When Charles Cooper and his son John built their first racing car in 1946 little did they realize they were embarking on one of motor racing's greatest design revolutions. Two of their first customers were to be amongst Britain's greatest drivers, the young Stirling Moss and the even younger Peter Collins. Cooper cars gave them an affordable start when they were barely old enough to have a
An exceptional iconography at the service of the most prestigious F1 Grand Prix of the season, three Formula Junior races finally revealed thanks to unpublished documents, the presence of Clark, Brabham, Gurney, McLaren, G. Hill, P. Hill, Surtees, Bandini, Siffert and Trintignant at the wheel of the mythical Ferraris, Coopers, Lotuses, Porsches, BRMs and Lolas; the participation of the iconic
July 1968 – The French Grand Prix succeeds the ACF Grand Prix on the famous circuit of Rouen-Les Essarts. The program is ambitious of R8 Gordini, Formula France, F3 and F1. Unpublished documents, testimonies, never released photos shed a new light on this race weekend mixed with joy and tears. Hear the roar of the V12s and the blaze of the V8s, meet Rindt, Stewart, Hill, Brabham, Ickx, Rodriguez,
Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: 1952-1972 great moments in Motor racing, technické novinky v produkčních vozech, auta roku, design a konstrukce GT aut, rychlostní rekordy, Formule 1, Emmerson Fittipaldi, Daytona 24-Hours, Can-Am, Targa Florio, Le Mans,
Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: 1973 - velké pohyby v automobilovém světě, technické novinky v produkčních vozech, auta roku, aerodynamika soutěžních aut, technická avoluce v motorsportu, rychlostní rekordy, Formule 1, Jackie Stewart, Henri Pescarolo, Gerard
Tradiční ročenka automobilového průmyslu, přinášející nejen nejnovější modely, ale rovněž přehled nabídky jednotlivých značek a výsledky sportovních seriálů. V tomto vydání: The Automotive industry in 1984, F1 Championship, Mille Miglia, Endurance World Championship, Le Mans 24 Hours, World Rally Championship, Season in the USA, European F2 Championship, European F3 Championship, European Touring
Now in its 46th year of publication, Automobile Year covers the year''s main motoring events, from Formula One to the latest styling studies and concept cars.' If you like cars, and want only one book a year,that's it!In 280 pages and over 450 photos, AY46 tells the story of a year full of incident, from close-fought battles over racing titles to equally-acrimonious struggles over the future of
The fifty-second edition of Automobile Year, published in December, will continue the format and high standards that the annual has established over half a century. As usual, the 2004/5 edition includes reports on all the world's major motor sports championships and expert analysis of activity in the world's major automobile manufacturing areas. There's a rundown of new cars introduced during the
The 56th edition of this leading motoring annual from innovative new publisher Christian Philippsen will continue the same format and high standards of production and content that have been established over half a century. As before, the book will be clearly divided into three sections: firstly, Industry and Markets, which focuses on concept cars, design, new models, economy and markets. Next
Une rétrospective de l'année, décryptée, analysée et illustrée sur tous les faits marquant du secteur automobile en 3 thèmes majeurs : Industrie, Sport et Culture.
