Úvod »Motocykly»Kymco Zing » How To Rebuild 4.6-/5.4-Liter Ford Engines
Since 1991, the popular and highly modifiable Ford 4.6-liter has become a modern-day V-8 phenomenon, powering everything from Ford Mustangs to hand-built hot rods, and the 5.4-liter has powered trucks, SUVs, the Shelby GT500, and more. The wildly popular 4.6-liter has created an industry unto itself with a huge supply of aftermarket high-performance parts, machine services, and accessories. Its design delivers exceptional potential, flexibility, and reliability. The 4.6-liter can be built to produce 300 hp up to 2,000 hp, and in turn, it has become a favorite among rebuilders, racers, and high-performance enthusiasts.