm because to the irresistible silhouettes of yesteryear, the mechanical craftsmen add contemporary solutions to make the experience at the wheel much safer, more reliable and faster than in the past. This book shows how
Naše cena 1 899,00 KČ (75,67 EUR)

Restomods 2 - Better - Faster - Cooler

Ritter 197x (Prospekt)
Votre VW sur Mesure
Reklamní a prodejní materiál zn. Ritter pro celou modelovou řadu výrobků - Dune Buggy, VW Ritter, Kit Buggy, Kit Ritter a různé doplňky od výfuků přes sedadla, až po disky kol. Rozložením vznikne oboustranný arch - leporelo.
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,73 EUR)

Ritter 197x (Prospekt)

Katalog náhradních dílů a průvodce pracemi při stavbě zn. Ritter pro model 1970(?) Buggy.
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,73 EUR)

reklamní a prodejní materiál zn. Ritter pro model 1970(?) Buggy. Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie, textové popisy, specifikace.
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,73 EUR)

Ritter Buggy 197x (Prospekt)

Put Carroll Shelby's name on a car and heads turn, crowds gather, and fast laps are turned. The Shelby name on the hood or side panel means the car has special equipment and special status on the racetrack and the street. As winners for three decades on tracks from Riverside to Le Mans, and on streets from coast to coast, Shelby cars are long on performance and mystique. Illustrated Shelby Buyer's
Naše cena 1 444,00 KČ (57,54 EUR)

Shelby Cobras, Mustang GT350s and GT500s, King Cobras, GT40s, Daytona Coupes...

Naše cena 1 795,00 KČ (71,53 EUR)

SNAKES ALIVE! : The Cream of 1980s British Cobra Replicas

This is a compilation of photographs and texts which highlights street rodding style and power on Main Street USA. T-buckets, custom pickups, Deuce Coupes, racing wreckers, and much more are pictured in full colour.
Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,87 EUR)

Street Action - Style and Power on Main Street USA

Prodejní a reklamní materiál zn. Euskotren pro model TD2000. Obsahuje celkové i detailní fotografie, technické specifikace, textové popisy.
Naše cena 199,00 KČ (7,93 EUR)

TD 2000 (Prospekt)

The Car Builder's Handbook
Tips and Techniques for Builders of Kit Cars and Street Rods
The Car Builders Handbook is a supplemental guide that provides basic tips, techniques, and background information to help make every project a success. Inside youll find sections on all phases of a typical project, including: planning(donor cars, budgeting, tools); chassis(brakes, shocks, painting, steering); powertrain & drivetrain; body; and interiors. If youre engaged in a partial or
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,73 EUR)

The Car Builder's Handbook

Ty nejdivočejší stavby, přestavby, tuningy a customy z oborů: Customs, Hot Rods, Street customs, Stock Car Racing a Drag racing.
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,90 EUR)

Wild Cars and Bikes