Was lange währt, wird endlich gut! Bei dieser Auflage des Internationalen ADAC Zurich 24-Stunden-Rennens konnte sich Olaf Manthey in seinem 25. Anlauf als Fahrer beziehungsweise Teamchef endlich in die Siegerliste eintragen lassen. Wie ein Uhrwerk lief der Porsche 911 GT3 und stellte gar einen eindrucksvollen Distanzrekord auf, mehr als 100 Kilometer länger hatte das Quartett seine Bahnen durch
The already unique history's greatest motorsport event in the world is richer for another breathtaking chapter. "About this weather will be talked in years," it brought organization leader Peter Geishecker to the point.There was fog on Friday, Saturday and early summer on extremely heavy race in the night from Sunday to Monday. The 41st Edition of the ADAC Zurich 24-hour race offered before
Wer glaubte, beim Internationalen ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennen schon alles erlebt zu haben, der wurde bei der 45. Auflage einmal mehr eines besseren belehrt. Nachdem es bis eine Stunde vor dem Ende so warm war wie zuletzt 1986 und so trocken wie zuletzt 2001 griff der Wettergott in das Geschehen ein. Ein kurzer, aber heftiger Regenschauer vom Adenauer-Forst bis Breidscheid und ab der Hohen Acht bis zum
Anyone who believed to have seen all in the Internationales ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennen was proven wrong once again in the 45th running of the event. Until one hour before the end, it was as warm as it had last been back in 1986 and as dry as in 2001, but then, the weather turned things upside down. A brief, but heavy downpour from
In front of 230,000 spectators, the 47thrunning of the ADAC TOTAL 24-hour race at the Nürburgring seamlessly continued the tradition of previous races. Excitement, drama, tears of joy, huge disappointments and a surprising winner at the end. So, in fact, it was business as usual in Germany’s unique motorsport highlight at the famous Eifel circuit. Even though there were only six changes for the
The 48th ADAC Total 24h-Rennen produced another thrilling race on the Nurburgring Nordschleife despite the challenges brought about by the global pandemic. ROWE RACING secured the 20th overall win for BMW, 50 years after the Munich brand’s first win at the race. It was the first time since 2010 that a BMW crew has stood on the top step of the podium at the race, and it came after another year of
This lavish book tells the story of Stéphane Ratel’s journey from passionate young car enthusiast to architect of modern GT racing world-wide. Explained in his own words, and through those who have worked and raced with him, this extraordinary 25-year tale reveals the ups and downs behind the rise of GT racing to today’s world-wide phenomenon of great cars and great racing organised by the SRO
This lavish book tells the story of Stéphane Ratel’s journey from passionate young car enthusiast to architect of modern GT racing world-wide. Explained in his own words, and through those who have worked and raced with him, this extraordinary 30-year tale reveals the ups and downs behind the rise of GT racing to today’s world-wide phenomenon of great cars and great racing organised by the SRO
„Am Anfang schaute ich mich um, konnte aber den Wagen, von dem ich träumte, nicht finden: einen kleinen, leichten Sportwagen, der die Energie effizient nutzt. Also beschloss ich, ihn mir selbst zu bauen.“ – Als Ferdinand „Ferry“ Porsche mit der Entwicklung des 356 Nr. 1 Roadster begann, ahnte er vermutlich nicht, dass sein Traumwagen den Grundstein für eine weltweite Erfolgsgeschichte legen würde.
90 Jahre Nürburgring sind ein Grund zum Feiern - und Anlass genug für eine aktualisierte Neuauflage unseres Erfolgstitels von 2007. Für dieses prachtvolle und preisgünstige Buch über die Grüne Hölle haben die beiden Nürburgring-Kenner Michael Behrndt und Jörg Thomas Födisch, die bereits mehrere veritable Motorsport-Buch-Klassiker veröffentlicht haben, die besten Bilder und die aufregendsten
„When you’re in the car, the lights go out.“ So beschreibt Sir Jackie Stewart den Moment, als er auf dem Nürburgring zu einem Rennen startet. Und nachvollziehbar ist sein Gedanke, denn nirgendwo auf der Welt war und ist das Fahren gefährlicher als auf dem Nürburgring. Die Nordschleife dort führt über Berge, durch Täler und windet sich durch dichten Wald am Fuße einer alten Burg. Dieser Ort hat
When the brand was one of the greatest expressions in motor sport, there was a humorous joke going around that while not exactly making you laugh out loud, did penetrate the spirit: “Do you know what a hare is? It's an Abarth rabbit!” For decades, the Turin-based company, founded in Bologna on March 31st 1949 by Karl Abarth with Hapsburg rigour and a typical Italian spirit, made enthusiasts dream
This book celebrates the extraordinary sporting legacy behind the name Alfa Romeo, and is a unique record of every model of Alfa Romeo associated with official and, at times, not so official Alfa sporting achievements from 1945 to the present day. A photographic journey, featuring many rare period photographs. This book celebrates the extraordinary sporting legacy behind the name Alfa Romeo, and
