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Naše cena 599,00 KČ (23,88 EUR)
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Naše cena 450,00 KČ (17,94 EUR)
Naše cena 749,00 KČ (29,86 EUR)

Viktor Vlček 

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založeno 1990

Automobily nákladní a tahače / Sterling

skladem novinka v akci
Publikace je obsáhlou encyklopedií, popisující všechny značky amerických těžkých tahačů, aktivních ve výrobě za posledních 100 let. Seznámí Vás s historií, produkcí a základními specifikacemi jednotlivých modelů, texty jsou doprovázeny více než 600 fotografiemi.
Naše cena 3 499,00 KČ (139,48 EUR)

100 Years of Semi Trucks

American Semi Trucks
Enthusiast Color Series
Kniha, která potěší srdce každého muže. Kolekce fotografií známých amerických dálkových tahačů, včetně značek Freightliner, International, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Diamond T, Western Star, GMC, White a Mack. Ačkoli jsou denní součástí amerických dálnic, symbolizují svobodu mužů za volantem na cestách napříč Amerikou. Skvělé fotografie zachycují mimo jiné detaily airbrushů a chromů těchto fascinujících
Naše cena 1 813,00 KČ (72,27 EUR)

American Semi Trucks

American Semi Trucks
A Photo History from 1943-1979
Prepare for a photo-packed look at trucks in action! Ron Adams has combed his huge archive of vintage truck photos to assemble this collection of over 300 black-and-white and color photos of postwar trucks. Prior to deregulation in the 1980s, distinctly branded trucks from hundreds of independent trucking firms worked America’s roads. Organized by decade, American Semi Trucks 1943-1979 features
Naše cena 989,00 KČ (39,43 EUR)

American Semi Trucks

Naše cena 329,00 KČ (13,12 EUR)

Amerikas Trucks und ihre Fahrer - Highway-Romantik

Big Rigs
The Complete History of the American Semi Truck
"Big Rigs" is a fabulous photographic tribute to these venerable workhorses of the road--American semi trucks and trailers--from the past 100 years. "Big Rigs" provides a general introduction to the history of big rigs, with chapters devoted to all of the major makes of Class 8 diesel trucks: Mack, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Freightliner, International, Western Star, GMC, White, and more. You’ll find a
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,69 EUR)

Big Rigs

Big Rigs Of The 1950s
The Crestline Series
The continued improvement of roadways and the dawn of the Interstate highway system in the 1950s was a boon to American industry in general and the trucking industry in particular. Railways no longer represented the only practical means of transporting goods from town to town and state to state. This marque-by-marque photo collection provides a comprehensive and nostalgic look back at the rapid
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,69 EUR)

Big Rigs Of The 1950s

This book follows on the heels of Big Rigs of the 1950s (0-7603-0978-7), which has proven popular with vintage truck fans. This book tackles a new era, the 1960s, providing views of the trucks that traveled America's highways during that decade. Photography again comes from the enormous archive of Ron Adams, author of Big Rigs of the 1950s, Mack Trucks, and 100 Years of Semi Trucks. Each prominent
Naše cena 772,00 KČ (30,78 EUR)

Big Rigs Of The 1960s

The 1970s was a turbulent decade for over-the-road trucking. The entire industry experienced unexpected setbacks that led to heretofore unseen technological advances. Early in the decade, CB radios were introduced, creating a pop culture phenomenon and a whole new language. Trailers became longer, allowing the transport of more goods than ever before. The fuel crisis of the mid-1970s created
Naše cena 772,00 KČ (30,78 EUR)

Big Rigs Of The 1970s

500 great photos of the best big rigs on the road today. See them in action as they powerfully crank through an honest day's work. Vivid color photographs and a lively text describe today's truck tractors and trailers. Includes all the key manufacturers like Mack, Peterbilt, International, Volvo, and GMC. Freightliner, Volvo, International, Kenworth, Marmon, Sterling, Autocar, Mack, Peterbilt,
Naše cena 760,00 KČ (30,30 EUR)

Big Rigs: On The Road With The World's Best Semi Trucks

American trucks and the men who drive them are the subjects of this eye-opening book. Like explorers discovering a strange land, the author and photographer of THE LONG HAUL give fresh and exci-ting views of the worid of the long-distance trucker. Breathtaking pho-tos of magnificent machines domi-nate the book : rainbow-painted, chrome-plated 500-horsepower monsters with stereo, CB, luxurious
Naše cena 975,00 KČ (38,87 EUR)

Kings of the Road: A Pictorial History of Trucks

Andere Länder, andere Laster: Wer hierzulande mit einem 38-Tonner über die Autobahn brettert, darf sich als »King of the road« fühlen. In Australien oder in den USA dagegen kann man mit einem solchen Gefährt keinem Trucker mehr imponieren. Doch Größe ist nicht alles. Auf den Straßen der Welt sind Frontlenker und Haubenschnauzer unterwegs, Zwei- und Viertakter, Diesel- und Elektromotoren. Wie sie
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,69 EUR)