Features • Unique story of one of today’s modern classic racing cars • The 155’s story has never before been covered • Comprehensive story of all competition models • Exclusive, behind-the-scenes detail • Written with the full co-operation and collaboration of Abarth/Alfa Romeo engineer, Ing. Sergio Limone • How the cars won several World and National Championships • Interviews with leading
Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ Dokumentation und Register von Martin Übelher und Patrick Dasse. Vor 60 Jahren, im November 1963, feierte die Giulia TZ von Alfa Romeo ihr Wettbewerbsdebut bei der Tour de Corse. Die "Tubolare Zagato" – ein Hinweis auf den Gitterrohrrahmen sowie den Designer der Karosserie – sollte zu einem der erfolgreichsten Fahrzeugtypen in der ohnehin langen Liste der Siegerwagen von Alfa
This book tells the remarkable history of an Alfa Romeo Monza and its characterful drivers and owners, some with life stories worthy of a movie script. Built in 1933, ‘2211130’ was raced that year by the Hon Brian Lewis and won the arduous Mannin Moar race on the Isle of Man. The car continued to be raced until the war by John Cobb (1934), Luis Fontes (1935), Anthony Powys-Lybbe (1936–37) and Fay
Dieses neue Standardwerk bietet eine vollständigen Überblick über alle Rennfahrzeuge der Mailänder Traditionsmarke. Die sportlichsten alle Alfa Romeo sind in verschiedene Kategorien aufgegliedert. So findet sich der interessierte Leser leicht zwischen einzelnen Boliden aus der automobilen Frühzeit, der Grand-Prix- und Formel-1-Szene, den Sportwagen- und Renn-Prototypen, den Tourenwagenund den
Das Alfa-Archiv hat uns seine Pforten für eine eindrucksvolle Entdeckungsreise geöffnet. Alfa-Spezialist und -Historiker Stefano Salvetti hat dort wahre Schätze gehoben: Sonderanfertigungen, Spezialkarossen und Kleinserien, hinreißende Coupé- und Cabriovarianten, Einzelstücke wie Michelottis "Goccia" und Pininfarinas Giulia TZ2 "Sport Speciale", Design-Experimente, Prototypen, Kombis, Spider,
Features • First book on these important sports cars of 60s & 70s. • Complete history of all the events, never appeared in print • Details of all the drivers of Alfa T33 • History of each model including development • Chassis histories-list of all chassis where known • Interviews with key period personalities • Significant proportion of previously unseen photographs • Live track tests of
Features • First book on these important sports cars of 60s & 70s. • Complete history of all the events, never appeared in print • Details of all the drivers of Alfa T33 • History of each model including development • Chassis histories-list of all chassis where known • Interviews with key period personalities • Significant proportion of previously unseen photographs • Live track tests of
This book focuses exclusively on the development of the Tipo 33 and the motorsport activities of the car during 1967. It was a long held belief that there was only scarce documentation available concerning Autodelta, the motorsport company. With the help of Dr. Marco Fazio we were able to unearth various diverse records from the Alfa Romeo archives which contained detailed reports of the race
Alpine was really the only sports car volume manufacturer in France until the seventies, but inspite of this and the outstanding competition history of the company, the history of Alpine is seldom treated seriously outside France. In 1946 Jean Redele took charge of his fathers Renault agency in Dieppe which gave him the opportunity to take up serious racing and rallying and in 1952 won the Sport
Features • The first time that the complete story of Gordini, Alpine and Renault has been brought together in one work • The first time the full story of Amedee Gordini has been told in English • The first complete history in English of all the racing cars and their races • Features unique illustrations of the cars • Packed with photographs from important period collections • Translated
Any motor racing fan will find this a "must" acquisition: an excellent photographic chronicle of American racing which draws upon scenes from the 50s and 60s to create an unusual chronicle of the cars and races involved. Excellent black and white photography forms the foundation for a world-wide examination of the sport's evolution and historic achievements during two decades of change. The
Originální a oficiální průvodce továrního týmu AUDI SPORT pro VIP návštěvníky a novináře závodu 24h Le Mans 2006 Tým Audi Sport Team Jost v Le Mans 2006. Popis vozu LMP1 Audi R10 TDI, profily a organizace týmu, jezdců, rozdělení vozidel, startovní listina, partneři, Le Mans historie, historické výsledky Audi a vítězové v Le Mans, Audi v motorsportu - historie, fotografie, popsy vozů a výsledky cca
It is a little known fact that the tiny Australian company, Elfin, was the world's second largest producer/manufacturer of racing cars ever. In the late 1950s, an imaginative, modest and dedicated South Australian, Garrie Cooper, realised his dream and began building a series of sports/racing cars in his small Adelaide factory. He called them Elfin, and the subsequent history of the marque is long
Ročenka světového automobilového motorsportu. Mapuje dění v sezóně 1981 v oborech: Grand Prix Formula 1, Le Mans, Indianapolis, okruhové závody cestovních vozů, Rallye, NASCAR a dragstery. U každé série přináší přehled týmů, jezdců, okruhů a výsledků.
Významná evropská automobilová muzea původní brožury, historie a další užitečné informace muzeí: Musero Ferrucio Lamborghini– karta Museo C. Stanguellini– harmonika Collezzione ASI Bertone– brožura z výstavy na Rétromobile 2020 – popis zachráněných studií a prototypů – 16 stran, ang/fr/it Museo Lamborghini– skládačka Pantheon Basel– brožura, mnoho fotografií – 48 stran, německy + výstava Graber
Das ultimative Buch zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum der Berliner RennstreckeDie AVUS ist legendär. 1921 beginnt ihre eigensinnige Geschichte als »Automobil-, Verkehrs- und Übungsstraße«. Sie wird zum Ort der Leidenschaft, sieht Helden kommen und gehen, bereitet den Weg in die Freiheit und sorgt selbst heute noch für den richtigen Puls der Hauptstadt.Als weltweit erste ausschließliche
Some cars are destined to enter the hall of fame even before their unveiling. Like the Ferrari BB (Berlinetta Boxer), not surprisingly compared to another famous B.B. in terms of glamour and striking image: the French diva Brigitte Bardot. The BB was the first Ferrari road car with a high-powered 12-cylinder rear-engined engine: not an easy transition for Maranello, as explained in this book by
Eine Kurve im Grenzbereich zu fahren und perfekt zu erwischen, ist eine der unglaublichsten Erfahrungen, die Du machen kannst. Du spürst, wie Du Dich am absoluten Limit bewegst , erklärt Sir Jackie Stewart das Phänomen Kurve . Sie sind das Salz in der Suppe jeder Rennstrecke, der Ort wo sich die Spreu vom Weizen trennt. Harry Miltner hat die 30 berüchtigsten Kurven des Motorsports ausgewählt und
Naše cena455,00 KČ (18,12 EUR)
Bluebird CN7 The inside story of Donald Campbell’s last Land Speed Record car
Features • The story of the Bluebird CN7 told by a member of the original design team • The name "Bluebird" is synonymous with world speed record breaking • CN7 is the fastest of the Bluebirds and the most sophisticated design ever produced for a wheel-driven record breaker • CN7 used technology and materials developed for the aircraft industry • The personalities involved • Previously
Success of the 315 roadster in the 1934 Alpine Trial put BMW on the road to sporting success, spawning the creation of the high-performance 328 in 1936 and its racing achievements before and after the war. Further achievements featured in this Ludvigsen Library photo book include: winning the 1940 Mille Miglia with a 328 coupe; its post-war influence on Veritas; hillclimb championships with the
Success of the 315 roadster in the 1934 Alpine Trial put BMW on the road to sporting success, spawning the creation of the high-performance 328 in 1936 and its racing achievements before and after the war. Further achievements featured in this Ludvigsen Library photo book include: winning the 1940 Mille Miglia with a 328 coupe; its post-war influence on Veritas; hillclimb championships with the
BMW Group Classic- karty historických automobilů a motocyklů koncernových značek – každá obsahuje základní data, historii typu a zajímavosti: Flottweg (cca 1921) - motokolo Victoria KR 1(1921) - moto BMW R 32(1924) – moto Rolls-Royce Phantom I 10EX Open Tourer (1926) – auto BMW R 62with Royal Sidecar (1928) – moto BMW 3/15 PS DA2 Convertible (1929) – auto BMW 3/15 PS DA3 Wartburg (1931) – auto
Brembo, leader in the development and production of high-performance braking systems, celebrates its 60th anniversary. A long period of time in which the Italian company's main mission has been to provide the best possible braking for champions of four and two wheels, as well as everyday drivers of cars and motorbikes. The history, evolution and ongoing success of this prestigious Italian company
The Bugatti Type 35 is one of the most successful racing cars ever made. With its excellent chassis, engine and braking, and classic styling, it has become an icon of 1930s motor racing. The car brought new standards of workmanship and finish to racing, and was the first grand prix car to be offered for sale to privateer competitors. The Type 35 and its variants won the challenging Targa Florio
The Bugatti Type 35 is one of the most successful racing cars ever made. With its excellent chassis, engine and braking, and classic styling, it has become an icon of 1930s motor racing. The car brought new standards of workmanship and finish to racing, and was the first grand prix car to be offered for sale to privateer competitors. The Type 35 and its variants won the challenging Targa Florio