Oldtimer Nutzfahrzeug Lexikon: Geschichte - Marken - Technik

This book follows on the heels of Semi-Trucks of the 1950s. As the '50s saw new and improved models after the starved war years, the Sixties was the decade for expansion, not only for truck manufacturers with a huge selection of models, but also for the trucking companies themselves with more places to haul. Construction of the Interstate highway system helped pave the way for faster and smoother
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,69 EUR)

Semi Trucks of the 1960s

Semi Trucks of the 1970s
A Coast-to-Coast Run Through the Last Great Era of the Big Rigs!
By 1972 there were nearly one million tractor-trailer rigs hauling every conceivable kind of cargo on America’s roads. Can you imagine the variety of trucks you would have seen at truck stops across the country? But the 1970s proved to be a decade of incredible change for the over-the-road trucking industry, and by 1980 fuel efficiency became a prime concern for companies. At this time, airfoils
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,69 EUR)

Semi Trucks of the 1970s

Semi Trucks of the American West
A Showcase of Regional Trucking 1900-1975
Prior to the 1970s, when length laws were written to allow longer configurations to run on the national interstate highway system, you would only see a lot of these trucks west of the Mississippi. Configurations such as the Rocky Mountain Double were not allowed in many states. Semi Trucks of the American West is the first book to showcase the unique truck/trailer combos and companies that worked
Naše cena 1 099,00 KČ (43,81 EUR)

Semi Trucks of the American West

Barevná publikace je historickým přehledem tahačů od roku 1946 do poloviny sedmdesátých let. Objevte krásu historických vozů a mohutnost zástupců šedesátých a sedmdesátých let. Naleznete zde výrobce nadále produkující tahače, ale i dnes již neexistující značky, např. Diamond T, Sterling, Western Star, GMC, Ford, Freightliner, International/Navistar, Kenworth, Mack a Peterbilt v nejrůznějších
Naše cena 1 270,00 KČ (50,63 EUR)

Semi-Truck Color History

After WWII Americans were anxious to re-stoke the economy after a long make-do with what you have dry spell. By the 1950s new highways were being built, new trucking companies were being formed and old ones revived. Americans were buying newly-styled cars and the latest technologies once again. Semi-trucks helped pave the way for this huge growth spurt in America with dependable trucks built by
Naše cena 1 999,00 KČ (79,69 EUR)

Semi-Trucks of the 1950s

After WWII Americans were anxious to re-stoke the economy after a long make-do with what you have dry spell. By the 1950s new highways were being built, new trucking companies were being formed and old ones revived. Americans were buying newly-styled cars and the latest technologies once again. Semi-trucks helped pave the way for this huge growth spurt in America with dependable trucks built by
Naše cena 1 499,00 KČ (59,76 EUR)

Semi-Trucks of the 1950s (SLEVA)

Prodejní reklamní materiál Sterling Trucks modelového roku 1999. Obsahuje přehled výrobního programu značky.
Naše cena 649,00 KČ (25,87 EUR)

Sterling Trucks 1999 (Prospekt)

American trucks and the men who drive them are the subjects of this eye-opening book. Like explorers discovering a strange land, the author and photographer of THE LONG HAUL give fresh and exci-ting views of the worid of the long-distance trucker. Breathtaking pho-tos of magnificent machines domi-nate the book : rainbow-painted, chrome-plated 500-horsepower monsters with stereo, CB, luxurious
Naše cena 2 475,00 KČ (98,66 EUR)

The Long Haul - Trucking in America

Von Cugnots Fardier bis zum Actros, der Zugmaschine neuester Generation von Mercedes-Benz mit Telligent-Getriebe, war die Geschichte der Industriefahrzeuge sehr reich an Ereignissen. Dieses Buch zeichnet nicht nur die sagenhafte Geschichte der großen Nutzfahrzeugkonstrukteure nach, sondern stellt die LKWs auch an Ort und Stelle vor: am anderen Ende der Welt etwa, wo Road Trains die Könige der
Naše cena 499,00 KČ (19,89 EUR)

Trucks - 1000 Fotos

Dieses faszinierende Buch präsentiert die bekanntesten Lastwagen, die in den vergangenen 230 Jahren weltweit gebaut werden. Über 400 farbfotos und illustrationen zeigen LKWs aus verschiedenen Blickwinkelnund Schnittbilder der Mechanik. Cugnot, London Steam Carriage, Dudgeon, Marie-Anne, Peugeot, Leyland Steam Van, Daimler, Stills, White, Foden, Fiat, Scania, Saurer, Mack, SAF, Autocar,
Naše cena 399,00 KČ (15,91 EUR)

Trucks - Modelle aus der ganzen Welt